By Don Croft <>
October 29, 2004
Come on Don,
Don't be an empirical testing party pooper. I think galeros
g5 are on the up and up and opening up a major can of happy, its not like
the Sally Water shaninigans..... ; )
Chris, Bay area..
From Don Croft:
Thanks for your assessment, Chris. Your views are always appreciated
and I'm not being facetious now.
It's easier to assess somethign that's used in the home environment
or on the body than it is to assess a field device like the G5 Earth Pipe
of the field items, of course, because we can directly experience and assess
the effects, especially those who are energy sensitive.
The reason I want others to field test Galaero's invention
in varying circumstances is that,
1) we need to determine whether just any orgonite tossed out
in the Phoenix area mght have gotten the same results,
2) Galaero's making specific claims which need to be backed
up, soon, in order for this board to keep it's well-earned reputation, and
3) if the device can be shown to be viable and worthy of promotion
it will need to have more than one reputable person's confirmation and assessment.
Otherwise, perhaps, we actually do risk discrediting ourselves
when we blindly promote something which we don't understand on a practical
level. This has been a personal complaint of mine since this network started.
Empirical testing, just like brushing our teeth, might be
uncomfortable and inconvenient sometimes but it's an overall healthy approach.
So far, I doubt that I've crossed the line in terms of being overbearing.
I'm just not a confrontational or jealous person. If I were, I doubt that
this board would have survived.
We're all breaking new ground right now, in many ways. Unless
we find and adhere to some practical standards, though, genuine progress
is impossible.As anyone can see, I'm supporting Galaero's effort by asking
people to field test his invention. He seems to be quite adamant about the
viability of his device and that's his right but the other inventors who
post on this board are less adamant about our own creations out of respect
for each other and, frankly, because of the dictates of intellectual honesty.
I appeal to every inventor to adopt this approach, in fact.
If our personal lives aren't satisfying or fulfilling, we're
not going to make up for that by overemphasizing our accomplishments, after
It may be that Galaero has discovered an entirely new area
of research with these devices. We're not going to know that simply because
he repeats it, over and over again. The only way we're going to know that
is by personally experimenting and/or gathering the results of several reputable
testers' efforts in the field.
In another thread, I asked for volunteers who will apply the
devices according to Galaero's suggested parameters and their own inspired
hunches. Research like this always turns up information that nobody's even
considered before. It's a synergistic process and the real stuff can be
sifted from the extraneous this way, depending on the experimentor's diligence
and personal integrity.
In that vein, are we to take Galaero's word for it that his
configuration is teh only one that works? People have tried dozens of permutations
with any of the basic gifting devices and, so far, the simplest ones still
work just fine. I turned all that loose in the beginning with the open challenge
to simplify them even further. The earthpipe was invented by someone else,
in fact, as was the etheric pipe bomb. I promote those two just as vigorously
as my little offerings.
The rational mind wants to know how variations of these features
might change the dynamics, after all. Any inventor needs to feel good about
other experimentors 'taking it out and chopping it up,' in fact.
The rest of us here, Galaero, who invent and market new devices
hold ourselves to high standards like these before we'll make any claims
and anyone who posts on this board and makes claims will eventually be held
accountable by me.
You've made some premature claims, simply stated, and that
has to be made right, either by extending the research or by refraining
from posting unsupported claims until you get more objective data.
I can't let this board turn into a private playground, my
friend. I hate having to say this publicly but I feel a little bit cornered
and I think that mentioning this will turn out to be the right approach.
If I promoted my own inventions here this way I could at least be accused
of hypocrisy but in fact I haven't made any claims which can't be backed
up by plenty of empirical research.
Specifically, since there are scores of CBs in your area and
perhaps thousands of disabled towers, not to mention the proactive gifting
that was done in Mexico and California during the past three years, it actually
is impossible to offer a fairly objective declaration that the recent deployment
of your new devices has achieved these results. During the past three years
we've tracked a gradual increase in rainfall and certainly an end to the
very long drought in the region. Lots of people are responsible for this
trend, Galaero.
You disabled most of the death and HAARP towers in the Phoenix
area, so you've certainly earned a good reputation as far as I'm concerned.
You're probably just not aware that making unsubstantiated claims in a public
forum is out of line, though I've tried to gently impress you with this
fact over the past few months.
I thought long and hard before offering this criticism in
a post, by the way. A year and a half ago I was much more reticent about
challenging similar questionable claims and I suffered quite a lot from
that later on, so I'm being a little more forthcoming in your case. I know
your intentions are good, unlike in the previous case, but I'm still just
going to go with my intuition and insist on more testing before you continue
making claims.
Dr Reich was much stricter than I am, by the way, as were
the rest of the genuine pioneers. I'm not much more than a hacker, really.
There are half a dozen folks on this board who are better scientists and
inventors than I am and I'm actually happy about that.
I can't in good conscience do less than I'm doing in terms
of insisting on rational standards for investigation, though. Nor is it
appropriate to regulate or codify this process because the subjective element
is a powerful one when it comes to etheric tech. I just think we're all
mature enough to recognize when one has done the proper homework before
making claims and when one hasn't.
I know I'm skating on thin ice here because this thread has
generated more traffic than any other, so a lot of readers are supporting
your effort, at least this far. Pppularity has never been a proper gauge
of value, though. When the overt slander started on a previous board, a
year and a half ago, the site traffic numbers went through the roof, for
What I'm hoping for is that enough reputable experimenters
will apply your methods so that we'll get some longer lasting value from
what you're claiming. I don't want to hear from the same folks who endlessly
promoted the discredited offerings of previous promoters. In fact, none
of them are posting on this board, so at least I won't hear from them here.
I wonder if these benighted folks are boosting the numbers on this thread,
in fact.
So, let's see who will step forward and help you out, okay?
The weather here is fine and the G5 you generously sent to us didn't find
a proper testing spot. I don't think it operates on the same principles
as the basic earthpipes, at any rate, since there's no resonant cavity.
What I'm looking forward to finding out is what principles it does work
by, though.
October 30
I felt uneasy while writing the previous post and had turbodowsed
it many times along the way to make sure I wasn't stepping over the line
without realizing it. Carol says I need to be more careful about how I talk
to people. I still feel uneasy because I haven't criticised anyone, here,
in a post since the beginning of this board effort in August.
Having slept on this, Galaero, I have something else to add,
though, which is the consideration that claims carry inherrent guarantees
with them, which is yet another reason they mustn't be made casually in
a public forum.
For instance, if a well meaning person takes your advice and
deploys your G5 pipes in a desert or drought area and gets little or no
results, he may feel inclined to say that your invention's no good. If two
or three people do that and the news gets around, your reputation's just
been destroyed.
Since you're using my board to promote your claims, that justifiably
poor report would reflect on my own character. By posting this caveat, I'm
helping you to recognize that claims based on insufficient data are counterproductive
and, frankly, I'm covering my own butt, too.
I know there's enough interest in your invention so that,
even though you can't afford to travel to appropriate test areas, others
may extend the research with your cooperation and advice. I'm putting the
onus on folks who wish to promote your devices without first ascertaining
their true value, too, by the way. This is just like being pregnant, in
that one either holds to intellectual honesty or one doesn't. There's no
'sort of pregnant' nor 'sort of honest' in research and developmnet.
Institutionalized scientists often specialize in faking integrity.
MDs all specialize in faking integrity. That's an obsolete pursuit and won't
find a home here.
Georg Ritschl volunteered to help you extend your research
and he's done more than anyone else on the planet to generate rain in deserts
and he did it all with the intelligent application of orgonite. By now,
he's also connected with some committed and resourceful desert dwellers
in the Namib, which is the driest region on earth. They all have a vested
interest in generating rainfall, of course. I hope you'll pursue this!
If you don't want to end up like a couple of folks whom you
and I personally know who landed right in the middle of a pile of self-generated
excrementa due to their denial of the realities of proper, rational research
and development you'll consider my advice.
This thread more appropriately belongs in the Research and
Development section of the board, I think. Would you please start a fresh
thread there when you're ready? I'd like that thread to feature a more analytical
approach for the sake of integrity.
Something I get a lot in email from readers of this board
is that they're able to go to just about any thread here and get usable
information. Repitition drives 'customers' away from a board almost as thoroughly
as subterfuge and diatribes do, please consider. We all want this board
to succeed, I think.
I know that several posters who are more tentative are now
scared to post anything becuase they feel I'll jump down their throats and
this is the 'thin ice' factor I have to deal with at the moment.
I think this particular issue is a good training exercise
for all of us, though. It's the readership who will decide whether our effort
is viable, not any 'popularity contest' considerations, of course. All I'm
after is a user-friendly, exemplary, inspiring and very informative internet
board effort. I don't care about fashion, charisma or personal paradigms
very much.
You busted over a thousand towers, as far as I know. The reason
you stuck with that effort is that you found that my claims for this humble
little 3 ounce device had merit. The only reason anyone takes that giant
leap of faith and tests my own claim for this invention, which I have absolutely
no vested interest in promoting, is because I emphatically state that this
will disable a death tower. Most folks simply can't believe that until they
see it happen, over and over again. Why should they believe it? All I ask
is that they hang onto their skepticism until the confirmations show up.
I did that right, in other words. If your invention is genuine,
you'll find that people will get consistent results but this isn't likely
to happen until you do enough genuine research to find some parameters and
understand the process, at least in a pragmatic way.
After we do that and KNOW what we're talking about we can
make suitably outrageous claims with a good conscience.
I have an advantage over most of the weird science inventors,
perhaps, becuase I cut my teeth on the Zapper trade. Zappers, I found out
during the middle of 96--anyone's zappers--cure most cancer, AIDS, arthritis,
hearrt disease, and all the other killer illnesses cheaply and fast. That's
an outrageous claim but I know that it's so because I've spent 8 1/2 years
watching it happen to my customers consistently.
I made another outrageous claim for Dr von Peters' ChemBuster,
based on seeing it consistely heal a variety of chronic illnesses that were
apparently caused by the chemtrails since 1999.
Even so, I still can't promise that anyone will cure their
sickness with a zapper or heal their chemtrail-generated chronic condition
with ChemBuster.
I absolutely can claim that
a 3oz towerbuster will turn the average death tower into a life force generator,
though, because there's no subjective element involved in that process.
A dog or accident could cause a TB to land within a quarter mile of a tower
and that tower would be busted, I genuinely believe and claim.
There's power behind that claim, in other words. This is the
first time I've posted that claim on this board, by the way.
If your invention, too, can get specific, consistent results
I'll help you promote the claims for it, as I've helped several other inventors
promote their proven inventions. Even if I see that the trend of the research
is promising I'll advise people to try them out and give us feedback from
their own experiments. That's why I'm specifically asking the readers of
this thread to get actively involved in the research with you, my friend.
Business, science, healing, education and a whole lot of other
social pursuits are rudely aloof from our personal feelings, hopes and dreams,
Galaero. We either have to submit to their immutable parameters or fail.
anyone can look in the wake of the viable portion of this global network
and see teh flotsam of discredited promotional efforts. It's up to each
of us who wish to advance claims to choose the more ordered life on the
vessel over treading water in a raging sea.
Carol and I weren't even looking to have a network when we
started publishing my journal reports by Ken Adachi's gracious invitation,
3 1/2 years ago. Most of the folks on this board, including me, have always
been loners, in fact. We left all of the sycophants behind this time.
It's usually a group like this one which is called on to do
uncharacteristic social things. I can tell you that when the chatblasts
first started here I was just about tearing my hair out becuase four to
ten talented loners were finding it nearly impossible to pull in the same
direction at the same time.
By now, when a chatblast is scheduled, we pretty much get
right to business, thanks mainly to the women's diligence and commitment.
That took some effort and, more to the point, we're each required to suppress
our individuality just a bit in order to make the group thing work.
I know that you're frustrated by your present outside limitations
and could do ten times more good work if you had the cash and time available.
What I'd like you to consider, though, is that there just aren't any shortcuts
I want to make a lot of money someday, I'm not ashamed to
say, and I want to make it by writing books that sell millions of copies
so that I can spend all of my time, not writing on Carol's and my avocations.
The way I'm hoping to arrive at that happy circumstance is by simply doing
all my email in a timely way and paying sufficient attention to this board
while sending whatever I feel is relevant to Ken Adachi, who still sends
us most of the people who are interested in orgonite.
I figure that after some more time has passed (years?) there
will simply be so many people healing the planet and themselves this way
that I'll find that I have a readership big enough to sell books to. That
will free us to travel enough to extend our own research. I'd like to reverse
the Gobi and Sahara, for instance, if nobody does it first. I'd like to
pay for it, too.
I want to stop hurricanes at sea in a sailboat with sufficient
CBs on it, too. I even want to go to jail for driving without a license.
That's actually an ambition of mine. I'll only do that as a calculated risk,
of course, and if/when it feels timely as a way to speed up the destruction
of the US Federal Government without using my body as a battering ram ;-)
If I end up a lobotomized veggie in the American psycho gulag
in the process, on account of that experiment, I'll still probably feel
content because at least I followed my instinct faithfully.
Meanwhile, I work every waking minute when I'm not taking
necessary trips to disable the occult/corporate sewer rats' infrastructure
and I'm enjoying the holy hell out of every minute of this, even when I"m
dealing with personal attacks from other quarters.
If my plan doesn't pan out, I'm content that something even
better will happen. Maybe I'll die at the hands of some enthusiastic prison
guard but even that will be okay as long as I'm sure that I'm where I"m
supposed to be at the moment. As I've said, personal faith is something
we need right now, not something we figure we'll get when we retire, like
a pension. Are you as annoyed as I am by the hordes of middle aged folks
who wasted their youths and sit around in churches with beatific smiles
and bob their heads in rythm to the preacher's diatribes?
If I didn't feel fairly content now, I know that I wouldn't
feel content by having more money. I know it becuase I've had money when
I felt discontented and it wasn't that great. In fact, I spent it fast so
that I could be worry free again ;-).
My own hard life lessons have taught me that contentment is
what it's about, not recognition. Sure, it may take some achievement and
a sense of self worth to feel content but recognition is just the gravy.
PJ People are so fickle and popularity is always a two edged sword at any
The proper route to recognition is through friendship and
solid alliances with others who wish to be awake. I've got a lot of friends
and allies around the world now because they like the way my suggestions
panned out for them and now they're pulling in the same direction that I
am. Nothing and nobody can take away their own achievements that were based
on my suggestions and they're genuinely empowered from them.
The Christians among them don't care that I'm not a Christian;
the newagers who actually do the work don't care that I think that everything
that ever came from the Great White Brotherhood and their lapdog, Theosophy,
is just a pseudospiritual pile of diseased, hideously stinky, loathsome
crap. They're solid allies and often genuine friends, too.
In short, Galaero, you could write all of what you've written
on this board in private emails and that would be appropriate. By posting
it, you've made some formal claims in a public format and that's an entirely
different thing that involves accountability.
The other dropped shoe that we're all waiting for now is legitimate
confirmation. I didn't make these rules; I'm only the messenger. Arbitrary
rules can and maybe should be broken, but the market sanctions without mercy
or appeal, so it's wise for us to learn this lesson without paying a whole
lot of tuition in the process. This network isn't like the PJ ones, where
a televangelist, for instance, can bugger children and 'be forgiven' by
the sheared flock.
When we've ruined our good reputations by denying the rule
of empirical science, they're deader than disco.
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.