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Sad to Report that Don Croft, Originator of the Chemtrail-dispersing Chembuster, Died in a Paraglider Accident on July 21, 2018 in Spokane, Washington
From Ken Adachi, Editor
July 24, 2018Facebook Censorship
To post this article on Facebook, link to the TinyUrl seen below. Facebook will remove any article identified as coming from Livingstone forwarded me a text message sent on July 22 by Al Gray stating that Don Croft had died in a Spokane hospital on July 21 as a result of apparent head injuries suffered in two crashes ( gusty winds) while attempting to lift off from Steptoe Butte in a paraglider accident on Saturday morning. Don remained conscious after the crashes, but later complained of dizziness and pain. His paraglider companion arranged to have Don flown to a Spokane hospital before the Sheriff department had arrived at the scene, but Don did not survive his injuries. Local newspapers reported that an autopsy is to be performed to determine the cause of death. Don was 69 years old.
How I Came to Know Don
I first started to receive emails from Don Croft somewhere around August of 2001. He was interested in learning more about the Joe Cell and he also told me of his and Carol Croft's discoveries concerning the unusual energy properties associated with a mixture of fiberglass resin, metal shavings, and quartz crystals. He also told me about a forum, originally started up by Stephanie Relfe in late Summer 2001, called the Cloud buster forum which he was soon moderating. In the beginning, I was printing out his emails, but didn't read them over carefully enough until a couple of months had gone by. Eventually, ZS Livingstone got me to focus more carefully on Don's stuff and I soon realized that chemtrails could be mitigated and dispersed with Don's newly created variation on a traditional Reich cloud buster, which I preferred to label a "chembuster" in my articles, rather than a "cloud buster" which was Don's preference.Don's chembuster and the orgone generator movement took off quickly in early 2002 and after a few months, there were literally thousands of Croft chembusters being set up in North America and around the world - breaking up chemtrails and adversely affecting the planned electronic mind control gulag being erected with the rapid growth of cell phone towers. The JWO was NOT pleased and sent out their CIA, FBI, Military intel, Mossad, and MI6 goons to harass and threaten the Crofts wherever they went. They both showed tremendous courage in taking on this challenge and surmounting all of the difficult obstacles placed in their path. Few people would have the guts and determination to do what Don and Carol did, and they deserve full credit for single handedly inspiring the take down of the electronic mind control grid and punching a huge hole in the JWO's chemtrail poisoning operations. I posted their encounters as The Adventures of Don & Carol Croft from 2002 until 2006
You can read the story on how Don discovered the chembuster and complete instructions on how to make your own at this link:
Goodbye Chemtrails, Hello Blue Skies! The Do-It-Yourself Kit for Sky Repair (Jan. 10, 2002)'ll have more to say about my (and likely others) recollection of Don Croft in another article, but for now will re-post a couple of news articles below on Don's unfortunate demise.
Although, I was no longer in contact with Don after Summer of 2006, I did notice that he was very enthusiastic and obviously happy about flying his own single prop airplane and had been experienced at paragliding for some time as well. So, at least he was doing something that gave him pleasure and a thrill. And to do something as chancy and physically demanding as paragliding at 69 years of age, is itself really remarkable.
God Bless Don Croft
He did something truly amazing and wonderful that will benefit humanity for a long time to come. The pioneering of orgone generator energy technology that Don made known to the world is a great accomplishment that I hope the world will always remember - belongs to him and Carol.May he rest in peace
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Articles & Essays by Don Croft Croft Daily Reports
Athol man, 69, dies after paragliding accident on Steptoe Butte.
UPDATED: Wed., July 25, 2018, 5:51 p.mBy Chad Sokol
(509) 459-5047
A 69-year-old man died after crashing his paraglider Saturday morning on Steptoe Butte, according to the Whitman County Sheriff’s Office.
Emergency medical personnel from the Steptoe and Colfax fire departments were called to the popular Palouse landmark at about 9 a.m.
Don Croft, of Athol, who had been paragliding with a friend, was later flown to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, where he died.
The friend told sheriff’s deputies that Croft had crashed twice while attempting to take off from the butte, apparently because of gusty winds. After the second crash, Croft complained of dizziness.
Sheriff Brett Myers said the friend called 911 about an hour after the crash, as Croft’s symptoms worsened.
“He was conscious for quite some time before he started experiencing more dizziness, more pain,” Myers said.
Myers said friends and family members described Croft as an experienced paraglider. He said deputies arrived at the butte after Croft was flown away, and he didn’t know if Croft had been wearing a helmet when he crashed.
Myers said the Spokane County medical examiner’s office would determine the cause of Croft’s death.
Editor’s note: This story was changed on July 25, 2018. A previous version misidentified the type of glider Croft had been using, due to a source’s error.
Updated: July 25, 2018, 5:51 p.m.
North Idaho man dies in hang gliding accident
WHITMAN COUNTY, Wash. - A North Idaho man died in a hang gliding accident on Steptoe Butte Saturday morning.
According to the Whitman County Sheriff's Office, deputies and emergency medical crews were called to the butte Saturday morning around 10:30.
Don Croft, 69, of Athol, suffered a head injury and was flown to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane where he died.
A friend who was hang gliding with Croft told deputies that Croft crashed twice. Both times it appeared as though gusty winds forced Croft's hang glider to crash as he was trying to fly off the Butte. After the second crash, he complained of dizziness which was getting worse. His friend then called 911.
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