World Evangelism and The Scofield Bible
Undermining America With Anti-Communism And "Patriotism"
by Anonymous (mistakenly attributed to Helen Peters)
Published ca. 1970, Posted August 12, 2005
World Evangelism to most Americans means telling the world about the Gospel
through foreign missionaries and huge Evangelistic and literature campaigns.
This movement has individuals from one end of the world to the other teaching
and preaching the coming kingdom of God on earth and that Christ is soon
to come and deliver the world from the yoke of bondage and then the Anglo
Saxons and the Jews (a racial and national system of religion) will administer
"justice" in God's kingdom.
This is simply an extension of the hopes of the Pharisees
before Christ came to extend His grace to all believers. The only difference
now is that the world through British Israel deception has been brought
to believe that this flesh and blood kingdom is Christ's kingdom. This is
only a veiled commercial enterprise to dominate the world with this spiritual
lie. This foolishness does not apply personally to the disseminators of
world revolution. It is only the bait to move the people into world government
under the British Empire. Because the language of this propaganda is hidden
in Christian terminology and Biblical "prophecy" (man made) few
people can imagine that they are being cleverly educated toward world government.
When enough people have been reeducated to believe that this
Pharisaic scheme is Divine, then we will have reached the point of no return
to a true independence as Americans have known it under the Constitution.
The goal of the British Empire through British Israel is a world wide British
world state allowing no independent nations such as the United States. This
is the real meaning and significance of the kingdom message propaganda that
is now universal, unopposed and unabated to rethink our spiritual values
to conform to this political world state with the throne of Britain becoming
the throne of Christ.
Communism in a political and military sense is to be the destructive
force of the world system of independent states. It is also the catalyst
to terrorize the world into the British Israel spiritual trap. So torment
comes via Anglo Saxon exported to Russia Communism, and "salvation"
and unification comes through Anglo Saxon British Israel.
So as Americans are overcome with Communism they go to church
and pray that God will send His kingdom to deliver them from their anguish.
As their "Bible College" preachers and professors condemn Communism
they promote it through the kingdom message. It is from our churches, for
the most part, that people have come to believe in this spiritual communism
as they did not get it from God's Word.
World Evangelism has been literally poured over the world
under the symbols of the Cross and the globe. This fake Christianity even
undergoes planned persecution so as to milk the churches of America out
of every emotional dollar. When they tell how the "Communists"
persecute these kingdom message Christians the tithes and offerings pour
in. It is only a veneer of Christianity and conceals within it the destruction
of the Apostolic faith as well as a hidden political conspiracy. It has
drugged the spirit of the world and the world like a dope addict is craving
this fake Christianity which is sealing its doom in the name of truth. To
the victims of this blasphemy truth is sacrificial for relief from their
frustration which was caused in the first place because truth is sacrificed.
British Israel Evangelism has made of the world a spiritual
paralytic which can now only get satisfaction from more British Israelism.
It feeds on truth (misused) and multiplies its cancerous disease to destroy
its victims whom it has deceived. It deceives most those who believe it
most and neutralizes them against British Israel while it deprives them
of truth which alone can give them freedom. This is why people who once
become infected with this spiritual disease cannot return from it and this
is why they cannot put political issues in proper perspective. British Israel
causes people to constantly fight against their own best interest and more
often than not they are in the midst of their enemies thinking they are
among friends. Man does not fight against that which he believes. He can
dissipate himself trying to be a patriot but it is impossible if his spirit
is overcome with British Israel.
British Israel World Evangelism is stalking the earth unseen
and untaxed, eating the vitals out of the remnants of national states and
would-be opposition to the cloak and dagger British Empire. British Israel
is universal and versatile and aligns itself with truth whatever men consider
it to be. It has through world evangelism become the ghost of Christianity
and like a locust that has left its shell, it has only the form of Godliness.
If a man scoffs at this spiritual conflict he belittles his
own beliefs. His beliefs determine his actions and if he does not have beliefs
he is relegated to the animal kingdom. Therefore our beliefs emanate from
our convictions and we act accordingly. If we have become imbued with the
spirit of British Israel we are its ecclesiastical prisoners and soldiers
in its army. The power of British Israel is its enlisting men unwittingly
in its vast army by cleverly superimposing its spiritual power to conform
to man's concept of what is good. Then the "new creature" is guided
to destruction, with his own concepts and within the framework of his own
thinking. He never realizes that British Israel has given him a new meaning
for his vocabulary and he is hexed with semantics which tricks him against
himself and his country. He is bewitched and under the spell of spiritual
darkness which he now believes is light and he is zealous in it.
Communism is used to bombard us externally while silently
and skillfully we are overcome internally with British Israel. The consequence
of this "new faith" is world citizenship and this world citizenship
spiritual is a prelude to world citizenship physical and world evangelism
is the advance guard.
We make no apologies for the true Christian missionaries who
are preaching the kingdom of grace, but by and large the driving force and
purpose of World Evangelism is British Israel.
British Israel is a parasite that feeds on the natural man
and it is for this same reason that the natural man succumbs to this deception.
The natural man cannot see through the cloak of British Israel
and decipher its language to see that it is only Communism under another
name. Even if men suspect British Israel, they cannot bring themselves to
comprehend its power as a concealed political-spiritual force that has now
spread its tentacles over the earth. Its pious appearance decorated with
the Christian Cross shields it from its most persistent adversaries and
world evangelism with this fake Christianity has made detection of British
Israel as a plot against humanity undetectable and if detected, invulnerable.
To point out that this enigma has hidden itself within our churches and
is using them for a base to destroy the United States is to invite ridicule
and charges of insanity to anyone who dares utter such a fantastic concept.
Do not the church goers of America expect Satan to appear
as an angel of light? Do not the people wonder that this new Christianity
is rampant in the land and yet no one seems to be able to detect that the
kingdom message of British Israel is not according to God's Word? Churchianity
is literally flourishing in the land and yet the people are plagued with
confusion and spiritual darkness. People are so busy going to church that
they do not have time to study their Bibles. The magnificent structures
with air-conditioned comfort of these modern day synagogues are spiritually
dead and their people have lost contact with the universal church invisible
and the living Jesus Christ Who established it.
Where are God's people? Have they returned again to bondage
after having received the Gospel? Have they given their very souls and their
country too in exchange for the promises of a commune world built upon the
blood and despoiled property of humanity? Are people foxed into believing
that the very deception that is destroying them now will save them again?
Our Lord warned that if they speak not according to His Word
there is no light in them. If our people seek Christ through this worldwide
artificial Christianity they will not find Him as He is no more popular
than He has ever been but His name is on the lips of the world. "All
who say Lord Lord will not enter the kingdom of heaven..." That is,
all do not understand that God is spirit, that His kingdom is spiritual
and that His consuming purpose for man is spiritual regeneration.
The kingdom of British Israel is flesh and blood but the kingdom
of our Lord is happiness and joy in the Holy Spirit. Never shall the two
be one. That they are one is the lie of British Israel.
Throughout the ages men have been enslaved and killed for
their beliefs. Today the world believes British Israel and it is being put
in slavery as a consequence of it. Truth makes man free but this same truth
misused can enslave him again. All that is necessary that British Israel
succeed is that people believe that God's kingdom is to come in the form
of a political theocracy upon the earth. It is not essential that one be
a Jehovah's Witness or a Southern Baptist or a member of any church -- only
that he believe that the kingdom will come upon the earth. In this they
are all united. They may despise each other but they are unified in their
hope for the earthly kingdom of "righteousness."
What British Israel divides physically it unites spiritually
through the kingdom message. Some of the most ardent advocates of the kingdom
of God on earth call themselves "fundamental Christians. In this they
have emphasized their name to hide their identity; nevertheless they are
identified in their belief of the millennial kingdom on earth, and they
are brother Pharisees to all other cults of this deception. Through the
apparent maze of churches in the land the consistency of the kingdom message
overshadows the inconsistency of the multiple doctrines and creeds. This
unity in belief of the kingdom on earth is the work of British Israel and
its world evangelism. As innocent as it sounds this kingdom belief is the
tie that binds and blinds them.
As people become dissatisfied with their particular brand
of Christianity they break away and form new churches and carry their Scofield
Bibles with them. They change their location and perhaps the name of their
church but they retain their beliefs in the kingdom of God on earth to come.
Families are divided, politicians are divided, nations are divided and the
world is divided but all are united in the spirit of British Israel and
its coming kingdom. It is amazing how British Israel causes dissension and
confusion and yet causes men to strive together in spiritual blindness.
This British Israel Luciferian degeneracy is now butchering
the world while it prepares it for the New Age with the kingdom message.
It has prepared its advances so well with its propaganda that its victims
are perpetuating their own destruction in their haste to spread this contagious
disease. The adherents of this deception are anxious to inoculate the world
with this newfound "Christianity" which promises heaven on earth.
People spend their money and erect beautiful churches that their "good
works" may help spread darkness over the land.
All this upsurge in "Christianity" seems good to
men and they do not discern its spirit. Through its outward appearance and
form they deem it good and glorify their father who is Satan. They are callous,
indifferent and hostile with self righteousness. Their emotions are charged
only when threatened with physical annihilation not caring one whit about
spiritual truth. The only spirit that makes sense to the vain is the deceit
of British Israel that promises them peace and plenty on earth.
America has literally been corrupted with this fake Christianity
so that they can be cleverly despoiled of their faith and their country.
Never will they believe that the source of their deception is their churches
and brave is the man that tries to tell them. Betrayal is wrapped in the
thing that people trust most -- their teachers, preachers and churches,
and they compromise their faith with apathy. People are intellectually lazy
and spoon-fed Christianity suits their pace of living and gives them a certain
satisfaction that they have served their God with their inanimate appearance
at church. While they are indifferent to the Gospel, they are indoctrinated
with another Gospel -- the Gospel of British Israel.
All of the armies in the world could not do to America what
British Israel is doing at this moment -- annihilating our country in the
name of Christianity and we lift not a finger to prevent it. We amass armies
around the world while we are poisoned with the propaganda of the kingdom
message on every radio station in the land educating people for World Government
in which at most our lot will be "World Service." Our "fortune"
is world service to the British Empire even now, but we are still allowed
to fly our flag. We are policing the world as we help prepare the stage
for the last finale in which the real jackals of the British Empire intend
to bury us.
Can one observe that we are being swamped with the kingdom
message and then doubt the power of its perpetrators? Does not the invisible
Empire become at once visible and in fact a colossus monster stealing the
commerce of the world through British Israel? While it uses every trick
to hide its identity it imposes its spiritual power over the country dulling
its senses while it saps its wealth and destroys its economy. The British
Empire is actually destroying this country and taking its people prisoners
and justifying it Biblically. If our dead soldiers could come back would
they die again for such a depraved people?
The only true racial issue today is that the American race,
black and white, should declare that the British race stop its vengeance
and forget its ambition of a World Empire. The only new laws that we need
are those forbidding Kingdom Message Communism and those forbidding Rhodes
Scholars in the United States Government. The only thing we have in common
with the British world is our language and we should use it to expose their
plot and drive their agents from this country.
There are many Christian Americans who would help reestablish
our independence if they could understand that the kingdom message is British
propaganda which is preparing the world for another blood bath. And most
especially would they be mad if they understood how their churches are being
used in this Satanic plot.
To any reasonable American the idea of destroying our country
and giving up our freedom and property is not in his thinking. Yet we are
being prepared for this very thing through British Israel and we do not
object because we are hoodwinked into believing that it is God's will and
plan instead of that of the British Empire.
We need not exhaust ourselves documenting facts that this
organized conspiracy exists. This propaganda is the biggest fact of all
ages. All that is necessary is that we look at its essence and its substance
and identify its purpose. British Israel cannot hide its goals and all that
is important is that we penetrate its lies to see that it is a plan of World
Government and a British World Government at that. British Israel is Satanic
and it must continue to advocate the earthly kingdom and if we look closer
we see that this kingdom is British.
Like the proverbial octopus, the British Empire and its British
Israel has many tentacles and equally as many names and colors. If one tentacle
is recognized the dupe is simply ensnared with another. It is a monster
with many faces. It has Masonry for the vain, it has political parties for
the power seekers, it has Americanism for the patriots, it has soothsayers
for the superstitious, it has religion for the religious, it has Nazism
for one country, it has Communism for another, it has Socialism for still
another, and it has World Evangelism for the world and the world is its
domain. It recognizes no nationalism but creates them and destroys them
at will. It causes wars and finances them and wanton murder and slaughter
are its only expediency.
On the other hand it gives a penance to philanthropy and gives
lip service to good works. British Israel cannot be traced as it leaves
no tracks because it identifies with and hides within its victim of the
moment and when one victim dies its ghost moves to another. It cannot be
seen under its own banner and if someone begins to recognize its course
it attacks itself until it becomes ridiculous to its would-be enemies. It
divides nations, it divides families, and it divides man against himself.
It divides all so that it can unite all again with one spirit and One World
in the name of Christ. It must first destroy and then synthesize the unity
of man in a world state and this is how we recognize it. British Israel
is the chaos of this age and the kingdom of God in the next, but it admits
only the latter. It is a seducer of man's spirit because it conceals itself
within his values to do it. British Israel is the perfect crime and we cannot
fingerprint it but those who have eyes to see and hearts to understand recognize
its goal of World Government and see its havoc now to that end.
The work of World Evangelism is to advertise the form of Christianity
while it denies its spirit. It is in truth a legal system which has the
appearance of good works. It is the degeneration of British Israel and not
the regeneration of the Holy Spirit and the power of truth separates them
in the hearts of men. True to the nature of British Israel, World Evangelism
knows no boundaries or nations as it builds the kingdom of humanity under
the sign of the Cross. This international crusade is educating the world
for the New Order on the foundation of this one that it has corrupted.
As the stress and strain of political confusion drives the
people to desperation, World Evangelism fills the air with the good news
of the coming kingdom on earth to give us rest. The world unknowingly is
being forced into this British Empire kingdom through British Israel-spiritual,
and as Communism the destroyer is built up World Evangelism the "Saviour"
becomes universal salvation for a torn world. World Evangelism is a tax
exempt colossus which has engulfed the world with its innocence as it piously
and skillfully educates the world for its kingdom of God on earth. It gives
lip service and mention of Bible truths which it cleverly fits into its
scheme of World Government. It parades and overruns like a Trojan horse
with its kingdom message as it condemns the world for its sins. It is impervious
to its lies and its victims whose spirit it tramples. It knows no one will
attack a saint as it yells "Jesus is coming."
British Israel and its World Evangelism is wearing out God's
people and the very elect would be deceived if it were possible. Christians
must see through its veil and discern its spirit that it is fictitious and
artificial. At the same time they must recognize its power that it has derived
from its adaptation to Christianity. It does not deceive with a lie, it
deceives with the truth, misused. Its power is seen in that it has the world
looking for the establishment of the kingdom of God upon earth. Those who
deny it believe it, and those who believe it deny it. Truth becomes a lie
and a lie becomes the truth -- to those who believe it, a lie has become
the truth and to those who deny it, truth has become a lie.
The real aim of World Evangelism is to rotate the conscience
of man so that evil becomes good and good becomes evil. This must be done
with truth and this is why British Israel World Evangelism parades under
the cloak of Christianity and operates within the framework of its terminology
so as to change the meaning of Christianity without changing its name. Few
there be who understand this concept of power as it is invisible, undetectable,
indefensible (with armies) and all powerful.
In this new Christianity the hope of the world has become
the kingdom of God on earth and by this same analogy this is how America
has again become a part of the British Empire while it still flies its own
flag. It is not the Christianity one acclaims, it is what are his beliefs?
It is not the flag we fly, it is where is our allegiance?
British Israel has changed the meaning of our language so
that our thoughts and actions betray us. As we strive for Americanism betrayal
is concealed within it. As we seek Christianity it unites us against Christ.
The values that once made us free are now making us slaves and this is the
meaning of the giant expansion of this new Christianity and the buildup
of patriotism. On them is the stamp of betrayal if we could but penetrate
its spirit we could see its purpose.
British Israel is aloof from the petty issues that it has
given us to fight and if we win, lose or draw we are still within the limits
of our bondage. It is callous to its creations, immune from its intrigue
and suspended from attack. It could write itself across the sky and the
world could read it, but it could not perceive its meaning.
Any presumed expose of British Israel is absurd to the Pharisaic
world that believes this new Christianity. This is why the Jew Baiters can
scream that Communism is a Jewish plot as they promote British Israel which
is the same Anglo-Jew plot. The real Jewish plot is British Israel, which
is to be the fulfillment of their Messianic dreams and any attempt to limit
them to the Jew-communist conspiracy supports the Anglo-Jew British Israel
conspiracy by hiding it. Jew-communism is the bait -- Jew British Israel
is the plot. The heartbeat of British Israel is Jew Phariseeism with the
name of Christianity.
Our Lord did not oppose the Jews on their put-up myths like
Communism. He opposed them because they wanted an earthly kingdom in His
name and for this He was crucified by them, but today this same earthly
kingdom is the hope of the world through British Israel World Evangelism.
The world does not know that this new Christianity has become Jew Phariseeism
in all but name. Christianity through British Israel has become an enemy
to its own faith. This alienation of man from the true faith is the work
of World Evangelism. It builds its altars in the far ends of the earth;
its missionaries live in squalor and suffer persecution, it fights Holy
Wars to gain political control of the world so that it can expand evangelism
with the theme "Jesus is coming." Little do its faithful servants
know that they are part of a commercial enterprise that has sheltered itself
in World Evangelism and that they are the screen for the greatest deception
of the ages.
The world writhes in agony and confusion as the big finance
of AngloSaxondom promotes World Evangelism as a front for its world grab.
Tax exempt foundations do not finance "Bible Colleges" and "Christian
Schools" to promote Christ, but to promote the British scheme of world
domination through the spiritual. They want the kingdom message imprinted
upon the world and they will spill every drop of blood of every goy to attain
this end. They kill our faith and take our country in the name of righteousness
and our spiritual blindness has made of us its most faithful servants.
Most people who get a glimpse of British Israel cannot imagine
that such a seemingly harmless thing as the kingdom message is power politics.
Its disguise as Christianity has disarmed suspicion and made it subtle and
it is this subtleties that enhances its power and lessens it delectability.
It is so subtle and so powerful that it manipulates the world both politically
and religiously and it is not suspected by one in one million. It is so
subtle and so powerful that it has the world prepared for World Government
and the world believes that it is Christian. What must be done to prove
to the patriots that ridiculous political issues, race antagonisms, and
biographies of who did it are a waste of time and remove one from the best
interest of patriotism unless he can see and exploit the over-all British
plot to take the world through British Israel?
To overlook the use of the Scofield Bible in the explosion
of this world wide fake Christianity would be to pass over an important
link in our effort to identify British Israel. We say that it is Scofield's
Bible, as it is not God's. The text of the Scofield Bible is King James
Version, but the critical thing is that C. I. Scofield and a group of "Bible
Scholars" of the Millennial Kingdom Cult have inserted their notes
and peculiar interpretation throughout the Bible in most cases at the bottom
of the pages in note form. The consequence of this is that through the Scofield
Bible notes millions have learned the kingdom message of British Israel,
thinking it is the Word of God.
This Bible has been in circulation for about sixty years and
it is the favorite of so-called fundamental Christianity and now there is
of late a new edition which emphasizes even more the legal system of Jew-Phariseeism
under the pretext of Christianity, of course.
The Scofield Bible sets out a scheme of interpretation which
exactly supports and teaches the British Israel kingdom message. It seeks
to conceal its objective as does all British Israel by giving lip service
to spiritual truth, but it cleverly guides its reader to the Kingdom Age.
We perceive that our reader by now will have no trouble identifying Scofield's
Millennialism as being the same as the kingdom of God on earth of British
Israel, the same as the Communism of Karl Marx, the same as the New Age
of Masonry, and the same as the Messianic Age of Judaism. The building of
the kingdom age is the object of all of them and the kingdom age makes them
all one, and needless to say their flesh and blood earthly kingdom is not
God's kingdom, only that they say it is.
The preachers and teachers who carry the Scofield disease
do not know the Lord Jesus Christ nor do they understand His plan of salvation.
Theirs is a system of national and racial religion geared to the legalism
of the Jews (we use the word Jew in the physical sense because the world
does it but it is not Biblical to do so as the correct word is Pharisee)
and with it they are fronting for the Jew British Empire in its seizure
of the wealth and domination of the world. In this blasphemy they neither
go in the kingdom of God nor suffer others to do so and they keep others
out of God's spiritual and ONLY kingdom now by causing them to look for
another yet future. This is a denial of the Gospel Age which is the only
age for salvation and a denial that the great commission has given Christ
all power in Heaven and earth. Christ's power is not petty political power
according to British Israel. It is Divine power according to God and its
purpose is to save men from their sins, not to glorify their flesh on earth.
Now the Scofield Bible is a versatile book as it is used by
nearly all of Protestantism and their many offshoot churches. They disagree
and feud over everything imaginable but they are all bound to the Kingdom
Message and they quickly harmonize on this common foundation. These modern
Pharisees would crucify Christ again if He were to appear in the flesh and
repeat that "My kingdom is not of this world." His kingdom will
never be of this world, only British Israel says it is to hide their global
plot to enslave the world spiritually and physically.
The kingdom age of Scofield is a subtle heresy that denies
basic Christianity as the Bible does not teach any historical procedure
or train of events that ends with the kingdom of British Israel. This kingdom
age of British Israel annuls the Gospel Dispensation now by making it yet
future and in this they confuse the Heavenly hope of Christians with the
rank materialism of the carnal kingdom of Jew-British Israel. British Israel
is full of glaring inconsistencies and prophetic perversions but it is promoting
the world state as planned. The camouflaged Phariseeism of Scofield gives
no light to Christians but it does great wonders promoting the Kingdom Message
as the "only hope of the world." The Scofield Bible is the chief
promoter of the Kingdom Message and it admits of spirituality but it emphatically
denies it with its carnalistic kingdom of God on earth.
It is perfectly amazing how people can see how the Negroes
are being used through their churches but yet they are under the same influence
through the Scofield Bible and its kingdom message. This text book on Millennialism
is leading the people to the same Communism taught in the Negro churches
and yet we are beguiled into a constant race war. The perpetrators of race
war use it to get us to destroy each other physically while we are overcome
spiritually with the Kingdom Message.
We are dealing with the Scofield Bible in this text to demonstrate
its use (as British Israel spiritual deception) in changing spiritual Israel
back to physical Israel and changing the spiritual seed of Abraham back
to the flesh and blood race of Jew-Phariseeism. The Scofield Bible is an
instrument of this spiritual lie as it changes the Heavenly hope to a future
theocratic earthly kingdom and the belief of this earthly kingdom to come
is the mask that is being used to blind the people of the world to the machination
of the British Empire to gain complete domination over the physical world
by controlling the beliefs or spirit of its people. And as stated before
they are identifying with and misusing the truth of the Gospel in our churches
to carry on this political-spiritual takeover of our country.
The Scofield Bible is only another dimension in this Satanic
plot albeit a very important one. In our study of British Israel we are
revolving it three hundred sixty degrees in order that it might be seen
from every angle with its many coloration's, names, characteristics and
uses many of which seemed opposed to and antagonistic to each other but
all united in their efforts to cause the people to believe that the Spiritual
Israel of Christianity is physical Israel of British Israel. Changing Spiritual
Israel into national or more correctly stated, International Israel, in
the minds of the people is the work of British Israel to hide the scheme
of its masters to establish their world state.
We see the world rocked with "wars and rumors of wars"
which is only an enactment of the religio-political scheme which seeks to
destroy the flesh and then save it again with a natural Messiah. If we follow
the notes of the Scofield Bible we see in them a teaching that physical
punishment is the judgment of God on the nations so that the future kingdom
of peace on earth will be seen as deliverance. This is clearly salvation
of the flesh and naturally appeals to a war torn world and the ultimate
aim is to remove all faith in the Supernatural Messiahship of Jesus Christ
and replace it with the carnal state of British Israel. People do not understand
that this hidden political plot which offers an earthly paradise in the
name of Christ is the same British Israel Masonic power that is causing
their misery now and justifying it with perversions of the Gospel such as
the Scofield Bible.
It is through the teaching of the Scofield Bible that people
have come to believe that the chaos in the world is actually the "judgments
of God upon a sinful world." God is not the author of confusion and
His kingdom is spiritual and is happiness and joy and is in no way a part
of the mess we witness to today that this new Christianity believes is God's
wrath. It is only wrath justified and explained under the cover of Christianity
and the Scofield Bible is its handiwork.
The Scofield Bible like its British Israel designers alludes
to Spiritual Israel but with its forked tongue and double talk it cleverly
mixes physical Israel in so that physical Israel emerges over spiritual
Israel and becomes the final purpose of God in a future millennial age.
This is a doctrine of race and is the exact opposite of grace and the mixing
of things sacred with things profane has caused the world to believe that
physical Israel and Spiritual Israel are one.
With this trickery the world is being put through the fires
of hell under the guise that all is God's woes and judgments upon the nations.
People are neutralized and will not resist or even try to understand their
anxiety that their churches have told them is God's judgments. God only
allows this spiritual deception to separate the believers from the unbelievers
and not to confiscate their nations and property because the worlds are
His and He has all power in Heaven and earth. The plan of God is salvation
of man from his sin of unbelief that Jesus is the Christ and not to enchain
him again with the yoke of bondage called national Israel.
The world has been literally doped with British Israel and
it is going to the slaughter like a tranquilized lamb not knowing the source
of its agony. The British Israel kingdom message says in essence that the
British Empire is God and the most the rest of the world can hope for is
"world service" in this Jew-British World State. The kingdom of
God on earth is only the bait of British Israel to move the world spiritually
and physically into this world empire under the Union Jack.
The only reason the Scofield Bible refers to spiritual Israel
is to conceal its physical Israel and make it palatable to today's diluted
Christianity. The proof of this is its scheme of interpretation which gradually
diminishes spiritual Israel as it increases physical Israel into a world
political state. This religio-political state which the Scofield Bible notes
calls the kingdom of God, is clothed in spiritual terms and sanctioned with
Biblical contradictions but when it is defrocked and laid bare it is the
British Empire Superstate.
The Scofield Bible is the script and the confused political
situation is the act to prove the script so that people will believe it.
Things are confused only to the people who have been overcome with the spirit
of the Kingdom Message. Nothing political makes sense until we understand
that the prophetic perversions of the Scofield Bible are being enacted on
the world stage. Therefore America is to win no more wars and it cannot
be saved from economic collapse as "prophecy" says it must give
way to God's coming kingdom on earth according to British Israel. America
cannot win any wars in its own behalf as long as the agents of the "beast
system" British Empire control us. The most we can do is police the
world until we are exhausted of our blood and money.
That the Scofield Bible supports British Israel heresy is
beyond question and in order to demonstrate the usefulness of this "Bible"
to the Kingdom Message, we quote from THE TRIUMPH OF BRITISH-ISRAEL, a book
published by Covenant Publishing Company, Ltd., which publishes the books
of the British Israel World Federation with headquarters in London, England.
This book, by Rev. James Mountain, D.D., page 44, states as follows: "It
will be observed that we make frequent quotations from 'THE SPEAKERS COMMENTARY,'
one of the most learned of its day, and prepared largely by Bishops of the
Church of England; also from 'SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE' which was prepared
by eight of the most learned and eminent American Divines, including the
Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D., who for many years was a regular Speaker at
the Keswick Convention. When the name of Dr. Scofield only is given, SCOFIELD'S
REFERENCE BIBLE is to be understood."
"So far as we know, none of the Authors of these valuable
Commentaries has given any direct endorsement of British-Israel teaching.
But our readers will perceive that their interpretations of many important
parts of Holy Scripture furnish valuable indirect support to the fundamental
statements of British-Israel advocates." End of quote.
The scheme of millennial interpretation that the notes of
the Scofield Bible puts on the Scripture has caused the development of a
spiritual stratum which excludes any objective analysis of the relationship
of the Kingdom Age Millennium and Communism. This spiritual power changes
the meaning of the facts so that when these facts of the Kingdom Message
come face to face with Communism they seem to be in conflict, when in fact
it is a superficial conflict between aspects of the same ideology under
different names. This illusory spiritual force wedges an individual's beliefs
so that he can no longer see or understand objectively his predicament.
This spiritual deception changes a person's relationship to his culture
by changing the form of his facts and when he tries to apply his concepts
in an effort to free himself he always ends up with a result just the opposite
to that which he presupposes because he does not realize that his new spiritual
values have changed the meaning of his concepts. This is precisely what
we mean when we say a man is divided against himself and anything he does
works to his detriment until he can recognize his subjection to this spiritual
force and extricate himself from it. This is why true patriotism becomes
subversive once the meaning of basic concepts such as Americanism change.
Therefore we have concluded that all revolutionary activity
is incidental, secondary and subordinate to this spiritual force which changes
the basic relationship of a people to its national culture by changing the
meaning of their language. Once this inner conflict is established then
the acts of the people to save themselves are inconsistent with their best
interest and any future would-be patriot is inhibited within the bounds
of his bondage. What we are saying to the reader is that America cannot
keep her independence if her people come to believe that the Kingdom Message
is the Gospel because the Kingdom Message means World Government and World
Government is antithetical to the independence of any state or nation.
The very purpose of the Scofield Bible is to change the spirit
of the people so that it is impossible for them to be objective. We can
see in this how a set of facts mean truth to one man and a terrible untruth
to another. These facts need not necessarily be rearranged to cause this
conflict, only that they mean one thing to one person and something else
to another. This is how the Gospel can mean an earthly world state to some,
and salvation to others while both believe that the Bible is truth. British
Israel has changed the meaning of the Bible in the case of the former and
failed of its purpose in the case of the latter.
If the meaning of our language and concepts change then we
cannot use them with the same intent lest they betray us. Therefore if British
Israel changes our beliefs from Heaven to earth, from spirit to flesh, we
can no longer oppose World Government without promoting it. We cannot fight
that which we believe regardless of the form it takes or the name it adopts.
Such is the deceit of British Israel.
All can agree on a set of facts but they must agree on their
meaning before understanding is reached, and the facts must mean truth to
be consistent with the best interest and use of the people. We see how "Christianity"
and World Evangelism is a religio-spiritual plot to deceive the people into
world government rather than teach them salvation through Christ.
As the Americanist screams about the materialism of the Godless
Communist he flounders like a soulless idiot in the depravity of the Kingdom
Message which is rank materialism
in its most pious form. What they condemn with their lips
they establish with their hearts which have been overcome with a crude caricature
having only the name of Christianity.
World Evangelism and the Scofield Bible are unifying the people
with the spirit of the Kingdom Message. It is a new faith which multiplies
itself upon the conflicts that it inspires for its victims. This spiritual
power that the patriots do not even know exists is the chain that binds
them and while they strain at a gnat they swallow an elephant. They are
grabbing at a straw while the wind blows them away. They must heal themselves
before they can heal the land.
World Evangelism and the teaching of the Scofield Bible is
esoteric Communism veiled under the sign of the Christian Cross and concealed
within the terminology of the Christian language. This is understood by
a few but imposed on hundreds of millions. Political feuds and even world
wars heretofore are novel in comparison to the religio-political power politics
of British Israel. Engaging the political shams and the Negro revolution
is immense naiveté compared to British Israel. The United Nations,
race war, urban renewal, Vietnam and Korea are only casual events and mere
waste products of the spiritual power of British Israel.
The Scofield Bible and World Evangelism spreads a system of
predictive prophecy which has as its purpose to conceal within Biblical
terms a plot to debauch the world with a depraved fleshly Judaism so that
it can later present its Christ and a synthetic Christianity as the only
"hope of the world." This imitation Christianity has justified
the destruction of nations and millions of people and made the people of
the world believe it is God's judgment. It is in truth the blood suckers
of Judeo-Masonic-British Imperialism and their Satanic deeds of the past
will only be exceeded by their last grand act of World War III, which their
Scofield Bible teaches is the "Great Tribulation." In this they
debase the Word of God to hide their evil deeds.
No one could appreciate the fantastic nature of this revelation
more than the writer, nor is he oblivious to the fact that Americans are
at least one hundred years removed from the truth of reality. The universal
and complete dissemination of the Kingdom Message through the Scofield Bible
and World Evangelism has insulated the people of the world against any penetration
of reality and locked them within the limits of this spiritual power. This
is true to such an extent that most are completely incapacitated as far
as any objective analysis of power politics is concerned because British
Israel propaganda has reeducated them so completely that they are like a
gyroscope spinning in all directions but unable to move in any direction.
The most the victims of this deceit can do is develop a sense of negative
hopelessness which causes them to honestly seek the hope of British Israel
which they believe is the kingdom of God on earth.
The most any would-be patriot does is pounce upon the inequities
of American society and blame the imbalance on Communism and few there be
who recognize that these pitched battles were made in England and woe unto
those who cast questions at the "Christian" synagogues who are
blasting the people with the spiritual deception of the Kingdom Message.
The promoters of the Kingdom Message do not care how much
truth the churches teach as long as they teach the lie that Christ will
come again to rule the world for a thousand years. This made-in-England
heresy is a camouflage of the greatest political intrigue of the ages and
we say it is exported from England because the seat of the American Government
has moved back across the Atlantic to London and the so-called "fallen
British Empire" now includes the United States of America. That this
is true is believed and understood only by those who know the real meaning
of the Kingdom of God on Earth propaganda.
World Evangelism has created an imitation of Christianity
and with it captured the allegiance of the people whom it has deceived.
It cleverly diminishes the power and mission of Christ by constantly repeating
the theme that "Jesus is coming." World Evangelism parasites and
dwells on the form of Christianity while it denies its spirit and its truth.
As it makes Christ's Mission a failure, it changes the hope of the world
to a new salvation yet future. The work of British Israel through its World
Evangelism is to cut the world off from the spirit of God after which the
physical control of the world gives way to spiritual control, making armies
of occupation unnecessary. Seen in this light America is occupied with its
own army which in turn is controlled by the British Empire, which is the
wielder of the spiritual power through British Israel.
We call British Israel spiritual power because it controls
the minds of men through the Kingdom Message propaganda. It is educating
the people of the world for World Government under the guise and deception
that it is Christianity. More particularly it is teaching that the Jews
and the British Commonwealth of Nations represents the national basis of
God's kingdom on earth.
British Israel teaches through the churches that we are bound
for spiritual, moral and intellectual bankruptcy of our day because we are
in the time of "Jacob's Trouble" according to Bible prophecy.
In this so-called modern-day "Jacob's Trouble" is the front and
excuse for the present chaotic condition which is leading to disintegration
preceding reconstruction into the new order of God's kingdom. This "Jacob's
Trouble," which will end with the "Great Tribulation" (according
to the scheme of British Israel), is the pious and religious justification
for the destruction of our Constitution, racial strife, political disintegration,
ecclesiastical disintegration, financial, economic and institutional disintegration.
This great climax called in Biblical terms the "Great Tribulation"
is calculated to "Biblically" destroy independent nations with
their institutions in preparation for reorganization into the new British
World Superstate. But according to British Israel prophecy we need have
no worry as we shall only lose our nation in exchange for the New Age Millennial
Righteousness and peace.
The erroneous scheme of prophetic interpretation set forth
in the Scofield Bible has as its purpose to hide the political intrigue
to bring about World Government. This error begins with the Abrahamic Covenant
in Genesis 15:18 which sets forth God's promises to the seed of Abraham
according to the flesh. The Scofield notes strive to convey that this physical
promise has never been fulfilled in its final stage and that it will be
so fulfilled in the kingdom age.
In the first instance this is a disregard of the new seed
of Abraham according to the faith. These spiritual seed are the only seed
of Abraham in the New Testament. Galatians 3:26 states "For ye are
all the children of God by FAITH in Christ Jesus" and verse 29 states
"And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according
to the promise."
In the second instance Scofield makes God false to His promises
when he states that the land promises of the Abrahamic Covenant have not
been fulfilled. This is blasphemy especially when he omits to mention the
Scripture which infallibly proves that the physical aspects (land etc.)
of the Covenant have been fulfilled exactly according to the Word of God.
We are referring to Joshua 21:43-45 where Scofield has not a single note.
"And the Lord gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give
unto their fathers; and they possessed, and dwelt therein. And the Lord
gave them rest round about, according all that he sware unto their fathers;
and there stood not a man of all their enemies before them; the Lord delivered
all their enemies into their hands. There failed not ought of any good thing
which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass."
This passage for which Scofield had no notes fulfills the
physical promise unequivocally leaving the "everlasting blessings"
to the spiritual believers in Christ in the Gospel Age which we are in today.
Though Scofield mixes and mingles and confuses spiritual Israel
with natural Israel his intent is to teach that the Hope of Israel today
is the land of Abraham instead of the faith of Abraham. After having once
received freedom in Christ he would turn Christians back to the beggarly
elements of Judaism in a veiled attempt at the political theocracy of British
Israel. The originators of Jew-British Israel heresy know that as long as
people believe in the spirit of Christ they will never accept the flesh
of British Israel, so they strive to exchange spiritual Israel for National,
or more correctly International, Israel in the hearts of men. This is the
work and purpose of the kingdom of God on earth propaganda taught in the
Scofield Bible.
According to the teaching of the Scofield Bible the purpose
of this judgment is to destroy the last phase of "Gentile Power"
and elevate to world rule a "corrected, purified and restored Israel."
Our understanding of this veiled language means the destruction of the Christian
Church and the United States Constitution in favor of Talmudic Judaism in
alliance with the British Empire with the seat of its World Zionist State
in Jerusalem. (Israel is part of the British Empire).
The "Time of Jacob's Trouble" which is heralding
the "judgment of the nations" and ending with a "Great Tribulation"
is the camouflage to hide the machination of war and revolution out of which
the British Empire is to "providentially" become the Theocratic
State of the New World Order. The New Order or New Age is to be a joint
function of church and state. These British Israel Jew Masonic Satanists
are the loudmouths who have yelled separation of church and state for three
hundred years while they simultaneously worked feverishly for the spiritual
state of World Brotherhood under the universal Masonic paradise alias Kingdom
of God on Earth.
That the Scofield Bible notes teaches and promotes the religio-political
scheme of British Israel can be seen by the frequent references to the Scofield
Bible in the many writings which advocate the Kingdom Message. In a book
by the British Israel World Federation in London, we find on page 25 a recommendation
of the Scofield Bible in which we read "We are now, obviously, at the
beginning of the period of prophecy known as the time of 'Jacob's trouble'
(Jer. XXX). The best guide to the significance of that 'trouble,' in relation
to our own history, is the life of Jacob, particularly when 'mystically'
interpreted under the helpful guidance of the annotations and headings in
The author (David Davidson) of this same book on page 26 states
"Dr. Scofield's marginal annotations to Genesis XXXIII are instructive
as to the successive steps of Jacob." Of course the Scofield Bible
develops a World Israelite political state which he says is promised to
the seed of Abraham. He teaches the coming of a new Judaic Heaven on earth
within Christian concepts and Biblical jargon and this exactly fits the
fictitious Christianity of British Israel.
Author Davidson says that the period of the calling out of
God's people (Anglo-Saxons and the Jews) and of their humiliation, sacrifice
and purification means the deliverance of His people from their bondage
and that Divine intervention is upon the world and is employing the forces
of destruction in such a manner and sequence of evolution as will bring
the nations of the world under the dominion of the kingdom of Christ (British
Empire). Denuded of hypocrisy this means that the world stage of nations
are being dangled like puppets so as to fit the predictions of British Israel
In regard to this context of "the judgment of the nations"
the author is almost honest at least for those who know his propaganda.
He states on page 34 "This is the message of prophecy for us concerning
our own time! Would it not, therefore, be a grand thing if we could all
look upon this
from the viewpoint of the Will of God, suffer our set-backs
gladly as the steppingstones to deliverance, and praise God for the sure
signs of the imminent redemption of all Israel?" Of course this is
exactly the brainwash that this propaganda is striving for. The British
Expire is hiding its crimes on humanity by saying that it (the British Empire)
has fallen to pieces only to show itself again after it has established
the new, British World under the aegis or concealment of kingdom of God
on earth.
And listen to the role of America at the hands of the so-called
collapsed British Empire in Davidson's book on page 37: "The most that
we can say is that America has for the present a twofold destiny to fulfill
in a failing world. It is her destiny to support the weak and supply the
needy, and at the same time to uphold, by successive and temporal proppings,
all that is best in the sagging and crumpling old world order, until the
new and better world order is ready to take its place." This is our
"world service" as delegated by the direction of the New Age and
can anyone look around and deny it is happening? Our substance and wealth
is being spoiled in paying the expense of our future slavery and poverty
which is planned for us as world servers of the New Age.
The British Empire will stay submerged beneath the propaganda
of the kingdom of God on earth until it can emerge ("providentially"
of course) after its final act of genocide to dominate the fragments of
a bewildered people long before George Orwell's 1984, maybe. Already the
preachers of the kingdom message are smarting and sneering at the misery
created by the British Empire as it manipulates world events to fulfill
its "Divine" mission.
One peculiar and definite sentiment developed by the Scofield
Bible is the building of the anti-Catholic spirit. This unification of the
anti-Catholic spirit is to play a key role in the passing of events preparatory
to World War III. And as always this deceit has a dual meaning in that it
is building against real Christianity both Catholic and Protestant. Therefore
the pied pipers of this anti-Catholic spirit should take note of the meaning
of this plot for them. There is no alignment with Satan that endures beyond
his purpose.
Another act of blasphemy of the Scofield Bible is its twisting
of Scripture to establish a future "great tribulation" which again
is only a screen to hide the identity of the force that is planning the
death of millions in the name of Bible Prophecy. In the lingo of British
Israelite W. C. Nabors in his book PROPHECY ON PARADE published by Destiny,
Haverhill, Massachusetts, we quote his reference to the final "great
tribulation." "It simply means the final period in the judgment
of the nations during which the various movements within the human family
under Divine Guidance and the intercession of Christ will be guided to clean
up this world mess and begin the restoration of the nations of the world
to a peaceful government under Israel. This restoration is to be initiated
at Armageddon in the destruction of the seed of desolation (he refers here
to the revived Roman Empire united with the Catholic Church) and the return
of Israel (Anglo-Saxondom and the Jews) to world government after she is
punished (this means self inflicted punishment to disguise the source of
the conspiracy) and after the experience of going through this world fire
will remove from her all of the dross and impurities (his 'dross and impurities'
is our profit system and Constitution) and refine her into a true national
representative of God's elect." End quote.
The source of this futurist interpretation of "the great
tribulation," which serves so well to conceal planned mass murder of
unparalleled proportions, is the seventy weeks of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27).
The seventy weeks which the angel Gabriel mentions in talking
to Daniel refers to seventy weeks of years or four hundred ninety years.
That this is true is agreed upon even by the British Israel millennial cult.
The critical thing is that they make an unnatural and unscriptural division
of the first sixty-nine weeks (483 years) and the last week (seven years).
The Scofield Bible notes say that there is a gap between the sixty-ninth
and seventieth week which is a period not fixed and not foreseen or foretold
by the prophets. This "unknown" period according to Scofield is
the Church Age (now) which is indefinite but that it will end with the final
seven years which is called the great tribulation.
We quote the Scripture so that the reader who is not brainwashed
on Millennialism may wonder how such a perversion could be except that it
fits a prophetic scheme that moves the fulfillment of this prophecy of the
past to the future in order to justify and hide slaughter on a grand scale.
Daniel 9:24 reads "Seventy weeks (not 69 - church age + 1) are determined
upon thy people and upon thy Holy city, to finish the transgression, and
make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring
in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy and
to anoint the most Holy." End of quote.
We might add here that not one of the Reformers believed or
taught such an adulteration of Daniel (separation of sixty-ninth from the
seventieth week) and not one of them believed or taught the coming of a
millennial age after this Gospel Age. Luther, Calvin, Knox, Wesley nor any
others believed or taught such Jewish hypocrisy.
The seriousness of this unscriptural doctrine cannot be over
estimated as Scofield and the whole school of British Israel Millennial
cultists puts, not Christ--but a future anti-Christ at the center of the
last seven years, which they say is yet future. This is no little thing
and is not merely a difference in doctrine or interpretation as the Cross
of Christ is involved. The Jews object to Calvary and their attempt at an
unscriptural division to establish a future "great tribulation"
is true to their hate of the living Christ. This is skipping over Calvary
and in essence and in fact it is a denial that Jesus is the Messiah and
the living God by saying that the seventieth week (which was the time of
Christ's ministry, death and resurrection), is yet future. This is to say
that Christ never came in fulfillment of prophecy, and shed His atoning
blood for the sins of the world. Such is the blasphemy of Jew-British Israel
and one would wonder what more could they do to add to the fullness of their
transgression that they did not do in crucifying God. They go on today to
fill up the measure of their sins by keeping others from the truth of the
Gospel with their wicked minds. Not only do they keep the world from the
truth, they twist it to establish themselves in the place of God by replacing
in the hearts of men British Israel on earth for the Israel of God which
is above and free.
In the woes Christ pronounced upon the Jews, "Fill ye
up then the measure of your fathers...that upon you may come all the righteous
blood shed on the earth...Verily I say unto you, all these things shall
came upon THIS generation (meaning them at that time and not future)."
Saint Paul did not equivocate about who were the enemies of
Christ when he said in I Thessolonians 2:14-16 "For ye, brethren, become
followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for
ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have
of the JEWS WHO both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have
persecuted us, and they please not God, and are contrary to all men, forbidding
us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins
alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost."
This doesn't sound as though Paul thought that the fleshly
"Jews" are "God's chosen people" and that they would
receive future blessings because of it. But people today believe that a
fleshly "Jew" is a special people with a special place in God's
plan and this belief has been largely derived from the Scofield Bible.
Why cannot anyone see the inconsistency of this Zionist scheme
to the plan of salvation taught in the New Testament? Galatians 3:26-29
"For ye are all the children of God by FAITH in Christ Jesus. For as
many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There
is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither
male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's
then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." In
fact there is no "flesh and blood" in the kingdom of God and therefore
any teaching which contradicts this is not according to the word of God.
In our discussion of the seventy weeks of Daniel and the "great
tribulation" it is surprising to find that those who say that the words
of Scripture should be taken in their natural, literal meaning are the very
ones who insist that there are already nearly two thousand years between
the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks! What is the sense to this inconsistency
except to serve as the blueprint of a most sinister plot to build a religio-political
commercial world state in the name of Christ?
If the grammar of Daniel 9:24 means what it says, the seventieth
week immediately followed the sixty-ninth. The word translated "determined"
means to cut off, or to divide. It is of no little matter to note that while
the subject of the sentence (seventy weeks) is plural, the verb determined
is singular. This can only mean that seventy weeks must be considered collectively
as denoting an uninterrupted period of time. Did Gabriel know that a Judaic
cult would try to stick a nondescript two thousand or so years where none
ought to be? Could he have known that men would misuse Scripture to make
liars of the prophets, to deny the crucifixion of Christ and to build a
kingdom in the name of Christ? We think he knew and we know the blasphemy
of British Israel.
The crowning achievement of the Scofield Bible in behalf of
British Israel Judaic Phariseeism is the attempt at deriving from Revelation
20:4 a teaching that there is to be a kingdom age on earth yet future for
a thousand years. Here again we find those who claim truth is based on literalism
very hypothetical and non literal.
The angel is talking to John who is in the spirit as he sees
the development of the triumph of Christ in Revelation. Revelation 20:4
reads: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was
given unto them, and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, (John saw headless bodies -- is this literal or spiritual?)-and
for the word of God and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
Of course to those who understand that the seventy weeks of
Daniel 9:24-27 is already fulfilled exactly according to the prophets also
know and believe that the kingdom of God followed the manifestation, ministry,
death and resurrection of our Lord. They know according to the Scripture
that the kingdom (spiritual) began with the coming of the Holy Spirit at
Pentecost and that if any other kingdom or any other form of this same kingdom
was to be then the Apostles of Christ were duty bound to reveal it as they
were commanded to go into the world and preach the Gospel. They failed not
of their mission and they mentioned not an earthly kingdom to come because
none is to be according to the Scripture.
What then is the meaning of a future millennium or one thousand
year reign of a Christ on earth? We recognize in this the exact expectations
of the Jews before the appearance of Christ. They had been taught in their
synagogues as is taught today in the neo-Christian synagogues that a Messiah
would (will) come and satisfy their fleshly desires for an earthly bliss.
This is a doctrine of the flesh, Satanic in its inception and full of meaning
in our understanding of the religio-political plot today which calls itself
As has been stated the real meaning of this new Judeo-Christianity
is the emergence of the British Empire as the only surviving power, after
the smoke of World War III and the effect of planned worldwide famine passes,
to dominate the commerce of the world. Already this planned spiritual deception
has far exceeded the wildest dreams of any past dictator who exhausted himself
trying to conquer the world with military and political power. With this
new concept conquest comes through spiritual control, control of the beliefs
of man, relegating political and military power almost insignificant. It
is a simple matter of reeducating the masses to believe that spiritual Israel
has merged with physical Israel and that the new state is God.
The American people would do well to understand the full significance
and import of the kingdom message. As the Prophets of the kingdom message
quote from Jeremiah they predict famine and disease and war that is to ravish
the land of America and there is being planned just these things through
which the British Empire expects to pour out its vengeance on the hated
Yankees and in the same stroke bring them back to the humble status of a
vassal satellite. All that is necessary that the plan be successful is that
the minds of the people be indoctrinated with the kingdom message and then
they are exploited with impunity as they cannot discern the source of their
As we discuss the great tribulation and decipher its meaning
it is not amiss to dwell for a moment on economic tribulation which is directly
related to the Great Tribulation which Scofield says (at least twenty-three
times in his notes to the New Testament) is yet future.
We presume at this point that almost everyone in America has
recognized the continuing inflation of our money but we grant that there
may be fewer who are ready to believe that there is indeed an organized
conspiracy to destroy our economic system.
British Israel economics has already made the dollar fiat
money and there is a concerted effort to attack their own established system
of national banks such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve Bank
in the United States. Caution must prevail among those who attack the unconstitutional
Federal Reserve Bank because as we have demonstrated, the intent behind
these attacks is entirely different from that supposed by would-be patriots.
Upon inquiry into the dual purpose of the feud over the Federal Reserve's
unconstitutional system of private banking we see a subtle plot to manipulate
the so-called expose of the Federal Reserve into a complete destruction
of our profit system under the guise of Constitutionality. We must remember
that betrayal more often appears beneath respectability and there is no
exception in the money conspiracy.
If we study the effect that the privately owned Federal Reserve
System has had upon the stability of the dollar not to speak of the ups
and downs of the economy and attendant world wars since its inception in
1913, we must conclude that the very intent of the Reserve Banking System
was to destroy the dollar and consequently our profit system. If we can
see then that the purpose of the "Fed" was a phase out plan of
our economic system then we immediately see that it was temporary and that
a concerted attack upon the system, without full knowledge, only accelerates
the phase out of our dollar economy.
Now true patriots visualize a return to a sound Constitutional
money system but the implications of their efforts are betraying their good
We go to British Israel for the clarification and explanation
of what we are trying to say as it only exposes itself (the "attacks"
on the Fed were planned just as the system was planned) when it is about
to change colors or form. The scheme was and is to move the dollar from
a hard currency to a fiat money via the "Fed" then to extinction
wherein there is no exchange medium at all. This is all "justified"
because the New Order of the coming kingdom calls for a return to the "Mosaic
Economy." An understanding of this so-called Mosaic Economy will tell
us very accurately the direction of our profit system and its meaning for
Americans. The Federal Reserve is insignificant when we begin to see international
finance operating under the spiritual deception of British Israel to establish
a world monopoly with the pseudonym of Mosaic Economy.
With the passing of the dollar which we are told is "the
economic system of Mystery Babylon" we enter the New Age under an economic
system which is production for use and not for profit. If this sounds strikingly
like that of Karl Marx it is, because it is exactly the economic system
of communism.
The new economic system is to be one of national credit which
serves each according to his needs and extracts work from each according
to his ability. Very quickly we see the complete control of our lives and
as the profit system goes so goes our wealth and savings. Under this system
of credit we can accumulate no savings and we move to total dependence upon
the state. In the vernacular this is serfdom.
The intent and purpose of the fictitious Mosaic Economy of
British Israel is the confiscation of our wealth.
We quote from W. C. Nabors in his PROPHECY ON PARADE, page
142. "Interwoven within the pattern through trial and error are our
experiences dealing with taxation, inflation, etc., but always we work in
the economic direction and on the chronological time chart outlined by Bible
Prophecy. All things are interrelated and all things work together for the
good to them (nations) that love the Lord and are called to set their economic
house in order to conform with the purpose of God." End of quote.
His statement that "all things are interrelated..."
may well be taken seriously as all things are interrelated when seen as
a British-Jew-Masonic plot. (We use British-Jew-Masonic in this hyphenated
form because they originate and are controlled from the same source, they
are all of one spirit and have one purpose, and they work in complete harmony
toward the world superstate alias kingdom of God on earth).
The once sound dollar (hard currency backed by gold) was the
envy of the world until the Federal Reserve began to manipulate our supply
of money by juggling the interest rate up and down to regulate the new controlled
economy. The Fed with the control of money began to steer America to destruction
through planned "economic tribulation" and world wars which were
financed with a debt money system from which the privately owned Federal
Reserve System is collecting over ten percent of the national income of
the United States Government for interest alone at this time. The "Fed"
has regulated the supply of money not according to the needs of the free
enterprise American system but according to a planned scheme of destruction
of the free economic system to one of a world monolithic monopoly centered
in and controlled by the British Empire.
To give credibility, in the minds of the unsuspecting, to
the fact that the Federal Reserve has manipulated the American Nation to
economic chaos we quote from U. S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, December 20, 1965
issue, page
BOOM OF 1919-20:
Drastic steps were taken to restrain credit. Discount rate
was raised in 3 jumps from 4 to 7 per cent.
Boom ended, depression took hold. Stock prices dropped 47
per cent. Industry's output fell by a third. Employment declined sharply.
BOOM OF 1928-29:
Another crackdown on credit. Discount rate raised in 4 steps
to 6 per cent.
Depression that followed was the worst ever. Stock market,
after crash in October, 1929, fell 90 per cent. Banking system collapsed.
Unemployment rose to 13 million, one fourth of labor force.
BOOM OF 1936-37:
Credit was tightened by squeezing bank reserves. A short,
sharp recession went on from mid-1937 to mid-1938. Stock prices declined
48 per cent. Production fell. Employment dropped.
BOOM OF 1948:
In 10 months, discount rate was raised twice, reserve requirement
3 times. Recession began in December, 1948, lasted 11 months. Stock prices
declined 16 per cent, industry's output 8 per cent. Employment dropped.
BOOM OF 1952-53:
Restraint on credit was mild. Discount rate was raised from
1 3/4 to 2 per cent. Recession of 1953-54, also was mild, and was due largely
to military cutbacks following Korean War. Industry's output fell 10 per
BOOM OF 1955-57:
Repeated moves to restrain credit. Discount rate raised 7
times in 29 months from 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 per cent. Stock market credit restricted.
Mild recession followed. Stocks dropped 19 per cent, industrial output 14
per cent. Prices kept creeping upward.
BOOM OF 1958-60:
Credit was tightened over 13-month period, discount rate raised
5 times, from 1 3/4 to 4 per cent. Interest rose to highest rates in a generation.
Business decline began in mid-1960, 9 months after discount
rate was raised for fifth time. Downturn was mild, ended in spring of 1961.
BOOM OF 1961-65:
Credit policy has been generally expansive since early 1961.
Since mid-1963, however, discount rate has been raised 3 times, now 4 1/2
per cent. Record prosperity still going on. Boom now 58 months old."
End of quotes from U. S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT.
Of course the article did not tell the whole truth as it failed
to state that the American people have been shouldered with over three hundred
billions of dollars of interest bearing debt since the beginning of the
Federal Reserve chartered under the pretense of stabilizing the economy.
Well, the above information shows that our economy has been anything but
stable, Americans have been disallowed private ownership of gold money,
the gold backing is being removed and the staggering truth is that the dollar
is inflating to nothing.
There has been a deluge of books printed to "expose"
the Federal Reserve System and many of them are the product of English writers
who attack our economic system under the Fed as being ruled by a "Babylon
dollar backed by gold" which is destined to go to destruction with
the "gentile economic system of Mystery Babylon" to be replaced
with the "economy of the kingdom."
American patriots attack the Federal Reserve System for an
entirely different reason which they do not often make plain. In the first
place they do not want the profit system of free enterprise replaced with
the kingdom economy trickery of British Israel. In the second place they
do not want to remove our gold backing which made the dollar the most sought
after money in the world. Furthermore, they are not interested in so-called
"free trade" which is designed to dump the fiat paid labor and
goods of the world on the American market. The reason for the continuing
howl over United States loss of gold is to prepare (educate) the American
people for total collapse of the dollar.
There is nothing wrong with our economic system that constitutional
money wouldn't solve and not a single American is ready to give up his property,
his savings and his freedom for the kingdom economy of British Israel. None
would give up to this trickery if they understood that the private banking
system of the United States was designed to serve alien interests (and now
that it has almost served its purpose) and that most of the attacks now
going on against this system are equally serving alien interests. Reasonable
and prudent men do not act until they calculate the effect of their acts.
To point out the hidden meaning of the disappearing dollar
we quote from a booklet distributed by the British Israel World Federation
in London entitled ECONOMICS A PHASE OF DIVINE LAW. The author, D. S. Milne,
states on page 11 'Then, to obey the principles of God's law, the surplus
should be given to those who are in need. Let us begin with the aged, the
invalids, the children and the mothers." (the fathers will be all dead,
killed in foreign wars to build the kingdom of God). "Let the Government
issue credit and give it, sufficient for the need. As the tide of production
rises, let the Government issue credit, as a national dividend, to all the
people, sufficient to distribute the surplus."
"The Divine laws of distribution depend upon individual
love. As Jesus said, the chief law is to love God, 'and the second is like
unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two laws hang
all the law and the prophets.' That is why the Kingdom of God can be attained
only by its citizens being born again. Selfishness and greed have no place
in a Christian order."
"But in those days the means of production were in the
hands of individuals with the power to disburse the products. Now, that
power is limited to sharing a few vegetables with neighbors. The means of
production belong more and more to the community. Manufactures are financed
by companies. Even farmers are little more than cogs in the wheel. Their
production depends also upon makers of farm machinery and clothing. The
interlocking of effort is so complete that in effect we are all units in
the scheme of production by the community."
"The result of this is to remove the responsibility of
distributive justice from the individual to the community. The individual
conscience becomes the community conscience. The aged and the sick are less
a family responsibility and more a social responsibility. A community of
loving individuals would see that pensions are adequate. Indeed, we all
have the will to increase pensions, and they would be increased had the
Government the power to apply the Divine law and issue credit according
to need. The hindrance is the debt and interest system of finance which
restricts the power of creating credit to the trading banks. Let Government
take the sovereign power of issuing currency and credit, and then it would
be able to carry out the wishes of a benevolent people."
On page 13 he says "The obvious and sensible remedy is
to issue more credit to equate with the increased amount of the harvest.
Applied as a national dividend {credit), the bounty of the apple crop or
the wheat harvest would be immediately distributed to an appreciative people."
On page 16 Dr. Milne states: "We have seen that in God's
law human need must be freely and gladly supplied, without usury, and without
perpetual debt. God's law enjoins lending for consumption, protects the
consumer, and promises prosperity to the forgiving creditor. God's law obeyed
would provide ample for all, freedom from debt and crushing taxation. Therefore
'Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these
things shall be added unto you.'"
"It is sometimes objected that the Social Credit idea
of issuing credit and distributing it as pensions and national dividends
would encourage laziness - 'money for nothing.' But it is not money for
nothing. It is credit issued to represent something that has already been
produced in excess of available purchasing power. Whereas it is evil for
a trading bank to issue credit out of what the bank does not possess, it
is right and proper for the people through their Government to issue credit
to distribute that which they have already produced. Should the people forget
that their standard of living depends upon their work, and should they be
tempted to sit back and enjoy the national dividend without pulling their
weight, a rude awakening would be in store. With decreasing effort, the
production would fall, and the national dividend would disappear."
"But we have seen that new era, or the Kingdom of God,
must be a Christian order and that Christ's standards must prevail. Worldly
standards, the lust of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride
of life, lead only to self-seeking, greed, and discord. Jesus set a new
standard. 'Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: even as
the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give
his life a ransom for many.'"
"Imbued with the spirit of service, every citizen will
be eager to give the best to the common weal. There will be no longer the
spur of fear to grab and hoard. There will be no longer competition to gain
selfish advantage, but rather there will be competition to render service,
and added joy and pride of the skillful craftsman, or husbandman. 'And whatsoever
ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men...' (Col. 3:23)."
End of quotes.
Now if the honest reader cannot see the true nature of this
coming kingdom from the above quotation he is far removed from reality.
It is an absolute world tyranny hidden under the sanctity of the pious name
- kingdom of God on earth. The author says there is no hoarding (savings)
and that social credit is the economy of this new kingdom. This is positively
opposed to the independent spirit of Americans both white and black and
they would not fall for this deception if they knew its meaning.
To further give us understanding of the meaning and direction
of the British Empire through its British Israel (spiritual) propaganda
we quote from THE ECONOMIC CRISIS, a booklet distributed by the British
Israel World Federation in London. "We are building for Eternity. The
Empire can only be maintained permanently by a clear conviction of its ultimate
goal -- the spiritual entity of the whole British Empire -- THE KINGDOM
OF GOD ON EARTH." End of quote.
This quote makes it quite clear that the political conspiracy
is being promoted under the guise of spiritual truth and it comes more from
our "Christian" churches than from the marchers in the streets.
The following quotation by David Davidson in his booklet THROUGH
DARKNESS TO LIGHT, page 5, put out by the British Israel World Federation
with headquarters in London, England; makes it quite clear as to the sacrifices
that we must make in order to receive "Divine" protection from
the British Empire: "Upon emerging from tribulation and before their
initiation into the mysteries of the new world order, the English-speaking
peoples will be required to give up in sacrifice the doctrines and ideals
which constitute the materialistic basis of the present world order. Upon
submission to this requirement the English-speaking peoples in succession
will receive divine protection during the divine assessment and judgment
and will be sustained by divine providence until the economic system of
the Kingdom of Heaven has been established on earth. Guidance in making
the great sacrifice is indicated as operating through the regenerated Body
Politic of the English-speaking peoples."
We ask Christian Americans to look beneath the spell of the
Billy Grahams, the John R. Rices, the L. R. Sheltons, the Carl McIntires,
the Richard Dehaans, the Oral Roberts and the Herbert W. Armstrongs, all
of whom voice the kingdom message. Their mammoth national and international
evangelism is a propaganda campaign to prepare the faith of Americans for
their servitude in the coming British World Kingdom of God on earth.
As they take the tithes and gifts of deceived Americans, they
instill them with guilt and hopelessness on one hand and threaten them with
God's judgment on the other. Their lies and their hypocrisy are veiled with
their expression "Jesus is coming."
Americans need to get back to the Bible and Divine revelation
individually and independent of the spirit of the kingdom message of world
1985 UPDATE:
This chapter certainly would not be complete without the inclusion
of Rev. Jerry Falwell.
Why does Jerry Falwell, friend and consultant to President
Reagan, have such clout and honor among the "Jews"?
Does it all support the picture of fulfilling the perverted
prophecies of premillennialism and British Israelism?
Nominal Christians have been taken again by the Judaizers
and their system of racial and national salvation. Jerry Falwell and Menachem
Begin would act appalled if you accused them of Nazism. But once again,
it is only a question of who is the master race and who is the chosen.
Many alert Christians noted that President Reagan used British
Israel words and phrases such as "Armageddon' in the recent election
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