Accepting the 'Government was Incompetent' Katrina Spin Will
Kill Us
[Editor's Note: People, who I don't know, forward material
to me all the time.They never identify themselves, nor do they ever explain
to me even one word about the context of the material being forwarded. I'm
expected to wade through it all and figure out the 'who", 'why' , 'what',
and 'how' of whatever's being sent. I can't tell you how annoying this is
for me.
You will notice that I've been 'volunteered' to be part of
the mailing list sent by "human voice" who apparently is the coordinator
of the "I Am My Design" (<>) group,
whoever they are! This e-mail contained an attachment of the essay reproduced
below. It's a good essay. It's not well written, but it hits the target
and that's why I'm posting it.
One ordinary woman ("mom" I guess), comes to the
realization that her government is in the throws of treason. Her government
is betraying their own citizens in order to drastically reduce the population
of this country and to LITERALLY enslave those who remain alive in the aftermath
of the planned destruction and chaos that the government is coordinating.
At the moment, they are mostly using OTHER citizens of the SAME country
(the USA) to carry out this act of betrayal and genocide. We call these
'other' citizens New Orleans, or Boston, or Los Angeles, or Seattle, or
New York, etc. 'policemen'. We also call these other citizens 'state police',
or FBI, or NSA, or CIA, or military intelligence groups, or Homeland Security,
or FEMA employees, etc.
We now find out -from the Internet- that ARMED soldiers from
Mexico have now entered the United States. We will be told that they are
here to "help" in the Katrina disaster. And of course , they WILL
help, to some extent at least, in this early phase of the betrayal, but
they will NOT always be here just to 'help' in the coming months. They,
along with the GERMAN troops OPENLY stationed at an Air Force base in New
Mexico (?) and perhaps the Chinese and Russian troops scattered throughout
underground bases in this country will also show up on American streets
to 'help' in the coming months as well, as more and more "unexpected'
disasters unfold in America.
If you are reading this and have a personal or family connection
to one of the 'other' citizens who are part of this huge betrayal machinery,
then you must do something to convince them to STOP participating in the
treason and destruction of their own country and fellow citizens. This evil
COULD NOT continue without the cooperation and toil of these 'other citizens'.
We have to become more savvy and sophisticated in our recognition of the
planned manipulation. For example, Brown was INTENTIONALLY CHOSEN PRECISELY
BECAUSE HE WAS SUCH AN UNQUALIFIED DUFUS. When the Katrina 'incompetence'
spin is put out by the media whores, we then tell the American people that
the 'problem' will be fixed by replacing Brown with a MILITARY man. How
convenient! We can now all rest easy knowing that the 'incompetence' problem
has been solved and we can go back to sleep.....Ken]
By Kerry Mosser
September 9, 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "human voice" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 2:40 PM
Subject: HOT LEAD.....and a little fuel from a lady from Texas.
In the process of coordinating volunteeeres and programs, being slowed down
by FEMA, my mom met a lady who told her a story about her son-in-law. He
is a member of the elite RED HORSE Air Force Engineer Squadron...sitting
on his ass in Las Vegas and told his mother in law that he is bewildered
why he hasn't been sent in yet and there are armed, un-escourted Mexican
Troops in Texas?
It all came in a flury of confusion and I have her backtracking
to find out who this lady is.
The following text is from an email that my mom sent
sister and she had to forward it to me? Hey, whats going on here?
My mom is a Volunteering master, from "meals on wheels"
to church and civic duties across the board in the area. Armed with a great
sence of humanity and morality (not to mention a sence of humor), she's
a hero to her firends and family and here is why that is so:
Placing clarification in ( ).
"I spent two days working at Reese (airforce base outside
of Lubbock that was, for the most part, shut down years ago) with the hurricane
group. And Yesterday I lost it. There are 400 people sleeping on the floor
of an airplane hanger on blow-up mattresses. No privacy and being warehoused
for ten days is an crime in my book. Especially when there are plenty of
hotel rooms in this city. We ran out of volunteers yesterday morning between
breakfast and lunch. Lubbock, of course, poured out the support but by noon
Wed. they did not have enough people to get lunch ready and oh Lord, today
the Govenor's wife will "serve lunch" wonder if she will stay
and wash the dishes later! This just is not right. Old people should be
in a care facility of some kind, and mothers have a 6 x 6 foot space to
take care of kids. No one knows what is going on. Phones do not work.
I just went out there Tuesday to find out about a job fair,
and deliver some forms, next thing I know I am directing the volunteers
who have come to work. Lots on Mon, Tue, fewer on Wed, and I am really scared
to think of what the week-end holds. I told Steven(our dad) everyone is
suffering from disaster envy. They want to do something. But after they
spent a few hours they are tired like everyone else and do not sign up again.
To me is it like Lubbock just got a new petting zoo. No one seems to think
warehousing 400 people in a crisis is dangerous and wrong.
Yesterday some lady showed up with 100 carnations. We thought
that was nice so we sent her to the dining hall to have the volunteers there
pass them out or put them on the tables. She came back later and said the
man from the Salvation Army said they could not do that because they did
not go throught the proper delivery channels. I told her BS and sent her
back, the girl that went with her said they just put them in a big box and
left them. I knew that this wouldn't be good so I went and got them and
gave them to the Mormon kids that I got to load a truck with the supplies
that no one wants. It is a scary day in Lubbock, so I think I will go hang
out with the cowboys and Indians instead. We will get it all done, later."
My mom wrote this and she rules.
She's my hero.
Original Title
Essay on the Acceptance of Incompetence in Our Government and in Our thinking
-It's Killing Us.
By Kerry Mosser September 9, 2005
I am not going to allow anyone to continue the chatter around
me that the Katrina disaster relief effort DISASTER was just incompetence.
Sure Michael Brown, sophomore director of FEMA, should be fired, no doubt.
That should just be the start.
My bro, love him, could not accept that this was a deliberate act of our
GOV, (NO ONE WANTS TOO, and no logical father and husband wants to even
consider this is what his kids have before them). Incompetence he could
understand. Everyone makes mistakes. In agreeing that Brown is not qualified
for the position gave him call to say that it's Brown fault. True dat, to
some respect. I am reminded of a quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt, ‘In
politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was
planned that way.”
State and local officials have never been abandoned by the
FED in a catastrophe before, ever. Nor has the FED ever tried to make the
GOV and Mayor of a city sign over power of their jurisdiction over to the
FED, that we know of. They made them sweat it out for 4 days, possibly expecting
them to crack under the pressure.
It is irresponsible and pigheaded to try and lay blame at
the local level. FEMA and Bush must have missed the repeating coverage of
the pre Katrina, "Get the Hell out of the City, Suzy!" press conferences.
What can't be forgotten, is a strong fact (and should raise more questions)
new (2nd year) to the position or not, IS THE FACT THAT standard procedures
have been in place for the past 60 or so years, if not longer. That relief
and rescue are put into place before the storm on its safe side and when
the damage is done, send in the help immediately. Season after season this
has worked this way. They did not have to recreate this procedure, it's
a script. Follow the game plan, it has worked every time.
Bush openly told this guy, "GOOD JOB." and he meant
it. Michael Brown is where he is to be a "YES" man and did as
he was told, despite the risk and "after heat." Well, I say Brown
followed the plan and did exactly as he was told. This is not the first
hurricane the Bush administration has seen, nor Mr. Brown’s. This
goes to the top. The only difference here is the level of destruction and
the level of needed help. Could that increased need shut down FEMA and the
GOV’s relief efforts completely? (links to Michael Brown’s past
at the end of the essay)
YOU have already forgotten that Mr. Brown was involved in
a scandal as head of FEMA last don't remember do you, I didn't?
South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported and started the investigation that would
be virtually ignored by congress that "FEMA, under Brown's management,
inappropriately gave away $31 million in disaster relief funds to people
in the Miami, Florida, area even though they were not affected by Hurricane
Frances, which made landfall more than 100 miles away."
I am so pissed that my hands are shaking, making it hard to
This is the second time in 4 years that procedures that are
in place to insure NATIONAL SECURITY were STOPPED and the citizens of the
US were killed in the thousands because of it. IRAQ is such a mess that
I don't even have to go there.
Incompetence can not be allowed to be an excuse. Government
officials DON"T have that convenience. Look at history. This is the
first stretch of time in HISTORY that the U.S. general public has stood
by and accepted this as an excuse. Johnson accepted his mistake like a man
and resigned (after millions were dead, let's not take that long). Nixon?
Resigned. I don't recall anything under Ford or Carter, but I haven't looked
either, yet.
For the next 25 years, issues like Oliver North keeping his
mouth shut for Reagan/G.H. Bush during Iran-Contra, then the HUD scandal,
then there was the Reagan/Bush Franklin Securities Cover up in the Washington
Times(research that one or do you remember the summer of '89? I doubt it.
I didn't). Clinton, charisma or not, lied about a blow job and tried to
separate himself from Whitewater and damn near got impeached. And he should
have, not only because what he accomplished against the American people
behind closed doors for financial gain is deplorable, but because since
then, it is obvious we have learned to accept actions like that from the
...PRESIDENT? GW Bush's lead of an administration of public deception and
lies is so common place that I am forced to say that WE ARE LOST.
Do your own search to remind yourself. Don’t just trust one source
then look at where or who is saying what.
On the inquiry by the Senate on claims of Weapons of Mass
Destruction not found by the Senate committee, George Bush told you, "We
thought they had them, you thought they had them, but we can't dwell on
that. We have to move on."
It's has been stated that GW barely won this past election,
51% to 49% of the vote. Are we supposed to believe that the 49% of the population
is dumb, uninformed and ignorant? Or is that the representation of the remaining
moral and ethically based individuals that fight and die to reinstate moral
and ethically correct politics as it was set up to be (if there is such
a thing) with a strict guideline of checks and balances.
In less than one year his approval rating has dropped to 13%
think he is doing an excellent job.,,SB112481890611420718-_YHqCe_oM7fXMITSkTO2yCR8ZiM_20060824,00.html?mod=blogs
Do we live in a country where we accept that type of job rating from our
highest dignitary? Maybe most of the 51% realized they were lied too and
misinformed by the main stream media?
What happened? Was it the placement of cooperative Presidential
administration members, advisers and council into the positions of power
like David Gergen and others? Maybe or maybe not. Not sure if FOX News applies
to this standard, I'll have to look for myself.
The tough road we have to take to inform ourselves defies
everything we have been taught. The media used to be based on FACT, good
journalism and good sources. That was its basis of existence. It served
its country and purpose separated from the government, holding our GOV official
directly accountable for their actions. That time has gone, for the most
part. You can’t go to just to one news source anymore, although the
main stream media, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and yes, even FOX News has been able
in time of dire human suffering has reported stories that goes against their
general game plan. Where they let the public down is by following orders
and not following up on a story, killing the buzz and relying on the forgetfulness
we have proved to share.
Today, faith in independent journalism is much like religion.
It’s a leap of faith. I have found that you have to be careful here
too. That leap of faith, unlike religion, can be bolstered by fact. But
those facts should and are naturally going to be under scrutiny because
of what we have been conditioned to know as reliable news sources are the
main stream media outlets. So you have to look at the story, the journalist,
and the journalist past work, the source and the multiple reports from other
sources about the same subject. Then we are forced to check those sources
because they may not have the 60-80 years of history in the business. But
they might be part of the 49%. Educated, intelligent journalist that work
on a basis of truth, ethics and morals, not the for the job, fame or money
and against massive odds. Have you ever asked what these journalist and
“whistle blowers”, in a capitalistic society, could possibly
gain from going against the main stream and the establishment when that
establishment has proven over and over again that they can just find you
and kill you? Have you ever thought to do a search on the increase of journalist
killed lately?
I sit here, honestly concerned about my employment future
after I send this out. I’m not paranoid that I will be killed. But
now, in America, is that fair that I have to be careful what I express openly
in thought of concern for my well being and future? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO
THIS COUNTRY? You think I am paranoid? Ask a journalist or DJ for a corporate
company if they have had to out weigh fear for their financial future over
personal opinion against company policy?
I am not a lawyer but this is how I understand this situation.
Truth is the absolute defense of liable. Here we have a little more to help
that leap. Consider a scenario like this: A claim is made against an individual
who is super rich and has many lawyers waiting for something to do, like
the government. That source goes public with the information. If the information
is incorrect, they are immediately open to liable lawsuits and normally
retract the story and post a public apology not to mention possibly being
ousted from the field or in other words into today’s world, that’s
a journalist’s employment suicide. Ask Dan Rathers. Now, if the GOV
denies the claim on public record, they themselves are open to a lawsuit.
If they follow that claim of defiance they are forced prove it in either
a Congressional hearing or in court of law. And that is where these journalists
want it to go, in the open public court record, if that exists any more.
There are other option for the GOV in this scenario, one is the use of its
powers to use the IRS and continuous lawsuits against an individual to destroy
monetary means of defense and destroying the individuals ability to operate
business. Ask Catherine Austin Fitts. Who is she and what’s her story?
Regardless, GOV officials are supposed to be held to a high
standard of rule and ethics. It’s supposed to be cut and dry. Do a
bad job, get fired. Steal, get fired. Lie, get fired. Don't show up for
work, get fired. Treat your co-workers or clients inhumanely, get fired.
Piss off the clients, get fired. Run the business in the ground, get fired.
Assign a White House press pass for 2 years (Post 9/11 National Security
era) to someone who's background check starts at 1999, goes by an alias,
has no reputable press credential and has a male prostitute website for
weekend military type escort service for $1200, allow that person to walk
freely in and out of the White House and refuse to comment on it, get fired.
Sound reasonable? (research: Jeff Gannon or ask me for the copy of the NY
Times article(s) or do your own search, damnit.) .
These are the experts, the people that we are supposed to
trust with the safety and well being of its citizens first and for-most.
over and over. How many mistakes at your job do you get when it costs the
company BILLIONS? How many times do they have to say "OOOOPPS!"
before we say, "Wow, maybe you shouldn't be running things?" and
show back up at the White House and protest in the millions like our predecessors
I strongly suggest, with the current pressure on Venezuela, for you to get
or see “The revolution will not be televised.” 2002 Documentary.
It’s hard to find …but I have a copy. I don’t care what
your political preference is. This is “IN YOUR FACE” journalism
by an Irish team on the pressures a young democracy can face while fighting
against U.S. global tactics.
Check out, The Film / Awards.
WHEN, you watch this film, ask yourself, “When was the last time you
saw a Bush Cabinet member, or Bush himself, drive down a public road completely
open in the back of a truck with thousands of people everywhere following
and chanting support without the secret service combing the area for days
in advance and without oppression of protesters? Does that sound like a
democratic society? Bush couldn’t even get out of the limo at his
own inauguration. Carter did, I remember that. He walked on the streets
to get there. You think GW Bush trusts the general public? Or for that matter,
cares about the general public? Judge the man by his actions.
You want the easy way out, fine. Use "incompetence"
as the icing and ignore the cake. If it gets Michael Brown fired then fine.
Me? You make continuous immoral/unethical decisions, kill
thousands of people in our country and abroad because of it, lie about it,
deny the citizens the truth, refuse to apologize, you should get tried for
murder, treason, securities fraud, perjury and crimes against humanity after
getting fired, of course. Whoever knew it was happening and did nothing
is an accomplice. Michael Brown is an accomplice and maybe he's just DUMB,
who gave this dude a job? HE is definitely dumber because they obviously
don’t think we are out here looking in.
And on the other side of the coin, do a good job honestly,
morally and ethically as a public servant, you get killed or ruined? THIS
is what WE have let our country turn into and there are plenty of places
to research that. And the even more shitty thing is, in the eyes of the
world, we are accomplices too. And I, as a citizen of the US, can't wait
to clear my name before it’s taken out of the phone book for good.
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.