Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures | Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition | Tone Gen [Editor's Note: Expect to see more and more of this. The NWO wants to get you acclimated to seeing military troops on every corner and not become alarmed about it, so this is how they ease into it; all done in the name of 'protecting' you of course. Remember, when the NWO kicks in, FEMA will control your life like a military dictator, which is precisely the authority that recent presidential executive orders have given to that agency.] By Patrick Connole
Karl V. Simone From: 5-21-00 The collapse of two structures in urban areas killing three and injuring hundreds the same weekend that the U.S. government and military were conducting the highly-classified anti-terrorist PROJECT TOPOFF, raises questions about a possible role of the government in the dual tragedies. TOPOFF (short for "Top Officials") saw Attorney General Janet Reno, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala, and FEMA director Jamie Lee Witt being ensconced with Pentagon, law enforcement, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and intelligence officials who were conducting counter-terrorism mock exercises in Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Denver, Colorado; and Washington, DC and nearby Prince George's County, Maryland. Efforts were clearly concentrated on how hospitals would respond to a terrorist chemical, biological, or nuclear attack. Joining Reno and Shalala in the secret exercises were Secretary of Defense William Cohen, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson (who had just returned from Los Alamos National Laboratory, where a week before the government deliberately started a forest fire that destroyed over 200 homes and several lab research structures), Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater (who was simultaneously keeping tabs on a massive northeast Philadelphia building fire that had closed the Interstate 95 - meanwhile as TOPOFF kicked off another suspicious fire raced through downtown Tampa's historic Ybor City area), Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, and Environmental Protection Agency administrator Carol Browner. On Friday night, May 19 as TOPOFF was getting underway, a Delaware River nightclub on Pier 34 in Philadelphia collapsed, killing three (possibly five with two others still missing) and sending scores of others to Philadelphia area hospitals. Although Philadelphia was not officially part of TOPOFF, it is crawling with federal government and military personnel in preparation for July's Republican National Convention. The next night, as NASCAR fans were departing the Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina, a pedestrian walkway suddenly collapsed sending over a hundred people onto U.S. Highway 29. Charlotte had been a guinea pig for the federal anti-terrorist forces before. In 1997, a Military Operation in Urban Training (MOUT) exercise was conducted in the city by U.S. Special Forces, including the Delta Force. The Pentagon said that the exercises, which involved helicopters flying in populated areas during the night, would not disrupt the civilian community. They said the military would go door-to-door to inform civilians about the training. Not so, Charlotte's Mayor Pat McCrory claimed. He said the Pentagon "misled" Charlotte. McCrory said people were so frightened some got their guns thinking it was a real invasion. No wonder, because some 20 helicopters were firing live rounds in the proximity of condominiums. The police and city managers were not informed of the details of the exercise. But would the military kill innocent American civilians? Unfortunately some would. A 1994 survey conducted by the Marine Corps resulted in 26 per cent of the polled Marines saying they would shoot to kill American citizens if they were under Federal government orders to confiscate their privately-owned guns. The Charlotte scenario was replayed for frightened citizens in Houston, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Richmond. The secrecy surrounding these exercises was repeated in TOPOFF. Colorado's Governor Bill Owens said he was kept completely in the dark about the exercise planned for Denver. He said he did not know if the plan was to stage a mock contamination of Denver's water supply or a release of an airborne pathogen. But would the government rig the supports of the Philadelphia pier and the Charlotte walkway to provide emergency officials with real live victims? The answer is yes. One of the participants in TOPOFF was the CIA. In the past, this agency has shown total disregard for the health and well-being of American citizens. It subjected Americans to secret hallucinogenic drug experiments and, according to a retired US Army researcher, once worked with the US Army to spray radiological and influenza agents in the subway systems of New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia at the height of the rush hours in those cities. Another participant in TOPOFF was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, held responsible by many for the massacre of innocent civilians, including children, at the Brach Davidian compound in Waco, Texas in 1993. But targeting civilians in such an operation is illegal, that certainly would stop the government from taking such action? Again, the answer is no. When Delta Force was in search of cities in which to conduct urban training, it offered bribes to city officials in return for their support for the training exercises. San Antonio City Councilman Mario Salas says he was offered such a bribe in 1999. In 1999, Delta Force officers withdrew $1600 from a Kingsville, Texas ATM to pay city officials for a fire they started during exercises there. There is evidence of illegal financial dealings by Delta Force in Houston,
Corpus Christi, and Port Aransas, Texas. In 1997, a Marine patrol shot
and killed 18-year-old Ezequiel Hernandez, Jr. who was herding sheep on
his family's Texas ranch. The nation witnessed a Federal agent
menacing 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez with a high-powered automatic weapon
in Miami just weeks before TOPOFF. The bottom line is the federal
government could care less about the safety of U.S. citizens or legal