[Editor's Note: Scroll down to read ZS Livingstone article titled " More Evidence of Ionization Beam Activity in British Columbia" Government censors are preventing me from uploading this article on its parent url, so I'm trying to piggy back it to this article on Sylphs and Rainy Weather. The hackers also won't allow the photos to be displayed, but you can go to the url mentioned in the aritcle and see them there: http://www.saltcube.com/img/chemtrail/dark-line/...Ken Adachi]
From: George Naytowhowcon <naytowhowcon@sbcglobal.net>
May 16, 2006
A recent impression I have had may or may not be a sylph message ... but this
is what I heard in my head the other day:
The Earth's atmosphere is transforming at an exponential rate. The Sylph
Nations want us to know they are doing the best they can to harm as few of us as
possible in thier accelerated effort to add water to the continents. It is as
though we are the sylph's in some way.
The degree of mental accuity of
individuals contributes greatly to the intent and efficacy of the weather. We
humans are helping so much now that the scales have truely been flipped...scales
as in scaler weapons...The excessive rains falling in droughted areas is
consequential of the extra particulates applied to the atmosphere...i.e.
Also....Human joy is by all means necessary and it is their desire
that we stop business as usual and recognise it is time to attend to the matters
of life, helping each other as the floods of broken dams fill the earth with
pregnant waters of life. We have been liberated from the electro-magnetic cage
that has prevented the rains from falling. So great has been
the imbalance and so great has the sky been violated that even though we bring
this atmosphere back to harmony, there will be floods untill ecostasis and
electromagnetic balance and air purity is restored.
"Humans are OK by us and we
are You and we dance and play and love just as you. Have fun helping each other
as the rivers of life are restored on this our lovely world! " (The Sylphs)
More Evidence of Ionization Beam Activity in British Columbia
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
April 26, 2006
From 1 AM to 2 AM PDT April 25 2006 my fluorescent bulbs were faintly glowing again while the switch was in the off position. The last time this happened was just before the Iran quakes and the series of tornados in the USA. This time, within hours there was a tornado near Oklahoma City. As the new moon is on Thursday April 27 2006, this must an attempt to trigger earthquakes at a time of greater tidal movement in the crust of the earth.
Since posting the report on the "Disrupter Beam" (http://educate-yourself.org/zsl/disrupterbeam22apr06.shtml) on April 22 2006 there have been a lot of thoughts sent my way. In the same way that many people look up in the sky and do not see Chemtrails, for eight years I knew about D. O. R. lines but could not see them for what they were. There is a lot of psychic subterfuge around Chemtrails and DOR lines. The sylphs had told me that there were weapons on the Chemtrail planes, on the ground, and in space, but still I was not getting the picture. I call the high energy laser beams 'disrupter beams' because the beams rip air molecules and whatever they hit to atoms and/or plasma.
but could not see them for what they were. There is a lot of psychic subterfuge around Chemtrails and DOR lines. The sylphs had told me that there were weapons on the Chemtrail planes, on the ground, and in space, but still I was not getting the picture. I call the high energy laser beams 'disrupter beams' because the beams rip air molecules and whatever they hit to atoms and/or plasma.
The Chemtrail/disrupter beam project secrecy has been blown. Hundreds of thousands worldwide must have known but still it was hard to see. A lot of mind control on this project.
Photos taken from the web of dark "lines" observed occasionally with chemtrail activity.
The other day I was watching the trails being laid in the sky and noticed a dark line extending from the horizon and surrounding the trail being formed. This a lot like the one I saw (I did not take any of these pictures):
Hattiesburg, Mississippi on Feb. 10, 2005
Note the line continues past the trail meaning it can't be a shadow.
These are similar as well:
Houston Texas, Jan. 8, 2001
Lake Ontario June 9, 2004
I have seen cases where the plane vanished mid-flight, like in this photo.
Apparently the line can form even without a trail:
Subject: no cemtrails in N.W. Arkansas
From: "luana mortenson" <annieapplesmom@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, May 16, 2006
To: editor@educate-yourself.org
Dear Ken,
I have been meaning to write to you to report that for the last 3 weeks there have
been NO chemtrails over Fayetteville, Arkansas.
There WAS a terrible drought going on. Beaver Lake was down a foot ball field,
but then the chemtrails went away and it has rained nicely, once or twice every day.
That's about it except we want you to know that the Right Use of Will, people, eindorsed at the xeeatwelve site and ....well....we just want you to know that, that's
Love You Forever
Your Rain Makers :+)
Annie Apple, Lolly and Luana
Hello All,
Great to hear this info! Fayetteville is near the Power of Thought School and Harold and Gladys McCoy have a few tricks up their sleeve, along with everyone else helping out--I'm sure.
It's amazing how many eamils I'm getting on the connection between focused intent, sylphs, and chemtrail neutralization.
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