[Editor's Note-Update, October 17, 2005:
I originally posted three of the eight parts of Mission to Tibet
by Canadian Jeff Baggaley in April 2003. I had planned to post all eight
parts, but got bogged down with other work and had a computer crash
around that time, which resulted in the usual confusion and misplacement
of files. I had originally taken Jeff Baggaley's reports from the 'cloudbuster'
forum moderated by Don Croft (and founded by Stephanie Relfe of www.metatech.org).
That forum no longer exists, but I've saved many of the files posted
there for future reference.
I've had more than a few people contact me and inquire about the 'rest
of the story' on the Mission to Tibet, but I had trouble finding
the folder where I had stuck those original postings! Well, I finally
found them and have now uploaded Jeff's Mission in its entirety.
Besides displaying enormous guts and determination in
going to China and Tibet and completing this 'gifting'
mission, Jeff Baggaley revealed himself to be a natural storyteller,
whose rich, warm, and evocative narrative quickly captures your attention
and keeps you hungry for more! Mind you, this was just a day to day
activity report sent to a handful of friends who were part of the cloudbuster
forum at the time, but it could have stood up very well within the pages
of the Saturday Evening Post or Reader's Digest as far as I'm concerned.
There was a woman friend of Jeff's who financed his trip
to China and made the entire adventure possible. Her name is Angela
and she deserves our thanks as well.
Here are my original introductory comments posted on April
6, 2003:
If you've been following The
Adventures of Don & Carol Croft, you know that the negative
reptilian aliens who are conspiring with the Illuminati
to destroy much of humanity and enslave those who remain, depend on a
negative form of orgone energy identified by Wilhelm Reich as DOR
energy. The Crofts had discovered that the casting of plastic resin with
metal shavings and quartz crystals produced a device described as anorgone generator. These generators are capable of transmuting
the negative DOR energy into the positive, life-affirming OR
form of orgone. In doing so, you deprive these negative aliens of the
DOR energy field which they require in order to carry out their enslavement
agenda. Reptilians are thus driven from their underground 'hives' and
'portals' by the presence of large orgone generators, such as the HHg
(Holy Handgrenade).
A very brave man, a Canadian by the name of Jeff Baggaley,
took on the task of traveling to Tibet-alone- in order to place HHgs at
specific locations in very high mountainous areas identified as major
portals of negative energy. In doing so, he opened up the sky (and the
local people) to the influx of positive OR energy which can transform
both skies and emotions into a thing of beauty and upliftment. He was
aided by unseen helpers from higher dimensional planes who occasionally
made their presence known to him through the vehicle of our feathered
friends. It's an amazing saga of genuine courage and fortitude exhibited
by an ordinary man who stepped up to the plate and delivered a home run
when the call was made from within. Jeff's story runs to eight parts,
re-posted here as it was sent to readers of Don's cloudbuster
forum . We (and people from all over the world) owe Jeff Baggaley
a great debt of gratitude. Bravo Jeff, bravo...Ken Adachi]
By Jeff Baggaley <jeffreybaggaley@hotmail.com>
Dec. 15, 2002
Sorry for the delay in posting about my journey to China and
Tibet, but I've been a little under the weather since I drank some Orange
Juice in Beijing with a little ice in it. I realized about the ice as soon
as I'd drained the glass. I've been running to the toilet ever since ( I
did not bring my zapper
or SP with me
on the trip for fear of their being confiscated at the airport-- little
black box through the X-ray--hmmm... you get the point. Except for this
incident in Beijing, I wouldn't have needed either of them in any event,
but more about that later.)
I've also been catching up on a little sleep, what with the
12 hour time difference between Beijing and Nova Scotia. So if I stray some
from my main narrative during the following, please bear with me. Still
noding in the noodle a little.
First Things First
This trip simply would not have happened without the very generous financial
contributions a number of people made. I would especially like to thank
Don Croft who took the financial initiative in acting on my suggestion to
close the portals in China leaving me little room to wriggle out of the
commitment. I was going to China like it or not!
And also a very special thank you to Angela
who gave me a very, I should say A VEEERY long term interest-free loan.
(Did I say VVVVVVEEEEEEEEEERY long term? I mean how many decades left in
the century sort of long term.) Anyhow, thanks a lot Angela. I could not
have done it without your support.
On to the main narrative
Like I explained in my brief report from Lhasa, the Operators ( who of course
are always standing by) worked it so that I discovered only a few days before
departure that going to Kailash in the far west of Tibet was to be a primary
target in my gifting journey. In fact it was made relatively clear that
Kailash was the main target- the portals the secondary one. I'm still not
clear about the terms of terminology concerning 'White Brotherhood', 'Dark
Masters', etc., that Jon and ZSL
have brought up and discussed on a couple of threads. My simple understanding
of what I was doing in Kailash was that I was to go there and "plug"
an energy drain that had been taking place for millenia. And then "plug"
the dimensional portal accessing that energy. Those draining that energy
are predators, the ones at the top of food chain on the planet. Such is
the belief that I was acting on, whatever words you want to use to describe
Just after I boarded the plane in Halifax, the pilot comes
on the intercom and announces that the plane would be delayed by about an
hour. "The onboard computer is malfunctioning, and needs replacing,"
he says. My neighbour and I exchange excited glances- "One hour to
replace the Onboard Computer!!!"
I make a pact with God on the spot: "I do this job
and I get home safe, sound and alive". It seemed like a reasonable
deal at the time.
From Halifax to Kailash and to Beijing and back to Halifax
a month later was a gruelling race against time. Once I was in China, I
never knew exactly how to get to the next destination. So throughout the
month, I was either: travelling, or figuring out how to travel, or gifting.
The upshot of the plane being delayed in Halifax was that
I got rerouted, going from TO to Tokyo. I arrived in Beijing five hours
later than if I'd gone through Vancouver, as I was supposed to. I was informed
in Tokyo that someone had also forgotten to log this change into the computer
(meaning no surveillance when I got to Beijing- at least I wasn't aware
of any- specifically focused on yours truly).
This gave me a clear shot to Chengdu in central China, then
Lhasa, Tibet a few days later with little hassle- except for Jeff's very
feeble and fumbling attempts at trying to convey his intentions in Chinese.
Thank God the Chinese are, by and large, a very patient and understanding
people.(E.g. How many different ways does a seriously discombobulated Jeff
at the Beijing International Airport have to say "HOTEL" in English
before he realizes that the pleasantly smiling girl in front of him doesn't
really understand a thing he is trying to say?)
Tibet is a semi-closed area of China, meaning you have to pay varying amounts
of surcharges to travel there: one, in order to enter the land (I almost
said "country", which it was, until conquered by the Chineses
50 years ago) and two, to travel within Tibet. You cannot enter
into Tibet as an independent traveller. You must do so as part of a tour;
the only tours being booked through Chengdu. You can try taking the bus
over the mountains through Goldmund, but risk being turned back by the soldiers
at any number of checkpoints. There are soldiers and checkpoints everywhere,
though not so many at this time of the year (off-season). Theee are enough,
nonetheless, not to risk being turned back. So Chengdu it was- the idea
being that once you get into Tibet, you go your own way.
On the plane, I met some fellow travellers who were also on
tour: Richard from San Fransisco and a wonderful couple from Maylasia.who
were soon to get married. Once we got to Lhasa, the four of us hung out
together; visiting places in and around Lhasa while getting acclimatized
to the altitude and making arrangements to travel further afield. Lhasa
is about 11,000 feet or so high and the altitude takes some getting used
to. I would later climb to over 19,000 feet at Kailash (about the altitude
at which chemtrail planes fly).
During these few days, I was trying to figure out how to make my way through
to Kailash (but this time in Tibetan not Chinese) I must say, if anything,
the Tibetans are even more patient and understanding with us barbaric
outlanders. And they smile and laugh a lot- out of pure good nature. My
theory is that because the Tibetans are so high up, they are, well, they
are -to put it simply... that much closer to God. My God, they are a wonderful
people! I'd move there in a pinch if I didn't have three children.
Anyway, I didn't know, at this point, if going to Kailash
was even feasible. Many people were telling me that you need at the very
least three weeks to get there and back---assuming you got back. (A number
of people die there every year; one of the many perils of making the pilgrimage
to the sacred mountain. Renting a Land Cruiser for the 1200 km trek wasn't
working out. You needed at least 4 passengers to split the cost and there
simply weren't that many travellers in Lhasa wanting to go out west. Now
that's going to Kailash by the southern route, the harder of the two routes.
Going the northern route by bus takes three days and three nights in a sleeper
bus. It's 1800 kms and was the only available alternative. The problem with
this route was that it took a minmum of four weeks. Four weeks! That was
a no go.
Stumped and not knowing what to do, I hooked up with my companions
later that Wednesday afternoon. They were just in the process of making
arrangements to see a sky burial.
"What's a sky burial?"
"Let's go see and find out."
"It's a four hour drive out of town to the east. This is the only place
in Tibet that allows foreigners to see a sky burial. It starts at dawn-
(about 8:30 Lhasa time, all China being on Beijing time). We leave at four."
"Alright," I say, "let's go see a sky burial." I was
on a pilgrimage after all.
It was to be an experience I will never forget. It was to forever change
my life, the way I perceive life, and my whole approach to going to Kailash.
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
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