Dr. Ruth B. Drown,
America's Greatest Radionics Innovator
The Untold Story Part 1
By Ken Adachi <Ken Adachi, Editor>
April 7, 2001
"The time has come to meet the third of my titans. Knowing, loving, and
serving her in the final years of her life was a rare privilege. You
may have heard many of the numerous and elaborate lies circulated about
Dr. Ruth Drown. Let me tell you the truth." Trevor James Constable in
The Cosmic Pulse of Life
Trevor's Role
Over the years, I occasionally heard of the name Ruth Drown with reference
to Radionics, but I really didn't know anything of her magnificent contributions
to humanity until Trevor Constable opened the door wide for me in his
masterwork, The Cosmic Pulse of Life (1976). In a previous article,
The Visual Ray (http://educate-yourself.org/tjc/visualray21may0.shtml),
I explained how I happened to come upon this wonderful book and the treasures
that are held within its covers. After widening the path for us 25 years ago,
we now see greater recognition for two of Trevor's Titans, Wilhelm Reich
and Rudolf Steiner, but much more needs to be told of the astounding
accomplishments of Dr. Ruth B. Drown, whose legacy might have remained known
to but a handful of students of Radionics had it not been for the Cosmic
rescue launched by Trevor Constable.
A Brief Biography Ruth Drown
was born in 1892 in Greeley, Colorado. Her father was a professional photographer
and taught young Ruth all he knew of the photographic processes. Years later,
this background would play an important role in her development of Radio
Vision, an invention of such inestimable importance and merit to the healing
arts that it should have carried her to the stage in Stockholm. Instead, her
work, her inventions, her honor and finally her life, were all shattered by
a calculated onslaught organized by the Little Men of Big Medicine using their
media pimps and government stooges to destroy her. These jackals of greed
and duplicity always seem to reserve their greatest torments for those who
would relieve man's suffering the most, as was seen in the case of Dr. Royal
Raymond Rife whose great discoveries in cancer research and therapy were obliterated
by the same medical mafia (see The Cancer Cure ThatWorked!
by Barry Lynes). Dr. Drown's persecution was remarkable in both the continuing
torment of her detractors and her tenacity to preserve in the face of such
unrelenting and withering ridicule endured over many, many years. Quoting
from page 233 in Trevor's book:
"During her lifetime, Dr. Ruth Drown was one of the most widely misrepresented
and vilified women in America. The poisonous rubbish circulated about her
in magazines and newspapers was never written by anyone who knew her. Alleged
technical descriptions of the Drown work, invariably condemnatory and always
inaccurate, were printed in national magazines and published in books by
writers who had never even met Dr. Drown, let alone had studied her work.
The pillorying went on for decades."
So exactly what did Ruth Drown do that drew the wolves to her door?
Stated simply, she succeeded mightily where the great men of medicine had
failed and they hated her for it. She developed and refined a means of diagnosis,
treatment, and visual representation on photographic plate of any cross section
of disease organisms, tissue or organs of her choosing that qualitatively
exceeded anything offered by organized medicine in the first half of
the 20th century or indeed of that which is offered today. The amazing journey
that carried her to the pinnacle of great achievement is the stuff of legends.
A less auspicious candidate for greatness could not be imagined.
Ruth B. Chase married a farmer, Clarence V. Drown, at the age of nineteen
and assumed the domestic life of farmer's wife and mother to their two children,
Cynthia and Homer. Inexplicable friction, however, developed between the couple
in their seventh year of marriage and the situation soon became intolerable.
With eight hundred dollars in her purse, Ruth left with her two children and
moved to Los Angeles in 1918 where she opened a gas station and lunch counter
for about a year before selling the business to the mechanic who had previously
been working for her. She then found comfortable work at a Hollywood photographic
lab utilizing the skills learned at her father's side, but soon was offered
a better paying job with the Southern California Edison Company arranged by
a woman friend from her home state who was secretary to an executive with
the company. Ruth was placed in charge of mechanical addressing machines in
the company's accounting department. The job required mechanical skills and
maintenance experience that Ruth did not possess, but she made up her mind
that she was going to perform well at her new job. Returning to Trevor's narrative:
"She took over a room full of clanking mechanical beasts that gobbled
in paper andvomited addressed bills. A belligerent young German
assigned to show her around made it clear that he didn't think
she could do the job. 'We got along like twostrange bulldogs,' she
recalled of the time, 'and his attitude made me determined to
succeed.' Buckling down, she put her fierce will to work. Latent mechanical
abilityburst into expression. She mastered the operation, maintenance,
and repair of themachines, and was soon in charge of the addressing
department. Fifteen girlsworked under her direction. The Edison
period brought her phenomenal mechanicalaptitude to light, and her
later work would have been impossible without awakening these
dormant talents." (page 236)
During her four years with Edison, as her mechanical aptitude blossomed,
she also developed a passion for radio which was not uncommon in those early
years of radio. She enjoyed assembling crystal radios from spare parts gathered
at radio stores where various components were chosen from huge bins. While
other customers needed to carefully examine the size, values and ratings of
the components in order to calculate their effect, Ruth demonstrated an impressive
intuitive ability for knowing which parts were needed without bothering to
study theory and laboriously analyzing how the circuits might work. She possessed
a knowing. Trevor said that she would merely pluck spare parts from
these large bins, in a seemingly random fashion, and return home to assemble
a radio which worked perfectly, without any spare parts left over!
Dr. Strong's Lecture
In 1923, Ruth Drown attended a lecture given in downtown Los Angeles by Dr.
Frederick F.Strong that would profoundly affect the course of
her life. Dr. Strong was lecturing on the application of radio energies to
the treatment of disease conditions. Initially drawn to the lecture by her
interest in radio, Ruth found Dr. Strong, a Cornell graduate who had studied
at the University of Berlin and other European academies, to be an inspiring
humanitarian who was
". able to stir mighty but heretofore dormant forces in Ruth Drown.
As she dweltupon the potentialities of radio therapy, she felt the
electrifying effect of inspiration.She knew intuitively and immediately
that her future lay with this new idea.Getting into this kind
of work became a matter of urgency for Ruth Drown from the time she
heard Dr. Strong's lecture " (page 237-38)
As it turns out, Ruth happened to know Dr Strong's secretary, Maude Breeze.
She inquired of Maude about the possibility of working for Dr. Strong as a
nurse, but Maude told her that the only position available was that of part
time office assistant. Ruth leaped at the opportunity. She knew what she was
doing when she left her high paying position with Edison to take a much lower
paying part time job with Dr. Strong, and she was happy and excited to do
so. A new world was about to open for her.
Dr. Albert Abrams Dr. Strong
was using the techniques and methods developed by Dr. Albert Abrams,
who could justifiably be called the Father of Radionics in America. Dr. Abrams
was a highly educated man with impeccable academic credentials from the University
of Heidelberg where he garnered top honors and even a gold medal. As a distinguished
Stanford University medical professor, he would have been feted for the rest
of his life as a great authority in the field of medicine had he continued
to embrace the orthodox approach, but he became the victim of intense vilification
and excoriation by the orthodoxy because he had discovered something about
the nature of biological tissue that almost exactly paralleled what the Russian
engineer, Georges Lakhovsky (http://educate-yourself.org/be/lakhovskyindex.shtml),
had discovered in France: that all histological tissue whether it came
from a man, animal, insect, or a microbe radiated (and were affected
by) very high frequency emanations that could only be described in their day
as electromagnetic radiation since that was the only available nomenclature
at the time.
Etheric Life Energy
Later, however, Wilhelm Reich would more accurately identify this esoteric
form of radiation as a constituent manifestation of the ether, which
he labeled orgone energy. Still later, author Gerry Vasillatos would
refer to this radiation as a component of Vril energy, which he describes
handsomely in his published volumes known as The Vril Compendium (Borderland
books). Despite the different names given to the life force energy, it's important
to bear in mind that the bioenergetic 'signals' that Lakhovsky and Abrams
were describing were not really electromagnetic waves at all, as they had
assumed at the time, but were rather a much finer and infinitely more powerful
radiation of the ether which was elaborated upon by Rudolf Steiner, Guenther
Wachsmuth, Ernst Lehrs, and more recently by author Ernst Marti (The Four
Ethers 1984) as being composed of four sub categories known as the Warmth
ether, the Light ether, the Chemical ether (also called
the Sound or Number ether), and the Life ether. It should also be clarified
that electromagnetic waves are "carried" by the ether, a notion foreign to
conventional physicists, yet true, since there would be nothing for the wave
to "wave in" when traversing the vacuum of space.
Numerical Identification Possible
Abrams' ideas about the vibratory nature of tissue and disease organisms allowed
him to theorize and later validate that these subtle emanations from biological
tissues could be detected and classified numerically. He called
this detection process the Electronic Reaction ofAbrams or
E.R.A. and fashioned a new system of diagnosis and therapy based on this discovery.
The very words to describe the process, however, such as electronic
and radionics, ultimately became an obstacle that created a misdirected
focus as to the true nature of the energy being considered. It also made it
easier for vested orthodox debunkers to deride and ridicule the science as
a whole. Trevor explains:
"Terminology inevitably became a stumbling block in this new approach
todiagnosis. Development of Abrams' work paralleled the first major
and generaltechnological development of radio. All this took place
as well at a time when humanconsciousness of radiation was just
dawning. Terms were used in Abrams' work-such as radio-therapy-that
were drawn from another technology altogether. Theterminological
confusion has persisted right down to this day, and through thedecades,
an expertise has been automatically assigned to radio physicists in evaluating
radionics. In fact, such people know nothing whatever about the energyinvolved in Abrams or Drown instruments, and have contributed greatly
to thethrottling and ridicule of American research along the lines
started by Abrams."(page 239)
Abrams' Method of Diagnosis
Obtaining the E.R.A. in the Abrams system of diagnosis involved three people:
1) the patient himself or a bioenergetic substitute
for the patient-a drop of his blood; 2) a person in good health who would
serve as the "subject" (Abrams' term) and 3) the diagnostician or operator
of the equipment. The procedure involved comparing the difference in 'tunings'
obtained from the healthy 'subject' and the diseased patient or from his blood
sample. The subject essentially acted as a detector for identifying the particular
pathogens affecting the patient. Equipment wise, the Abrams' diagnostic method
involved using one leg of the standard electrical outlet (110 Volts AC at
the time) and this caused his test to be adversely affected by certain colors,
or particular foreign substances found present in the room when the test was
being performed.
Abrams' Treatment Protocol
For treatment, the Abrams method required the use of an electrode placed over
the affected area and sometimes glass wands were used, swept back and forth
over the appropriate region. The Abrams method allowed the physician to treat
one person or treat an entire group of patients at the same time with a single
hookup. Doctors using the Abrams method enjoyed a degree of success in treatment
and occasionally the results were spectacular, providing great encouragement
for those practitioners, but success for Abrams came more in the area of greatly
improved diagnostics. The discovery of the E.R.A. allowed Abrams and his followers
to lock onto the characteristic resonant frequency of the pathogenic invader
and thus identify its presence and type, unlike their orthodox colleagues
who were essentially engaged in educated guesswork. The day would come when
Ruth Drown would greatly expand the important foundations in Radionics established
by the astute and refined mind of Dr. Albert Abrams.
A New Chapter
After starting to work for Dr. Strong, Drown's intuitive abilities and healing
instincts became immediately apparent. She quickly gained an admirable reputation
among the patients she ministered to as well as among other doctors using
the Abrams method. One such physician, an osteopath by the name of Dr.
Thomas McAllister, took such a strong interest in Ruth's skills, that
he asked her to come work for him as a full time employee and she accepted.
Impressed by her eagerness to learn, he lent her his books and gave her personal
instruction in the medical arts. A patient of De McAllister's, Louise Thrall,
was so grateful for the quality of care she received at Ruth's hands, that
she loaned her $5,000 so she could attend Osteopathic College in Kirksville,
Missouri. Unfortunately, Ruth could only attend one year before being forced
to return home to Los Angeles due to the deteriorating health of her mother
who had been taking care of her two children.
Needing to support and raise her children, she remained in Los Angeles and
entered Chiropractic college, graduating in 1926. She became licensed as a
Doctor of Chiropractic in California in 1927. While attending Chiropractic
school, Ruth spent much of her time experimenting in new ways to manipulate
the life energy encountered in Radionics diagnosis. She knew that she had
to simplify the Abrams procedure and eliminate the need for using a healthy
'subject' to determine the diagnosis for the patient. She became convinced
that the use of wall outlet AC electricity was a huge mistake and contaminated
the patient with a coarse and brutal energy that was anathema to the subtler
life force emanations. Above all, she wanted to individualize the diagnosis
and apply treatment custom tailored to maximize the healing effect for the
individual patient. From page 242:
"Experience and intuition thus united to convince her that commercial
electricpower was in some way inimical to the energy she was seeking
to tune andmanipulate. A quarter of a century later, Dr. Wilhelm
Reich was to find out in the Oranur Experiment.that a fierce
and potentially lethal antagonism exists betweenlife energy and
electromagnetic energy. Worth noting also is that Kirlianphotography-now
becoming widely investigated in our universities-depends uponexciting
the life energy with high-frequency energy in order to make the life energy
luminate. In this application, the antagonism between the two energy forms
isutilized to objectify the life energy, although this simple fact
appears to elude mostpersons doing this work."
The Cosmic Connection
We should also mention an important commonality shared between Strong, Drown,
and Abrams. They were all ardent and serious students of metaphysics. Strong
was a Theosophist who understood completely the underpinnings of physical
matter as the realization or expression of energy patterns encoded within
the unseen etheric body or human aura (also called the vital
body, the functional body, the orgone body, the formative-force
body, and the later Russian designation of bioplasmic body). Ruth
Drown had been studying metaphysics since 1916 and later in her life, she
published books that echoed her atunement with ancient themes of Atlantean
wisdom and frequently wrote of the role of the Kabbalah as a gateway
to higher planes of human consciousness and knowledge. Dr. Abrams was so highly
attuned to the spiritual plane that he could unerringly name both the hour
and day of anyone's passage from the physical into the spiritual realm-including
his own-which he accurately predicted publicly a year before his death. Franklin
Thomas, an extraordinary clairvoyant and guiding mentor to Trevor Constable
in his early years, described Ruth Drown
".as a 'unique cosmic figure' standing far above her contemporaries insignificantobservation: ' In Atlantean times, she was a master of
these forces that we nowdabble with as radionics, and she is in the
body at this time to contribute to theirrebirth on a higher arc.' Franklin
Thomas had the clairvoyant ability-as mentioned in connection with Rudolf Steiner-
to travel back in time and read the events of otherepochs." (page 234)
In 1935, Dr.
Drown had perfected an instrument that was the logical extension of her experience
with photography, film development and radionics. She accomplished something
that is simply mind boggling. She developed a simple apparatus that was largely
a modification of her Homo-Vibra Ray Instrument. She devised a way to channel
the same etheric Life Force energy that she was detecting with the diagnosis
portion of her instrument though a photographic plate and utilizing a special
reverse method of film development, produced stunning photographs of soft
and hard tissue anywhere within the body using only a dried drop of the patient's
blood on a piece of blotter paper. In 1960, she published an 8" x 5" booklet
intended for physicians called Radio-Vision, Scientific Milestone. Within
that booklet were 22 of the most astounding photographic plates ever recorded.
Sharply detailed and contrasted images of various organs and tissues of the
body shown in cross section (much as would be seen with a CAT scan) made without
the presence of the patient and involving no harmful exposure to radiation,
electromagnetism, drugs, and at very little expense. Reprints
of the Radio-Vision booklet are available on the Products page (http://educate-yourself.org/products/index.shtml#drownbooks).
Next time.
In Part 2, we'll continue Trevor Constable's wonderful biographical and personal
recollections of Dr. Ruth B Drown. We'll examine in detail with narrative
and graphics the DrownInstrument, a marvel of advanced cosmic
inventive genius, which remained totally misunderstood and incomprehensible
to her ignorant, arrogant and unenlightened orthodox tormenters, while providing
accurate diagnosis, relief and cure for thousands upon thousands of Drown
patients. Lastly, we'll provide a comprehensive overview (including histological
photos) of the greatest invention in modern medical history, Radio-Vision.
A device capable of reproducing on a photographic plate, a cross sectional
view (similar to that seen in a CAT scan) of soft or hard tissue from anywhere
in the body accompanied by razor sharp images of accompanying microbes or
tumors in situ, without the need for electricity, radiation, giant
electro magnets, hospitals, high cost, or even the physical presence of
the patient-and all this in the 1930's!
Until then, Keep looking to Nature for all your answers in health.
Sincerely, Ken Adachi
For more information about the books of Dr. Ruth Drown, go to our Products
page and scroll down to Radionics under Books. Look for The
Books of Dr Ruth B. Drown.
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.