SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are motivated by purpose, and all of their
activities are geared toward achieving that goal. The purpose must be one
in which you can put all your creativeness. Your interest must be all-consuming.
Lacking a powerful, positive purpose, an individual's life has no direction.
Lethargy and inertia are bound to settle in.
Fortified with a purpose you can never settle for half-way
measures. You know where you are going and why. What you do is important
to you, because life is important. This purpose gives direction to all activities.
This does not necessarily mean that you are single-minded. Although extreme
specialization seems to be the rule with physicians, lawyers, and business
consultants, in other areas exactly the opposite is the case.
For instance, President Dwight Eisenhower, a multi-talented
individual, was an outstanding military figure, statesman, and painter.
Similarly, Winston Churchill was a great naval officer, statesman, painter,
and author. Many famous athletes, actors, and writers have become musicians
of note. But whatever the purpose, whether it seems great or small, the
intensity of your creativeness and enthusiasm gives it its power. It must
have tremendous meaning to you, and you must have great anticipation of
its complete fulfillment.
Believe in your divine calling. "Even for this same
purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in you."
While you may have many problems and face almost insurmountable difficulties,
your power is in your purpose. You must know where you are going and why,
and you depend on a guiding Intelligence to get you there.
It is much easier to work successfully when you relate your
purpose to life. The athlete may not particularly enjoy strenuous exercise
and discipline, but he or she relates it to the strength and power necessary
for attainment. Without purpose, you scatter energy. Purpose conserves and
directs. The purpose in treatment is not merely to control your thinking
but to develop the power of creative thought so that you can produce in
your experience the conditions you desire. The sincerity of your purpose
controls everything that you do. You can attain your objective.
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.