By Don Croft <>
October 21, 2004
Here's a word that conjures up some pretty powerful images
in the Western mind, mostly negative: witch. The schizoid nature of that
response, especially since very, very few people actually know or even know
about any genuine witches, is shown in the fact that Jesus routinely manipulated
His environment to teach His followers and to heal and feed the masses.
By that definition one might fairly argue that He was a witch, though of
course that would be as relevant as saying that Beethoven has long hair,
so resembles Tiny Tim.
Now that I've got your attention, please consider that 'witch,'
is a purely arbitrary term and I don't consider Jesus to be an appropriate
Exemplar for us, per se, because I think He was above our human station,
being a Divine Manifestation. Sure, we've all got a spark of divinity in
us but let's see anyone demonstrate the awesome power and authority of one
of God's Own Manifestations, okay? Enough said? I know I'm crossing my own
line in the sand right now (telling my personal ideology) but I think the
current religious attacks on Carol's reputation warrant that, so please
bear with me, okay? Unbridled attacks against me by academics, authors and
radio show hosts are just free advertising and good, clean fun for me, actually,
but when one uses religion, even pitiful fundamentalism, to assault another's
reputation and character it's in another, more serious league and needs
to be adequately and somberly addressed.
If you're a veteran 'gifter' of orgonite (some veterans got
that way in a day ;-) you've seen how powerfully you've affected your environment.
That's magic, in fact. How else can you explain that a few bucks worth of
ordinary material, easily and quickly assembled, could have such a powerful
and far-reaching effect? Even some of our religious critics are performing
the same magic, even while castigating Carol for calling herself a witch.
By their own standards they've just hoisted themselves on their own petard
and I need to point that out with this article.
Do these preachers want to take credit for our personal achievements
by claiming that we've been mistaken, misguided and corrupted all along?
According to their Lord, this is dirty pool because anybody can see that
our reputation over the past four years is sound enough and that Carol and
I are content to be judged by anyone on the basis of 'By their own fruits
ye shall know them.' Also, Jesus promised that 'The meek shall inherit the
earth,' and we exhibit meekness (humility) just about as well as anyone,
nor do we want a following (I won't even answer the phone any more) while
our detractors have all, so far, rather been characterized by their arrogance
and by their desire to create a following based on their condemnation of
our characters and motives and by the pitiful, threadbare old ruse, 'The
Lord, God, wants me to tell you these things For Your Own Good!'
Specifically, all 'Wiccan' literature states that magic can
only be lawful when all of the elements in the environment are honored,
when only those who wish to be affected are affected and when the practitioner
has approached the effort with a pure heart and a sincere, expressed desire
that only benefit can come from the effort for everyone involved. This is
true, of course, but people who have character and conscience don't need
to be specifically taught these things and if someone tells you, unasked,
that he/she is a Wiccan you ought to be just as cautious as you would with
anyone else who casually wears religion on his/her sleeve or proselytizes.
how is it that some folks allow cynical preachers to grab them by their
forelocks and induce them to distrust their own higher instincts?
The circumstances around the Sermon on the Mount is the best
example of how Jesus used magic in the highest possible expression. You
may be hard pressed to find any group who calls themselves Wiccans who will
keep to these very high standards in more than a verbal way, I'm sorry to
say, and desiring to perform magic for effect is a dirty motive, anyway,
no matter what shows up.
Noble words are common to every metaphysical group and sub
group, even the overtly satanic ones, but we have to continue to distinguish
ourselves by deeds in order to dispel the frivolous claims of the previously
un-challenged spokespersons for metaphysics and I think it's a mistake to
try to organize this new grassroots healing effort, at least for the foreseeable
future. It absolutely is time to redefine the parameters of metpaphysics,
though, because we're all proving that complex initiation rituals and exclusive
memberships are obsolete.
Since this is obviously not a personality cult there's no
excuse for anyone to attack Carol's character on account of her worldview,
which is not 'Wiccan,' by the way, and when preachers do that there's something
particularly heinous about it, much like when cops abduct and hold innocent
travelers hostage. Anyone who says loudly to a group, 'God told me.' assumes
the color of religious authority, in fact, the way unlawful federal cops
do just by dressing up in black uniforms and dark glasses and driving around
in military vehicles. We deserve better than that now.
I have the perhaps Quixotic aim of convincing you to honor
the word, 'witch.' IT feels like I'm standing my ground on behalf of my
beloved wife, who uses the term casually, without any guile or offense.
She was deeply hurt to learn that some vociferous preachers on the net are
condemning her for such a trivial reason and moreso that a few otherwise
intelligent people allowed themselves to be influenced by their calumny.
Fortunately for us, most clergy and quasi-clergy are now being seen in the
correct historical light: warmongers, cynics, exploiters, sexual deviants
and sociopaths, unable to hide in their black vestments any more. I suspect
that selfless preachers are about as rare as selfless witches are, in fact.
Aside from the casual use of this name, 'witch,' anyone who
works with orgonite a lot has experienced miracles and performed some pretty
astonishing supernormal feats, without even trying. It goes with the territory.
Try it yourself! I never get tired of the stories I get from folks who are
still in the process of assimilating the fact that they witnessed or performed
miracles without seeking or trying. A lot of that's getting reported on now, by the way. That's a dynamic, international bunch
of folks.
The genuine witches I know also perform some miracles now
and then without orgonite (they all love orgonite of course) but they do
it in such an offhand way that you're never sure if they even meant to do
it and I think that's how it's supposed to happen for us. The benevolent
entities who are way ahead of us earthly humans, for now, do it in a more
overt, controlled way. You may have had some conscious experiences with
benevolent supernormal beings and if so, you know exactly what I'm talking
about, otherwise we're still just being introduced to synchronicity and
orgone, which seem to be the working components of magic, along with a pure
heart in the moment. Go do a firewalk and you'll get a clearer picture of
this, I think.
I believe that Jesus had the easy ability and infallible wisdom
to transgress natural law but I doubt any lesser being could pull that off.
Saying, like Shirley MacLaine advises, 'I am God!' won't help you change
loaves into fishes and water into wine. Try it and let me know what happens!
;-) Attempting to overcome or sidestep natural law carries some pretty grievous
penalties, not least of which, perhaps, is cutting oneself off from one's
Creator and turning into a predator or parasite. Imagine what it must be
like to enter the next realm after having wasted one's life in seeking an
advantage over others. Much better to be a catcher than a pitcher in that
context, eh? Better still to be neither, of course, but being that way requires
consistent, endless effort and a heartfelt love for the Law.
Dorothy West, whom I've known for seven years, is an initiate
of the 3,000 year old Doran order of druids from Wales and she's in her
eighties, initiated into the order on her fourteenth birthday by her Welsh
and Seneca Elder grandmothers. She's the only other witch in America that
I've known who exemplifies these standards as Carol does and she's also
the only other empowered person I know who would rather cut her own throat
than to harm another living soul. I've never heard her say anything positive
about modern 'Wiccans,' by the way. Lets match these two witches, card for
card, with the preachers who are castigating Carol.
The other two witches I know and respect are Ouma Lahia in
Namibia and vo Joanna in Brazil, both of whom exhibit the same, immutable
standards and seem to have an added, earthy depth to them, born of extremely
ancient and refined traditions, perhaps.
I'm sure there are lots of other good, refined and balanced
witches in America but I haven't met any of them yet, as far as I know.
What you might consider, now, is that when science has assumed
proper balance with these newly discovered (rediscovered?) etheric realities
the powerful, disciplined psychics and energy artists will be considered
essential to every science research pursuit and inventing process, as Carol's
close cooperation has been essential to mine. I don't think we need to wait
for the institutionalized, pedantic, nihilistic, narrow oldfarts who think
they're guarding the gates of science to die off this time. We're ready
for the new scientific paradigm right now or you and I wouldn't be having
this conversation.
I've only gotten to know the nice ones like these four (the
healers); the self-oriented ones and their parroting sycophants always give
me the creeps, so it never occurs to me to try to spend time with them;
rather, when I meet them, even in e-mail, I'm mainly thinking of how I can
get clear of them ASAP and avoid further unpleasantness and the characteristic
energy drain that I experience in their presence. It's kind of like being
around crack addicts, really.
If you're a person who has an open mind and is accustomed
to investigating reality without a lot of prejudice you've likely had similar
happy experiences to mine and know some genuinely empowered, anti-institutional
men and women. I feel empowered, just like you, and I'm not a witch, so
I don't want to give the impression that I assume empowerment is exclusive
to witches. In fact, not being psychic allows one to perform acts which
the psychics are unable to do, like walk into a crowded shopping mall or
cockfight any time, without any psychic preparation ;-)
Really, though, when I see Carol do her stuff with healing
energy I'm in bewildered awe. Such talent needs to be appreciated; never
The witches who are genuinely gifted and refined, trained
psychics and energy sensitives (these are the real ones, as far as I'm concerned)
have chosen to either be healers or parasites/predators by the time they've
reached puberty. It's a burdensome gift to be a real psychic and I've never
wanted to have constant 'sight;' probably never will and after we're physically
dead we're all world-class psychics, of course, so what's the rush?
Reality is plenty fascinating enough for me as I am, now that
I've gotten past the basic mind control protocols that make nearly everyone
in the West believe, or at least strongly suspect (by the time public schooling
is done), that the universe is a dead machine, running down, purposeless,
meaningless, and that there's no such thing as right and wrong. Haven't
you ever wondered why they take twelve years to teach the basic intellectual
skills that can easily be learned adequately well, even by cretins, in five
or six? My homeschooled kids both read at a sixth grade level by the time
they were six and that's not unusual at all for homeschooled children. What's
really happening during all those mind-numbing years sitting at those horrible
little desks and contending with mostly sociopathic, bitter teachers and
vicious classmates? If you voluntarily conform to the schooled paradigm
of 'good citizen,' I truly pity you.
I think the fundamentalists are rebelling against that nihilistic
programming, somewhat to their credit, but rebellion has never been an honorable
path and, in fact, the Bible's Authors speak harshly of it. True education
and spirituality uncovers human potential so that we can be better, more
loving and aware people and genuine assets to our world and who would be
the arbiter to decide which human gifts and senses are 'good,' and which
are 'bad?' That would be like pronouncing that a hammer is 'good' but a
screwdriver is 'bad.' We really do deserve better than that now.
I was going along pretty okay when I joined Carol in June,
20000, but when we combined our spiritual, physical and intellectual resources
this grassroot, global network was born (where did THAT come from? We weren't
looking for it to happen). I'm sort of a scientist, I guess, since my inventions
are helping people, but without her active participation these inventions
wouldn't have come from me. She sees energy and can converse with etheric,
benevolent entities and all I've done, in this case, is to follow their
guidelines, partly delineated through my own instincts and partly from regular
Q&A periods with The Operators through Carol.
Almost by default, Carol later became an inventor, too. There
were no protective devices on the market which could block the murderous
effects of the new death towers, so she had to develop her own through a
little inspired R&D a couple of years ago, when we were busting all
the new death towers in our region together. She extrapolated from that
and developed a healing device, the Crystal Harmonizer, and an environmental
clearing device, her Orgone Pyramid, all of which are selling briskly, almost
entirely by referral from happy customers.
We gave away most of the inventions we developed together,
including the Succor Punch, Orgonite Cloudbuster, Powerwand, Big Secret,
Towerbuster and Holy Handrenade, and we helped others develop some newer,
sometimes more powerful devices. The mainstay, though, of this global healing
effort are still the very simple, inexpensive devices which anyone can make
from locally-available materials, and most 'gifters' make their own, though
several vendors, here and abroad, are earning their livelihood from our
inventions and their own related creations. I'm sure you can tell how gratified
that Carol and I feel about all of this.
I don't honestly even know, for sure, who The Operators are,
perhaps because I don't have the capacity to adequately comprehend them
yet, but I trust, as perhaps you do by now, that they're only here for our
spiritual advancement and our independence from tyranny, which is characterized
by more and more freedom, responsibility and accountability and a more purposeful
existence. They give us plenty of visual and other sensory confirmations
for our successes and victories, by the way. In the receding paradigm 'the
faithful' were required to blindly accept doctrines and dogmae and to follow
preachers in order to get to heaven, or whatever, and that's been discredited,
finally. We deserve more, now that we're maturing, spiritually, as a specie.
It's time to leave our childish, fear-based dogmae and limiting worldviews
I fear God, though. That fear is characterized by the knowledge
that I could cut myself off from God's grace through my own selfishness
or by rebelling against natural law. I think that's the only healthy fear.
Muhammand, Whom I revere as much as Jesus (though I'm not a Muslim) said,
'All things fear one who fears God, but for one who fears not God, We have
made him to fear all things.'
The fact that no institutional or personal dogma or ideology
has 'decorated' (corrupted) our grassroots approach in the four years that
we've been doing this work is a pretty clear indication that no harm's being
done by us, as far as I'm concerned, so the only people who might feel threatened
by our approach are the noisy self-seekers and proselytes who stand to lose
credibility when their approach is compared to ours by the more discerning.
In the past, noise and numbers were sufficient to overwhelm truth and nice/smart
people usually just parted like the Red Sea whenever a spiritual bully wanted
to plow through them but, as I said, we all deserve more than that now and
it's time to genuinely 'inherit the earth,' from the exploiters and tyrants
Unfortunately, whenever a concerted slander campaign has been
initiated it's prudent to answer the challenge and only stick to the issues.
I've come through this a few times, relatively unscathed, since this grassroots
effort was born but this is the first time they've ever directed their calumny
specifically at my wife. She abhors confrontation and discord but I see
every crisis as an opportunity to educate and inform people. As long as
any of us keep concentrating on the work and service aspect of our approach
, more than on personalities or personal gain, our individual slate's going
to stay clean. These new detractors, along with their predecessors, will
probably be seen bobbing in our wake before long but perhaps only if I continue
to appropriately and fairly answer the challenges in their unprovoked accusations
for the duration of the assaults.
What we're all about on these days is acting on the
clear knowledge that it's the world order, itself, that's in rebellion against
universal law and we all wish to help our fellows get back on track and
obey that law whole heartedly. We're not rebelling against anything by doing
our small part in taking down this heinous world order. How does one rebel
against rebels? I haven't seen any evidence that our most vocal detractors,
even the religious ones, have much genuine, tested personal faith in most
cases, which is why most of them are so underhanded and duplicitous in their
expressed desire to defame some of us. I wonder how these angry preachers
would have fared in the Roman circus with the hungry lions. The real, love-oriented
Christians were torn apart while their faces were wreathed in smiles, probably
impervious to pain in their anticipation of meeting their Lord. Most of
the modern, noisy, duplicitous and aggressive Christian evangelists would
have been making deals with their captors beforehand, probably selling out
the still-hidden faithful in the catacombs in the process to get some 'security'
for their space-wasting butts.
Muhammad adored the Christians for their evident personal
faith but lamented the pitiful, even hideous state of their clergy. As I
said, I doubt that Christ ever countenanced clergy, who induced the believers
to accept to be exploited by their masters in Europe during the Middle Ages;
a sort of undeserved purgatory for most of those very brief lives.
I used to wonder why Africans rarely suicide while affluent
industrialized societies are plagued by it and after a couple of visits
to the Dark Continent I now know that this is because Africans know that
our physical existence isn't our primary existence, so for them, bearing
a life of grinding poverty, dying family members and relatively limited
economic, educational and career prospects is about on the level of your
showing up at your corporate office building, undergoing the daily fingerprint
scan by the guards and grinding out 8 hours of meaningless work each day,
only to go home and lose yourself in televised fantasies each night and
maybe get stoned and have sex with your spouse on Saturday and then watch
the Roman circus on Sunday with commercial breaks and a six pack. In other
words, it's just something to be endured, not a really big deal. Your suddenly
getting the pink slip might cause you to take too many sleeping pills but
in fact you'd still be a whole lot better off, economically, than the average
African. Your wish to end it all would stem from lack of direct knowledge
of your own spiritual nature in that case. The African never lost that.
All things considered, whose life is more interesting? Yours
or the destitute African farmer who, when the sun goes down (most of them
don't have electricity) gets together with his family and friends by firelight,
swaps stories and speculates about the mysterious life around them, drums
and sings, perhaps dances while one or two of the men and women spontaneously
go into a trance and relay a little information from departed relatives
or guardian spirits?
I'm not a Rousseau groupie and I never bought into the Noble
Savage scam. In fact, Africans will grab and cleverly & economically
use every scrap of modern tech they can get their hands on while the occult/corporate-sponsored
Luddites want you to believe that technology is 'bad' and that we need to
live 'like the primitives.' Everybody wants a better, easier life, of course.
Some westerners actually struggle to overcome an addiction to comfort and
the Africans haven't been presented with that challenge yet, that's all,
but the impetus of Black culture might be impervious to the poison of annihilating
materialism which westerners have been brainwashed into embracing, so even
the bad guys over there at least have some class, substance and personal
style and the educated class still retain a healthy appreciation of the
unseen realm.
I don't personally believe in devils but the two Western evil
archetypes, Lucifer and Ahriman, give us some pretty good insight into the
nature of our cultural infantilism and error, I think. Lucifer, the 'love
and light' faker who boosts one's ego to the point where the individual
feels he/she is supreme in existence, is the virtual foundation of the ideology
of the present day occult/corporate world order. The arch-scammer of the
early 1900's, Aleister Crowley, promoted the mantra, '"Do what thou
wilt" shall be the whole of the law,' and I don't think one can get
more egoistical than that, do you?
The intricacies of corrupted Sumerian/Babylonian/Egyptian
occultism are the artificial labyrinth through which the initiates in this
occult/corporate world order are prodded, early on, and they're expected
to sort it all out through blind acceptance of shifting ideologies so that
the most cynical and egoistic ones are eventually chosen for the upper corporate
echelons: a contrived and dismal process that pitifully mimics genuine spiritual
progress and attainment. As one moves up through the ranks of Luciferic
organizations one loses innocence and morality along the way until, at the
'upper' levels one's immortal soul is stained by murder and amorality. At
the lower levels, of course, the adept only either hears about 'love and
light' or is engaged in openly satanic rituals, according to his or her
orientation. Both of them have a shot at the top row on the dungheap but
I think the overt Satanist has less to give up, to get there, than the newage
workshop and channelling addict does.
Now that we've entered a curious phase of human development
in which accountability has come to the fore (a clear sign that mankind
is on the threshold of maturity as a specie), just look at the countenances
of any of the political 'leaders,' top clergy, educators, media mavens,
fake gurus and corporate executives and behold their sorry spiritual condition.
If you can't see that, please note that any child, cat or dog can. None
of us are easily able to hide who we truly are any more-have you noticed?
Accountability cuts two ways: we insist on them being accountable but at
the same time we have to look at our own character flaws and misdeeds, too,
and none of us are saints, as far as I can tell. But we're all still capable
of spiritual progress through our own efforts and through grace, which is,
after all, a lot more powerful than 'karma.'
By the way, if you have the current misfortune of being corporate
chattel or work for the discredited government or in academia, start spreading
as much orgonite around your workplace as possible and your lot will improve,
I promise! So will that of your co-workers. Those jerkwad middle-management
jailers of yours will get a fair taste of their own terror in the process,
as will the perennial, omnipresent backstabbers you work with, who, incidentally,
will all probably become middle management if things don't change around
you, soon. Give it away whenever possible. Sometimes a benighted person's
heart will transform in the process and this is the ultimate prize! This
is how grace operates and it's more miraculous than turning water into wine.
I don't know of anyone being ridiculed for having or handing out orgonite.
There are holy handgrenades on many of the desks at the Idaho State Police
HQ and most of the cops and administration love the way they feel around
them and talk about it. This stuff doesn't seem to offend anyone but the
ones who desperately need to be offended.
Giving it is a little classier than hiding it, though I'm
more inclined to hide the stuff where it's needed ;-) I frankly lack the
diplomacy and tact to survive in the corporate environment and I actually
admire the nice, but smart, folks like you who can survive and perhaps thrive
in the belly of the beast. Corporate workers are still chattel, of course,
until the nature of companies changes from mercenary to genuine service
orientation. Example: remember People's Express? It was a wildly successful
airline that existed for a short time in the early 1980s. The reason it
was wildly successful was that the employees owned the company and they
profited from selling very low fares. The low fares were possible because
there were no executives giving themselves multi-million dollar annual bonuses
while the rank and file got 'a hearty handshake and a calendar' at the end
of the year or a dead turkey if they were lucky. everyone worked together.
I saw clerks running out to help load the baggage on the planes, for instance,
after everyone got checked in. Maybe I could survive in a corporation like
All government workers, except the ones in those traitorous
federal agencies, are real or potential servants but there are WAY too many
cops and bureaucrats right now, let's face it. Those damn black uniforms
have to go, too, officers. Do you guys realize what a spectacle you are
right now? ;-)
Ahrimanic 'ideology' is the root of materialism. It teaches
that there is no life, truth or virtue in existence; In that paradigm, life
is hell-'Give up hope, all ye who enter here.' In that worldview, higher
human attributes and yearnings are seen as just fantasies for children.
I personally think the Santa Claus myth is one of the most grievous Ahrinanic
mental conditioning tools and the self-policing way it's promoted and perpetuated,
across generations, on innocent,
trusting (at the moment ;-)) children indicates the cynicism of its originators.
The first time I ever had an out-of-body experience (I've
only had a handful-Carol and some others do it as casually as a handshake)
I was 21 and was meditating (very unusual for me, meditation-rarely happens,
in fact). I was comfortable with expanding my consciousness out of the house,
through the earth's atmosphere because it felt like I was part of Creation
and was thrilled to see that it was alive and conscious. When I sort of
exploded out into the solar system, though, I got very depressed because
the vestiges of my programmed materialism kicked in and I felt that the
planets were just a bunch of stones whirling around the sun, so I slammed
back into my body. I'm pretty sure that if I did that now I'd experience
the sustaining force of the ether and the unseen, benevolent entities 'out
there,' but since then I've worked pretty hard, as you probably have, at
finding substance and meaning in places where I was brutally conditioned
never to look.
I think the only people who genuinely fear death are the relative
few among our specie who have bought into the contrived Ahrimanic paradigm,
which is actually pretty new in terms of history-mostly created by the City
of London's clever and committed minions such as Newton, Malthus, Darwin,
Marx, Wells, Orwell, Huxley, etc. This is where atheism came from; it was
never an ideology before the 1800s, in fact, and it's the ideology of double-distilled
cynicism. At least the Luciferians believe in a spiritual reality, stunted
and distorted as it is. I'd sleep more soundly sharing a jail cell with
a voodoo practitioner than with an atheist, frankly, or with an aggressive,
rebellious Christian evangelist for that matter ;-).
An old Persian saying goes, 'An hour's reflection is better
than 70 years of pious worship,' and I took that to heart, earlier in life,
and reflected for an hour once and never thought to put much energy into
pious worship at all ;-). Of course, a life of genuine service entails constant
reflection and is the best gift one could offer God at the end of one's
days, I think. I'm putting a lot of effort into that, so maybe He/She/It
will find it acceptable..
Don't you think it's cute that many of my generation (baby
boomers) used to say, proudly, that they're 'agnostics?' That means, 'I
The next couple of generations after mine are totally immersed
in Ahriman's bosom but if you consider that the destructive nature of Ahriman
annihilates indiscriminately, then those generations aren't saddled with
millennia-old brainwash protocols that were arguably much more tenacious
than the widespread but more superficial 'Everything is dead and meaningless'
brainwash protocols that they've been subjected to and I'm seeing more and
more youngsters springing to life now and committing to this grassroots,
empowering gifting effort.
We who were conditioned by churchianity and/or Theosophical-hippie-nazi
spiritual constructs (same $#!+, different day) have a harder time getting
that much momentum, due to the mental baggage, and it takes a LOT more effort
for us than for them to gain some momentum. Another benefit of being an
African is that the very old brainwash protocols which Western culture was
saddled with didn't show up there until very recently and these fabrications
didn't have any strong, resident cultural context in Africa (men and women,
for instance, were practicing a sort of dynamic equality when the grim,
insipid preachers arrived), so they don't operate the same way and are superficial.
I've read the boilerplate literature that either condemns
or favors traditional (read: limiting and stilted) metaphysics and I'm glad
I did that because the experience left me with the option of choosing neither
packaged explanation of the vast, mostly uncharted realm of unseen. Now
I see both approaches as a concerted, dismal, 'good cop/bad cop' attempt
by the ancient order to mop up all the thinkers and feelers in the world
and keep them from becoming genuine, empowered threats to that parasitic
order's old cathedral of cards. I did most of my reading ten years before
the internet came into being, so the field was clearer for me.
Really, what we're being challenged to accomplish now is to
articulate the dynamics of subtle but powerful energies in a new, spiritually
liberating way. Dr Reich was all about that, which is why he hated mysticsm
and fake science. The only mystics in those days were tired and tiring Theosophists
and their sponsored fake spiritual teachers from the East, of course. The
good teachers in the East were never endorsed by Theosophy (the City of
London's official brain police for those white people who can't countenance
churchianity) because their teachings were too universal, so they never
got mentioned much in the West in those days, of course, otherwise Dr Reich
might have had another opinion of mystics in general, but who knows? Good
teachers can be found in any culture, of course, and in any age. There's
no reason to expect him to be better than we are, after all. His work stands
on its own merit and he was the very first to openly and successfully challenge
Ahrimanic science.
In order to really sort out what's wrong in Western culture
one simply has to become informed about conspiracies, though. Knowing who
made us this way is the first step in fixing the problem and that requires
that we abandon our programmed denial. It took 'em twelve years to fully
fashion your kneejerk 'denial' response, by the way, and if you spent another
four years under their tutelage you may be a hopeless project and I may
as well be talking to your hand.
It's not hard to see where a published, reputable author is
coming from so when a variety of authors' documented information about conspiracies,
such as the origin of 'Western Thought,' dovetail together a distinct profile
of the underlying world order's hidden hierarchy and agenda emerges and
you can see the continuity of that throughout history. Anyone who calls
dark, widespread and concerted conspiracy a 'theory' forgets that theories
are unproven, by definition. Conspiracies are actually very easy to prove,
in fact, because the criminal mind is obsessed with leaving public records
and this ancient occult order has left plenty of written , architectural,
cultural and religious records. This is why I call the opposing, 12-year-gestation
worldview, 'non-conspiracy theory.'
The Old Testament's account of the earlier history of Israel
is a guidebook of dark human conspiracies, in fact, if anyone were to doubt
that the desire to conspire secretly isn't part of human nature. If you
combine the Old Testament with Machiavelli's THE PRINCE, you won't have
to look any further to understand the nature and methods of parasitic, centralized
conspiracies. Of course, London's Zionists, who are arguably not even Jewish
by lineage, have outstripped the Bible's historical Israelite conspirators
in mayhem, terror and cynicism and we're shown the sad, repetitive practice
of Mossad blowing up busloads of Jews in order to get more even more money
from the treasonous US Congress and to enact even more draconian measures
in modern Israel. I don't think that even King Herrod was that twisted.
Twenty years ago there weren't a lot of reputable authors
to choose from but there also weren't a horde of 'credentialed' but previously
unknown CIA disinformation artists who have read all the basic literature
and spin out their regurgitated fake news and insights daily from the CIA's
most popular 'information,' websites-that's pretty confusing, I know, and
even daunting because of the sheer noise and frequency of it all. Because
they're so noisy and omnipresent the unwitting assume that they're true,
just like the way that the noisiest, most aggressive preacher gets the biggest
congregation among the benighted and sycophants in a town.
This is why we focus on the work we're doing, instead of on
my pontificating, and strongly advise everyone to experiment with our material
offerings before coming to any judgment about what we're presenting. The
happy result of this is that we don't have a burdensome entourage of sycophants
and idle flatterers but the slight downside, of course, is that Carol and
I don't get compensated for the 8 hours per day that I spend in personal
correspondence. This is a hobby that I'd be unable to sustain if I had to
work for someone else, of course, so I guess I sort of got this non-paying
but curiously sustaining and gratifying avocation by default or something.
As I've mentioned, a pretty good way to tell a genuine info
site from a 'sponsored' one is to gauge how you feel after you've visited
the site and sampled the offerings. If you've come away feeling enriched,
have cordially resonated with the author and have information you can genuinely
apply toward an end, it may be a genuine site; if you come away feeling
a little disempowered; overawed, then it may be a ringer. If you just get
a high from it without being able to articulate the value of it, you probably
found a 'channeled' site or have just allowed some fake-guru, Great White
Brotherhood jerkwad to titillate your brain's endorphin responses with some
skillfully applied mind control triggers ;-) so when you get to the stage
of your development where that causes discomfort and a little anger, instead
of continued, mindless endorphin addiction, you can give yourself a big
hug because you've Made The Grade, in my opinion..
Some disinfo sites actually reveal formerly secret or classified
info-sometimes a large amount of it, in fact-in order to gain your confidence
and their kill shot, so to speak, is only aimed at the few, more resourceful
folks who engage in the recommended rituals or 'meditations,' and thus catch
the jaundiced eye of one of the Great White Brotherhood's adepts--etheric
talent scouts--who then attempt to recruit the usually-flattered, clever
and resourceful new practitioners, who then may eventually become one of
the stable of CIA psychic surveillors and perhaps predatory field agents,
depending on how little character the new, gifted adept has. Only people
with weak characters and no conscience can be fully manipulated, of course.
The more advanced techniques, personally taught in workshops,
are used for recruiting the unwitting skilled, gifted psychics, in other
words. If you don't bother with the meditations or rituals that these sites
recommend you can take away a truckload of sometimes very ancient, formerly
secret information from the websites, books or even the workshops and use
that to do something good for a change, instead of just boosting your ego
and getting that pitiful, 'I'm now part of something Big, Old, and Secret'
addictive rush. It's sort of like raiding the Jesuit's ancient library at
the Vatican in this case, if you will. We use a bunch of excellent published
sacred geometry info this way but I'm not going to mention the popular source.
You can figure it out ;-)
The traditional religious paradigm in the West has an engrained
fascination for Luciferic evil-an obsession, perhaps, which is most likely
why the majority of satanic covens are in the Bible Belt (Southern US).
I know some fine Christians who live in the South but these are nice/smart
people who decided, early on, that the fundamentalist paradigm is restrictive
and spiritually demeaning, so they usually don't belong to a church. If
a Christian evangelist talks a lot more about 'fighting the devil' than
about the liberating message of Jesus, grab you wallet and keep your little
boys away from him ;-)
In fact, when you see blind religious fundamentalism objectively
you'll understand why, when people occasionally 'see the light,' and leave
the Luciferic cults such as Satanism, higher freemasonry & Theology,
Wicca, etc., they generally flipflop comfortably into Christian fundamentalism
because those two worldviews are not dissimilar: they both teach their followers
to avoid personal accountability like genital warts, insist on blind acceptance
of irrational concepts and they're quite ego-gratification based. It's a
very easy transition, in other words. Lots of Satanists and dope dealers
use Christian fundamentalism as a facade, in fact, and are even black-robed,
aggressive preachers. Somebody sent me a list of 33d degree masons and I
can't vouch for its authenticity but Billy Graham, Bob Jones, Jesse Jackson,
Norman Vincent Peale, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller, Joseph Smith, to name
a few.
In case you ever wondered why Billy Graham always goes to
the White House to 'pray' with the 33d degree Scottish Rite US Presidents
during every crisis now you might get a bigger picture of that, at least.
A friend of mine in the South told me he met a converted Satanist
many years ago in Bible Class and when he asked the fellow to explain the
curious tattoos on his forearm the fellow simply said, 'Name, rank and serial
number,' which my friend took literally. I suggested that the fellow's response
was just like they used to tell us in the infantry to say in case the enemy
captured and interrogated us ;-)
I'm not one to hammer Christianity in general because I consider
Jesus' Message to be a genuine bulwark of human society and spiritual progress
but in fact it seems clear to me that Jesus never intended for any institution
to be created in His Name because His was a Message of personal salvation,
which is at root a practical, even scientific individual process, sans 'intermediaries,'
and not easily turned into superstition. Some benighted Luciferians even
want us to believe that the 'second birth' indicates reincarnation rather
than spiritual birth, which is the next logical development for anyone after
physical birth. Duh.
These days, we can't easily separate spirituality from science.
Newton was the first benighted scientist to subscribe to the schizoid process
of promoting an Ahrimanic view of science along with kneejerk irrationalism.
I've met more than a few institutionalized scientists who pontificate to
me, ad nauseum, on the dead nature of the 'unquestionable' theories (dogmae)
of physics, chemistry and biology and in the same conversation they tend
to parrot the most infantile Theosophical fantasies with equal conviction.
I think they do that because they know I'm on the cutting fringe, so won't
criticize their inner beliefs. I actually get the impression that they're
Helena Blavatsky originated the term 'irrationalism' as an
'antidote' to churchianity, in fact, in the late 1800s and Alice Bailey
then turned that relatively innocuous doctrine into a destructive cultural
and even political weapon of destruction. It seems obvious to me that Theosophy
was created to sort of soak up and neutralize all the newly awakening people
who could no longer countenance the superstitions that had been grafted
onto Christianity soon after the adoption of that Faith by bloodthirsty
Emperor Constantine and then blindly perpetuated through the millenia. The
joke on us is that Theosophy is no more or less rational than the Mithraism
(Roman soldiers' blood/torture cult) that unfortunately came to characterize
Jesus' liberating Message in the early days. If you're a Christian and have
always felt a little uneasy about that grisly, cannibalistic veneer you
might find some comfort in examining the Coptic churches which existed before
Rome (the New World Order's clothing in those days) got hold of your religion.
I don't think you'll find any virtual
cannibalism there because the North African and Arabian Christian churches
were thriving before Rome locked its jaws on Jesus' Message. The Apostle
Thomas apparently set up a church in India before he died and I'm not familiar
with their doctrine but I bet it doesn't read like THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE,
or NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, either. Carol and I can't sit through a realistic
slasher movie and that's what the latest one about Jesus felt like to us.
How depressing and demeaning to the image of that Essence of Power and Love!
Since I'm no longer programmed to accept/reject churchianity
I can speak freely about these bizarre cultural phenomena and maybe you
wish YOU could say these things. Well, now you can! If you hold Jesus responsible
for what His followers are doing, though, I think you're missing the point
and need to go back out, then come in again with more discernment. Leave
that shoe with the dogma and rage on it at the door this time, please.
Speaking of blood rituals, the folks who seem to hate metaphysics
the most are fundamentalist Christians. It shouldn't be too surprising,
though, because religious fundamentalists of any faith (I saw 'Louis Farakan'
on that list of 33d degree masons and I bet Khomeini was one, too ;-)) want
to destroy everything in the world except what their own personal doctrines
favor, of course.
In this new age of personal accountability they, along with
the treasonous governments, are losing their credibility at an accelerating
rate and I think this is one of the most liberating aspects of this transition
we're all experiencing. I'm sure you've wondered why the Spirit of Love,
Jesus, has more often than not been made the scapegoat for justifying the
most heinous, annihilating agendae of the past two millennia: genocide,
enslavement and usury are a few of those on-going agendae, sustained from
the pulpits by rhythmic, irrational mind control mantras that induce the
masses to feel okay about their own sorry state and also okay about being
used as cannon fodder to perpetuate these horrors on 'unbelievers,' and
even on fellow Christians throughout the ages.
My wife considers herself a witch because she occasionally
uses applied metaphysics (spells, conversations with etheric entities &
animals and divination) to help make good things happen and to get personally-useful
information. Anyone who even barely knows her feels comfortable with her
and she's got a wide reputation for trustworthiness and reliability where
we live. It's natural for anyone who's a gifted psychic and energy sensitive
to pursue these activities because they see a much broader world than you
and I do and they want to explore its potentials in an unshackled way, as
anyone would.
Also, anyone who has and uses this gift irritates the hell
out of some fundamenatlis religious people, who were apparently browbeaten,
likely belt-whipped, as children to distrust and fear the hidden realm.
Of course, to the folks who see etheric energy and entities it's not hidden
at all-it's just part of their 24/7 surroundings and we're both fortunate
that Carol was never punished much for telling about what she saw as a small
child. Having an alcoholic mom who preferred to ignore her may have been
a saving grace in the long run, strange to say, and her dad was always content
to pretty much leave her to her own devices, as she was a quiet, non-demanding
and unobtrusive kid.
Anyone who has a sound character and the gift can safely do
what Carol does, of course, and when we die we're all going to be part of
the unseen realm, anyway, so why fear it now?
I usually drive at night on long trips because Carol has a
hard time distinguishing ghosts from 3D people in the glare of the headlights
and ghosts walk across the road without regard to traffic. She's refined
her perceptions to note the clothing style before slamming on the brakes
at night-lots of departed Indians, back for a visit, and wandering, earthbound,
pitiful Jesuit spirits are around here, for instance. I saw a couple of
white youth in late-1800s garb on our last trip, walking down the shoulder
on the interstate at the mountain pass near Kellogg, Idaho and when I asked
Carol why there were kids walking in the middle of nowhere, late at night,
she said, 'YOU saw those two? They're just waiting for someone to stop so
they can steal a ride.' I'm told by Carol and another witch here that visiting,
departed Indians do that a lot but are generally more genteel about it and
pleasant company. There's no substitute for refinement.
The reason Carol and I get along so well, beside the fact
that we're desparately in love with each other, is that we're both more
interested in serving others than in serving ourselves. It's a basic urge
but it's also a conscious choice. She's more determined to do no harm than
I am, by the way, so those evangelists ought to be hammering me instead
of her. When I encounter any predator, even if he/she/it is behaving at
the moment, I want to take him/her/it down without thinking twice about
it but Carol's burdened with the heartfelt dread that she may break a universal
law and accrue some grievous debt in the process so she never does it without
first thinking hard about whether it's appropriate and lawful to take him/her/it
In the four years we've been together she's only done one
spell to influence another person without permission (I invited her, early
on to do all the spells she likes to 'Make Me a Better Man,' though ;-))
and in that case it involved the safety of a youth who made some bad choices
and was in mortal danger. Right now, that youth is living in an unspeakably
dangerous situation but is apparently safe. Before I knew Carol she did
a similar spell to protect a young child from an alcoholic father in a broken
home some years before. In that case she caused the dad to vomit every time
an alcoholic beverage passed his lips and he immediately became entirely
sober and stayed like that for several years until she withdrew the spell,
when the child was on her own. She let me help her 'undo' the spell, which
was interesting, and he became a drunk again right after that, apparently
never knowing or even caring why he'd been unable to drink booze, wine or
beer all those years ;-) .a committed Pajama Man, of course. I know the
guy, so I saw the change after the spell was undone. She absolutely WON'T
do this for anyone else, by the way. It's just too risky, spiritually, Carol
says. The two spells involved loved ones.
Otherwise, we regularly go after treasonous-government terrorists
or murderous cops and other-than-human predators together, along with our
fellow warriors on and we kill them when we can, as
a gift of service to humanity. 'We can' only if the law allows it, of course.
We don't ever make those determinations. We can't-it's not our station.
These are the ones who would have turned this planet into a desert and committed
genocide in the process by now, of course. That's the real 'New World Order'
that the occult/corporate parasites were aiming for and had a fair chance
of achieving until not very long ago.
Carol's the only witch in the bunch at, by the way,
and I haven't noticed whether anyone there thinks twice about that. The
criterion we all use is whether the other will be reliable in a fight.
The joys and benefit of spiritual warfare are hard to describe
but easy to understand. I hope you'll try this on your own. The only reason
we have a board, aside from having a platform to fight conveniently as an
informal group from, is to provide easy examples to anyone else who has
the inclination to stop tyranny without risking life and limb. I guarantee
that the only time we could come to harm would be if we were ALL on our
way to the guillotine (including you) in the event of overt martial law,
enforced by Russians and Chinese at Congress' express invitation.. They
clearly want that, by the way. If you're not incensed by Congress' blatant
treason, why not? I hope you're not caught up in the fake drama of these
national elections. They're 'appointments,' not elections. I don't think
there have been any national elections since 1860, so Wake UP!
Otherwise, we get to enjoy all the benefits of winning battles
without any of the messy cleanup afterward. I think spiritual war has made
physical war obsolete. The treasonous US Gov't spends a LOT more on its
psychological/electronic war against humanity than on their diminished mercenary
force, after all. Can you see that? If not, look out your window at the
new death towers and at the vast armada of spewplanes ;-) that dwarfs, in
mass and numbers, the combined air forces of the planet. Then pause and
consider how much is spent on mind control in the form of television, shools,
approved churches and these ridiculous secret orders from whose loins all
of the bureaucrats spring. Also, how can anyone estimate the cost of deeply
programming , then training the countless millions of boys and girls that
were Shanghaied into the CIA's Monarch Programs, including MK Ultra?
Which form of warfare do you think They favor now?
Of course, most of those spewplanes are grounded now because
that agenda failed, thanks to this grassroots global network. Maybe they'll
be auctioned off before long. Do you fancy a flying RV? Orgonite will transmute
the residual poison in the spewplanes, I think.
Also, many of the deep cover assets in the Monarch Program
are waking up from their programming, now, and taking up etheric arms against
their former masters, as I have.
Just like it only costs us 25 cents to disable a death tower,
it only takes a few precise, easy energy blasts to disable a highly trained
and gifted, murderous psychic or psionic attacker and after you get your
sea legs, so to speak, you don't need any tools to accomplish that. I sometimes
wish I could just blast our noisy detractors into silence but in fact that's
not in order. I think the only way to counter that form of unbridled savagery
and subterfuge is with eloquence and rational argument, which I'm trying
to learn on the job. If you think that just loving them will induce them
to abandon their vicious ways, I invite you to try it and then get back
to me. I'm truly open to suggestion when evidence is provided.
The occult/corporate order spend a LOT of money and man hours
training their predators and sociopaths, in case you didn't know, and when
these previously-unopposed predators see their compadres dropping like flies
around them from our etheric-guerrilla responses they apparently start to
think twice about their chosen careers, no matter how arrogant they are,
and I bet they eventually question whether 'retirement' is even an option
for them any more. The religious and other sociopaths will still be around
as long as You give them credence, of course. Even they will perhaps get
a real life if they can't find a congregation or audience.
We're encountering fewer and fewer predatory psychics these
days, by the way. Judging by the nature of the latest round of psyhcic attacks
we warriors are experiencing it feels like the CIA are throwing dope-addicted
Monarch youngsters at us, 24/7. I suspect that after we've stopped all the
administration's planned terrorist attacks by November 2 that will ease
up considerably. This is probably a good sign. Hitler was throwing hordes
of young, armed and barely-trained adolescents in the trenches toward the
end of his regime.
I think something else is operating in the fundamentalists'
root hatred of individual empowerment and it came out of an older paradigm:
the Pentateuch (Moses' Scripture and Law), which can only be appreciated
in the context of history, of course. In fact, one may consider that some
of the worst occult ideologies and practices which Moses had attempted to
root out of Israel's very corrupted popular culture during the Exodus (forty
years-two generations--of marching around in Sinai while the population
got 'cleaned up,' which is to say, when the dirtier Old Guard all died off)
actually sidestepped His timely ministrations and, through the Roman regurgitation
of Egyptian and Chaldean, Luciferic ideologies, landed right in the middle
of Christianity as fundamental, irrational doctrines such as the Mithraic
blood/torture cult.
I personally consider Moses to be a Scion of genuine civilization
in a time of absolute moral/political/spiritual decay in that part of the
world. Imagine a society in which the Menendez or Bush brothers openly run
the show, not hiding their true natures at all, and I think that's an accurate
picture of what Moses had to contend with. His injunctions forbidding the
practices of divination, usury and witchcraft were emergency survival measures
for the Israelites, who had devolved into abject superstition and savagery
as corporate slaves. Of course the priesthood engaged in diviniation and
spells constantly and were sanctioned to do that by Moses, who apparently
knew what He was doing. Also, none of that was new to Judaism; it came through
Abraham his nascent Chaldean culture and traditions (along with the Book
of Genesis) and was likely also refined by time-tested, Egyptian practices
and knowledge during the time when most of the Jews were pretty abject.
Every culture is established on the foundation of what went
before, of course, and putting any judgement or value on such things as
symbols and rituals (unless the rituals involve harming others) seems pretty
specious and arbitrary to me, though I wouldn't consider using a swastika
at the moment.
Because people believe that swastikas represent evil they
invest the symbol with an unmistakable energy signature but it's probably
more complicated than that, actually. A better example is the cross: It
was used by the Roman soldiers as a magic symbol in their secret underground
blood/torture rituals but because most folks don't know or care about that,
the cross is seen and genuinely used as a benevolent influence. The swastika
is more recent and blatant, of course. Maybe this is why Constantin found
it useful to put the cross on his army's banners: it venerated Mithraism
and also the Christian soldiers in his army, who had, by then, accepted
the cross as a Christian symbol. I don't think the Christian soldiers were
invited to join the underground ceremonies and the Roman armies were always
made up of conscripts from across the empire, which made Mithraism so exclusive-only
for the Roman soldiers. I bet the Christians and Mithra guys in Constantin's
army fought well together after that.
The rabbinical colleges have a Bible that's a little different:
their Book of Genesis is a large volume, for instance; not the Readers'
Digest version found in the Western Bible. That's what came along with Abraham
out of Chaldea, as I mentioned. Our version doesn't announce Adam as a Prophet
and Scientist; Survivor of a global cataclysm and the first Author of civilization
in that cycle of human history. The older Book of Genesis apparently does
present Adam that way and Eden was a country that the Israelites traded
with at least until the time of Solomon. It was at the headwaters of the
Tigris and Euphrates in the vicinity of Mt Ararat and, according to rabbinical
texts, the best apricots came from Eden (Dilmun).
As I said, science and spirituality are inseparable now. Spirituality
without science is superstition, which is how I'd characterize religious
fundamentalism and the closely related Theosophy-based, Luciferic dogmae.
Science without spirituality is an automaton; an ennervating, grinding menace,
which is why materialistic science has caused so much damage to human spiritual
progress in recent centuries, leaving countless millions of spiritual infants
(in grownup clothing) in its wake and enabling global military conflicts
and, lately, the death towers and the near-potential success of the desertification
of our lovely planet.
After all, metaphysics is as much a part of human society
as farming and business are and in those days this wasn't even debatable.
The only difference, now, is that metaphysics is called by other names:
religion, medical 'science,' philosophy, electronics, quantum physics, etc.,
but it's all been pitifully denatured by the Ahrimanic programming of its
practitioners, so, by default, at the root of our society are the secret
metaphysical orders which influence us all through ritual magic, combined
with electronics and usury and the fact that this powerful, concerted influence
is hidden is a very sad comment on the state of awareness of the benighted
population who prefer bread and circuses to pondering their purpose in being
here and their true relationship to the world.
As I mentioned, the African is more fully aware and appreciative
of the unseen realm where he lives and it adds some meaning to his life;
meaning which is now almost entirely lacking in the West. The non-industrial
people in Asia, the Middle East and South America are also in relatively
good shape, by the way. I don't mean to come across as a bigot. I've never
been to those other regions, that's all ;-)
I'm only writing this because some malicious, extremely vocal
and energetic folks on the net are slandering my wife in the name of religion.
Really, I'm the only one expressing these views, so it's doubly dirty for
them to attack her. Carol rarely expresses much at all on the net except
in personal e-mail and in the Women Warrior's scheduled 'chatblast' sessions
and I'm the one who, at one time or another, used the term, 'Wiccan,' to
describe her personal beliefs. She's let me know that she doesn't like the
characterization because that arbitrary term has become a vehicle for self-seeking
people who only want to exploit others in the name of ancient, I think more
honorable, traditions. She hasn't felt comfortable in any group which calls
itself 'Wiccan,' she says, and those groups are quite compromised, in her
experience, and manipulated to do dark magic if they're competent at all.
They're also characterized, mostly, by
homosexuality, which she doesn't identify with at all. As I said, amorality
is one of the cornerstones of Luciferic organizations. The Middle English
vocabulary doesn't translate well into modern English, by the way. 'Hussy'
in Middle English means, 'wife,' for instance. If a Wiccan wants you to
believe that women who use magic and heal are lesbians who believe that
they're God, you don't have the advantage to go back in time and see what
the women in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s were doing that induced that
arch mason, Roger Bacon, and his ilk to burn them at the stake.
I spent some time in the Polynesian countries of Tonga and
Western Samoa, which are quite similar to each other, culturally and historically.
The Samoans retained more of their metaphysical traditions while the Tongans
more fully embraced missionary Christianity. It felt nice in W Samoa, to
me, and people were a lot more interesting. It was fun hanging out with
my friends there, drinking kava and absorbing a sampling of the intricacies
and history of their land because it's a fairly open culture. Tonga used
to be an open culture before Christianity and in fact those Islands were
called, 'The Friendly Islands' by the first Europeans to visit there. Now,
all the beautiful old traditions of Tonga are literally driven underground
(practiced in limestone caves) and considered 'evil' by the church-addicted
populace, sad to say, and it's become a closed culture in the process-quite
unfriendly, in fact. The Western Samoans mostly go to church, too, but since
they were never scammed into condemning their own heritage, as the Tongans
were, life seems a lot more balanced and harmonious there than in Tonga.
There's really no way to answer a religious fundamentalist
or other sociopath when they attack one's character because they're not
interested in finding the truth, of course. Our work speaks for itself and
we, unlike our detractors, don't claim that God speaks through us or that
anyone should blindly accept anything at all that we have to say-that's
all just our considered opinion, after all, and we only ask that the reader
fairly consider it, too, and Discern It.
As I said, the self-seeking always make the most noise in
public. I'm in touch with a woman who is a Chistian minister in Newfoundland
but doesn't have a presence on the internet, as far as I know. She told
me, frankly, that she doesn't agree with a lot of what I say but that that
she enjoys reading my offerings and that she's been busting all of the new
death and HAARP towers in the entire province because she does fully agree
with our assessment of the present tyranny. How come there aren't more preachers
like her?
It may be that the folks who are sniping at Carol are actually
just struggling to stop the emergence of the simple truth that science and
spirituality are inseparable and that their interface is metaphysics (magic),
which has to be rediscovered and redefined right now. Condemning magic seems
to me just the same as condemning powered human flight and the same religious
arguments were used to discourage the development of powered flight, by
the way.
The cynical old corporate/occult scions would have us all
eating grubs and wandering around, unwashed and barefoot, hunting rabbits
with pointy sticks, worshipping the sun, and they run the churches just
as thoroughly as they operate the universities, corporate workplaces, and
underground bases.
I guess the only thing I have to say to anyone who stoops
to slandering my shy, innocent, loving wife's character is, 'You ought to
knock it off or she just might get mad and send the flying monkeys to visit
you!' ;-)
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.