Post by celine on Oct 23, 2012 at 8:02pm
Just read it. It's true and the most important letter ever to hit the internet,... feel free to panic, you should,...
My name is Donald Marshall, I have been cloned by a large secretive cult known as the "Free Masons" and "The Vrill Society" and "Scientologists" together called the Illuminati. They make replicated bodies of people to victimize in terrible ways. They clone children for men with underdeveloped penises to have sex with. Some very famous and politically powerful people all getting together for a disgusting time.
Most of the G20 gather there to discuss worldly matters and watch gruesome things done to innocent people for sport. I have seen this firsthand and will tell all as it must be stopped.
The political people started bringing movie stars and musicians there to hang around with them. They can control who remembers the cloning facility and who will remain oblivious even though not remembering still damages you. I know who is involved, the ring leaders and everything they do.
It is basically a torture and child molesting factory, I was one of those children, but when I was young, to keep the perverts off of me, I started singing songs... original songs, very good ones. They told me to keep making these songs and I wouldn't get hurt, and so I did. Then they started bringing me there everyday for songs as the celebrities wanted more. They called me the goose that layed the golden egg, the phenomenon, but I ran out of ideas. Then the torture began. They smashed my face to start, throwing me around scaring me, a 5 year old, never letting me remember in real life until I turned 30.
The torture worsened until I was being stabbed and burned and repeatedly sodomized. At age 30 they allowed me to remember these clone memories and now everytime I enter R.E.M sleep, I am there. I don't have dreams, only clone memories. They made the movie, "The Island" and "Inception," about this subject. They think they're very sly and untouchable.
They have nothing to do but show off for each other in disgusting ways. They have no shame. It seems nothing embarrases them. They sit there in the stands of an unused arena smaller than a hockey rink, but can still seat between 300 and 400 people with dirt in the center (where the ice would be). They have frightened clones of children go into the middle to be victimized for a bizarre, disgusting spectacle; sometimes having animals like dogs have sex with them, while a man holds the leash so it won't bite them on the back of the neck (which I've seen happen before). They all try to out do each other in their levels of depravity. To be evil is "cool" to them.
Now to tell you about the ring leaders (as unbelievable as it may be to you), but you must believe me. This is a world emergency. The royal family of England,... yes Queen Elizabeth, Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, and Prince Charles are the worst of them; unbelievable depraved perverts all showing off for the celebrities that go there. Elizabeth has the children there call her "Lillibet" and does ungodly things to them. Some she fakes being nice to, some she is terrible to, cutting them with swords while they scream. The decent people that are there against their will are afraid to say anything against them. Most have their children there as a kind of hostage, to be torn apart if they even think of informing anyone. But as they have been torturing me terribly anyway I will tell all.
Vladamir Putin loves to put the fear of torture and death into people, but is essentially a cowardly pervert himself. Most of the famous people are ashamed to speak or be seen by me there very much, as they're ashamed of the perverse and disgusting gatherings. I am a decent person and will not participate in these acts, so they use me as an example and torture me for my being a good person. They've drugged me and had me say and do disgusting things in a blurred state just in case any of this comes to light so I can be hated as well by any that prove this.
C.S.I.S (Canadian intelligence) are all involved, including a lot of Commissionaires and the Prime Minister, Steven Harper. They do what Elizabeth says; seem to follow her every whim without question, It doesn't matter who you are. If you have a cute child or a child with a money making ability (like song making), they will clone your child -- and molest them. It's a pedophile's paradise and must be stopped. Elizabeth secretly owns a few music companies (Universal and others) with bands under contract. Sshe forces me, while under the knife, to compose music for them. If I can't, she will stab my clone, burn me have her pervert thugs, and smash my body there. It's causing me some kind of heart damage and severe debilitating headaches.
One good person there, Bernie Mac comedian and actor, tried to stand up for me, speak up for me saying it's not right to do to a human being, He tried to have others join him in speaking out against the clone torture zone while there. Elizabeth and Phillip had him tortured so badly there as an example of their "power." He had an aneurysm the next day and died. Now no one will speak up. They're all afraid of suffering the same fate. All it will take is a few lie detector tests. I will volunteer for them. They cover up for themselves so carefully that it will be the only way. I know of many non famous people that could be given a lie detector test to to prove this.
When it comes to the sexual exploitation of a child, lie detectors are admissable in Canadian courts. I need decent people with integrity so speak to about this filthy business, to tell who is involved. There is much more to tell. I am a wealth of information about this topic. Also, Elizabeth had princess Diana Spencer killed by having someone shine the brightest light known to mankind through the window side on to the car, they swerved away from it and hit the divider. It was no paparazzi. Diana survived though, and while either on the way to or in the hospital was injected with a high concentration of salt which is near undetectable and died. She did this because Diana was going to marry an Arab. Diana hated them [the royal family], knew about the cloning stuff and wanted nothing to do with it, but was afraid of being killed, so said nothing. I know this and many more things that I will be more than happy to tell.
I beg you reading this to help me. I swear this to be true with my right hand to god. They stupidly put my face on a Megadeth album, "The World Needs A Hero" when I was 23, thinking nothing would ever be proven. Google image it, I still look the same, it shows what I end up looking like after a clone gathering. Most of the members of my family are there, some willing some not. Some remember in real life, some don't. None will do anything for fear of torture and death. My family has, one by one, been turned against me. They told them things like I secretly hit or molested their children, poisoned their pets when they died of sickness Things like that to make them hate me and not want to help me. Even if they side with me there and say they don't believe it's true, Elizabeth then sa: "Are you cooling me a liya?" in her disgusting, croaking voice made as low and evil sounding as she can make it, complete with psychotic malevolent glare. And they say: "No no, of course it's true," stuttering afraid. My mother Catherine Mcmahon sold me into this sex and torture slavery when she remarried a man named Gordon Cohoon. His whole family is in this scummy secret society. His brothers Tom and Tony Cohoon his sisters Darlene and Bernadette Cohoon, they fear the new and improved lie detector tests (and that is all it would take to prove this true).
Half way through making this document, they brought me there and introduced me to a man named TROY LANDRY, He is an alligator trapper from Louisiana on the tv program Swamp People. He said if I sent this letter out he would take a power drill to my shin bone there and suck the marrow from my bones, kinda like a spinal tap; one of the worst things you can do to a clone besides burning. I said the letter will be going out. I have to escape this place, and so he did just that. It was excruciatingly painful. Everyone just watched slack jawed in the crowd. Troy Landry is an insatiable child molester and an extra retarded clone. In Louisiana, when he see's a young boy he likes, he asks his name, tells him he's an alligator hunter, shakes hands, then asks his pedophile friends at the local cloning station to find the boy's blood records to clone him. Months later, there are multiple identical boys grown for Troy Landry to victimize before the crowd of onlookers. They all do this. It's just a way of life to them. They consider themselves the priviledged people in the world power organization. Nearly everyone on that Swamp People show go to the cloning stations. After doing this shin bone spinal tap he asked me again will I send this letter out I said yes, he said he'll do the same to my pelvic bone everyday, it's worse. I said I have no choice, and so he did, And it is worse... you forget your own name, where you are, all you know is pain and you beg god or anything to save you from it...
Another deplorable thing they did in real life. The Canadian government was trying to lower the amount of prostitutes on the streets, (also Elizabeth hates prostitutes) so they had a man named Robert Pickton start killing them and feeding them to pigs on his pig farm. They had a camera set up in the upper corner of a room in his house and recorded him hitting them in the head with a hammer (a ball-peen hammer). They took the recordings and all watch them at the cloning station. Elizabeth loves watching it; says she has a maccabre fascination with death. Prime Minister Steven Harper knows all about it, has seen the recordings, and cheers as the rest of them do. If Mr. Pickton ever says anything about them or the recordings, they will make him have a heart attack or aneurysm.
You may ask why won't they just kill me before I send this document everywhere? It's because I've done so much since age 5 that no one wants to be resonsible for my death. They've said I'm the new age Jesus (which I'm not). Then they've said I'm the antichrist. Also, the Jewish people there (there are more of them there than anyone else) called me the Mishiak. I didn't know what that was so I looked it up on the internet. It means Jewish messiah ( also which I am not ). Now every day, rich people go there to meet me and smash me or stab me for some gruesome fetish it seems, while the rest watch in the stands. It's the worst nightmare situation I have ever heard of and it's happening to me. They get others too, but they're just used as sex slaves and won't talk about it. I get tortured anyway and have nothing to lose by telling everyone about it. Not only am I tortured into making songs for nearly everyone on much music, they want me to give them video ideas and movie ideas, video game ideas. They want me to think up all kinds of stuff for them. Jewish people think I'm something religious and won't leave me alone. They torture animals too. The more the animal screams, the more their god Yahweh supposedly likes it (which I find ridiculous). I've written to the Human Rights board. They didn't respond. I went to the police, they threw me into a mental hospital for 23 days for an evaluation. I was released with a clear bill of mental health. They continue to torture me, talk to me about absurd subjects. They've run out of things to talk about, even talked about the difference between pop tarts and toaster strudel and which is better and why. There is nothing to do there besides sex and fighting and torturing other victims.
I must add, they clone people from all walks of life there and chain them down to stainless steel corpse tables or drug them so they can't move. They send people into the room dressed up as aliens. Hollywood quality makeup and make them think they're having an alien abduction. They even dye chicken skin grey and stretch it over a mask for realism, perform medical "experiments" on them cutting them up. Perverts anal probing them and raping they're limp bodies. These victims wake up and think they've been abducted by aliens, but don't know where to turn and are embarrassed. The victims even sometimes try to videotape themselves while they sleep, to prove they've been taken, to no avail, they're not taken, they've been cloned by the most disgusting perverts in the world... The scum even videotape these abductions to watch later as sick demented porn... This happens more often than you can imagine. They just keep doing it to random people over and over and over...
They've offered me clone slaves to keep me quiet. Any of the prettiest women I've ever seen; any girl from the high school, even children. I do the right thing and spit in they're faces, jam my fingers into their eyes. But they have some way of turning off their pain receptors there. Not much will hurt them, other than getting dirt or vomit in a wound, or bleeding out too much. It only costs them time and money to grow new bodies. I started smearing excrement in their faces. I've never handled feces in my real life before, but I do this there and even that doesn't deter them... I made a song for One Republic referring to it called "All the right moves." The lyrics say "All the right friends in all the right places,... All the right moves in all the right faces". I've made so many songs, it's ridiculous: rock, pop, rap, country. There are so many people involved in it. It's staggering. The organization is vast. The only thing they fear is nuclear war, the new and improved lie detector test, and THIS letter.
For those of you thinking Queen Elizabeth looks like a kindly little old lady (and this can't be true) you couldn't be more wrong. She is the worst human being I have ever seen or heard of. It's so sad to see these women and children brought there, sitting in the center dirt naked, afraid, crying, raped and beaten for sport of the Rich and Famous. I, of course, can't bring myself to be a part of it.
Fefe Dobson (singer) and Kurt Russell (actor) told me specifically to include in my letter that they don't like the place and didn't torture me. Then said not to mention them, but I just have. Mila Kunitz (actress) from "That 70's show" recently stabbed me a bunch of times while I was rendered immobile for saying she's a slimy scumbag for hanging with these people and saying she has enormous eyeballs and looks like a lemur. Then begged me not to mention her. Then said she doesn't want to go to the clone zone anyway. She left, her body going limp and looking dead, she was gone. These people are allowed to leave, but not me. I'm an imprisoned slave, in the worst nightmare situation. I told Nicole Leone (Madonna) that I was going to tell everyone what she used to do to me for songs throughout my life, She told me VERY specifically to say in my letter here: "She is not afraid," no one will believe me. and nothing will come of this. I beg you to help me prove her wrong.
I am a Christian, God fearing man. They tell me there is no God, only science and technology. They are responsible for the death of young beauty pageant girl Jean-Benet Ramsay. Her parents are in this. Casey Anthony's daughter, Casey Anthony AND her parents are in this. Many others. Recently a man had his wife killed. It's in the news now, the asian woman. Her rich husband had her killed, said she was responsible for his son's death. Elizabeth says rich people in this organization don't go to jail. They are covered for. Steven Speilberg, George Lucas members. George had them light me on fire for the end of his movie, Revenge of the Sith. Said he wanted Hayden Christiensen to scream realisticly. Hayden watched me, listened to me scream and groan in pain, and copied the sounds exactly. He knows all about it. As does Natalie Portman and a quarter of the cast. Many directors have used me like that, in a role-playing situation; cause me some kind of excruciating pain just to see what kind of squeak or screech I will make, as if I were less than a dog. Then when I'm a bloody mess on the floor, they crawl on my broken body and sodomize me saying something like they "love me and can't control themselves" because I made all their favorite songs and I'm so "special." Broken ribs bending and internal bleeding, me crying or screaming, if I am able, but they just keep on going and they videotape this so they can view it again like evil pornography.
Children they bring there need a familiar face to talk to or all they do is scream and cry. That is where Joy Geizer comes in. She is married to my half brother from my father's first marraige. Joy Geizer is a Girl Guide leader and when they clone in Girl Guides, she speaks to them, keeps them calm and pretty much pimps them for free, knowing the children will have their memories repressed and will not talk about it in real life. All the Geizers are in this stuff. Many people that could also be polygraph tested, (Independent polygraph testers) because the police testers in my City of Halifax Nova Scotia are compromised. They cover up for child molesters. As I said, commissionaires and C.S.I.S are heavily involved. All it will take is a few lie detector tests to prove these things. I will take them and demand my mother and step father submit to them as well. It would be as easy as that. They've told me they won't even attempt to lie on a polygraph.
Please don't consider this the ramblings of a crazy person. It is absolute truth. My life and the lives and freedom of many people are depending on this document. They say the world finding out about cloning will set the stage for the end of the world in 2012. They're big into Nostradamus and prophecy. They said I'm the Anti-Christ because he is supposed to have a powerful weapon of air (internet) and this letter I send everywhere over the internet is like a weapon over the airwaves and will cause Armageddon. But something must be done. You can't understand (unless you've been there) just how terrible this is. The level of depravity and sub human cruelty is beyond anything that has ever been heard of and there is much more to tell. Ignore this and you condemn me to a horrible eventual death and will encourage them that they are all powerful.
This is not an exaggeration. I don't need to exaggerate. There is still much more to tell. Even President Obama is involved with these people. He and his wife go to these gatherings. They thought up a sick joke there: they and their administration set up a low level flight of Air Force One over New York City, [ April 27, 2009] sometime after the 9/11 World Trade Center bombings, simply to terrify people!!! Just because they could. They told people afterwards it was a photo opportunity for their plane, but no pictures were taken. They had the emergency calls of frightened people brought to the clone place. They listened to them and laughed hysterically. People yelling out "Al qaeda has more planes calling emergency lines," lots of calls from terrified people. Then looked at me and said "Donny we are all powerful. If we can do this and nothing comes of it, how are you going to be able to get us? You are our slave and the people here won't speak up for you for fear of torture and death. Now make us a new song or we'll gut you like a fish and leave you to writhe in agony".
This is so important. It's all God's honest truth, I swear to you. Please help me for pity's sake. I realize what this sounds like, but I can only say what I know. It's supposed to sound absurd, its their best defense. They've chained me to a cross and cut me up, burned me and stuff. Like a crucifixion with extra torture while they all watch blank faces. Some crying, some just staring at their feet. Some actually masturbate in their seats while this is going on and I'm screaming. They don't seem to get tired of it, like it's some kind of religious ceremony.
My EMAIL ADDRESS IS - Message me please and I will tell you where I am and will tell everything in person on camera, will take lie detector tests myself and I have proof this is real... I will be tortured there badly for sending you this. I might die for blanketing the world with this message. THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY... It's simply what is happening. What you are looking at right now is the most important document that has ever been put on the internet.
Do nothing and allow them to continue to clone your children and sisters,wives, and sons, causing them to have learning disabilities, unexplained depression, and suicidal thoughts; all kinds of side effects.
The importance of this is so heavy people. It's the most terrible thing in the world and this is your ONLY chance to do something about it. Don't be afraid. Help me help myself and others.
This is Part 1. I will make part 2, including the massive amount of names of people that go there. They're going to make an example of me there to show what happens to people that talk about cloning. DO NOT WASTE THIS KNOWLEDGE. I AM GOING THROUGH A MAN MADE LIVING HELL FOR THIS... IT IS MY ONLY HOPE AND THE ONLY HOPE OF MANY PEOPLE IMPRISONED THERE!!!
Donald Marshall has been enslaved by the illuminati for 30+years. During that time, he learned many secrets held by world leaders and elite members of society. Donald learned the terrifying secret of Vril Lizards which he has risked his life to share with the world, among many, many other dark secrets of the illuminati and their plans for a one world order.
Herewithin this website, you will find various links to Donald's information. You are encouraged to become familiar with Donald and his story and further investigate his claims.
Brief Biography
Donald Marshall, born 1975 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. At 5 years old, without his knowledge, he was cloned. A chip exists now, as it did even back in the 70's (and well beyond) that allowed for Donald's consciousness to transfer into his clone body each time he entered the R.E.M sleep stage. Although technology allowed for Donald to be kept memory-suppressed about his clone experiences in his 'normal' life, he suffered ill side effects on his real body and was able to remember everything about 'both' lives while in his clone body at the cloning station/center. Until he was able to remember the cloning center in real life there would be nothing he could do to attempt to break free from it all, regardless what he had remembered as a clone. He knew that his captors could release his memory to him in real life someday and this was the hope that he clung to through the years. Donald was severely tortured and killed thousands of times over as a clone. He has been forced to write much of the main stream music you've heard in the last 30+ years. It is absolutely shocking to learn that so many of today's performers were in on these severe abuses and transfer to the cloning center themselves during their own R.E.M sleep cycles. As hard as it was, Donald convinced the illuminati that he was a happy and compliant member of their secret organization. He was further allowed total memory recall when he was 30 years old. He then formulated and applied his plan to bring the truths of human cloning, vril lizards and various crimes against humanity to light. Donald has been actively speaking out for nearly two years about the many secrets that he became privy to during his complex and direct involvment with the illuminati. To date, Donald's information nor claims have been found to the contrary as he steadily continues to gain merit and support from people around the world.
Donald's heart has suffered terribly from all of the side effects that result to his real body from the extreme torture and/or death(s) of his clone. He likely needs a heart transplant. He has risked his life beyond measure to ensure that humanity knows the real truths about the illuminati and all of the secrets they foster. Donald asks for nothing but genuine interest and help from the world that he has nearly died trying to protect. Donald is still alive for a variety of reasons, though this can not be guaranteed as future events unfold and more of the illuminati darkness is revealed and accepted by the populace.
What's the association with the triangle/pyramid?
Vril have been around since Egyptian times and there is much reference to their association with the pyramid in ancient text/art.
The triangle also symbolizes the pyramid structure of the illuminati. The illuminati also dates back to ancient times.
It is believed that there is a deep correlation between Egyptians, Vril and the NWO-Illuminati.
To show loyalty to the illuminati, whether a particular celebrity is privy to the knowledge of Vril or not, they often make a triangle with their fingers and sport it to onlookers in some fashion, usually over one eye. (Other loyalty symbols such as the devil horns, number 6, covering one eye, etc., are also common acts by celebrities)
What is the Vril agenda?
Vril lizards are an ancient parasitic race. Parasites by nature want to take over until there is nothing left to take over. The same is true for the Vril parasite. They have an undying desire to take over and control the human populace. It may be part of a bigger 'alien' conspiracy, then again, it may just be that an ancient race of lizards survived the ages and evolved to be what they are today. No one knows for sure. What is known is that Vril are here on planet earth living deep underground and they have the cooperation of humans deeply infiltrated throughout society to help fulfill their agenda.
Through the ages, Vril have worked closely with influencial bloodlines and various elite families through a mutual agreement to fulfill the Vril agenda, hence a new world order on the horizon. Those who are not already loyal to the agenda are simply droned and when the lizard consciousness takes over the droned human body, the consciousness of a loyal lizard takes over and the 'person' now operates loyal to the Vril agenda. Of course, the humans who do work in cooperation with Vril have been offered immunity from the fate of non-compliant humans.
The Vril agenda is simple. Take over the human populace. Vril do not like humans and enjoy their tortures. They need humans for food (I urge you to follow the history on mass amounts of missing children in the child protection systems), sexual pleasures, entertainment, and slavery for things such as mining precious resources (Gold, etc.), developing technologies, etc. The humans who aren't used for these reasons are likely to be droned so the Vril can operate in human bodies to ensure the execution and continuation of the agenda.
How is Illuminati assisting the Vril agenda?
World leaders and key players, monarchies, celebrities, etc., have all worked together in secrecy and unison to a highly effective degree to conceal an amazingly diabolical plan to enslave humanity. See the following video to understand how the illuminati has infiltrated society to fulfill an agenda. After viewing, consider how such an infiltration could serve a higher, hidden agenda, one that the wildest conspiracy theorist could not conjure! An agenda where even the most royal, regal and elite people and their families are utter puppets, controlled by the Vril agenda either through fear or demented compliance. If Vril puppets and/or drones have been infiltrating society and working together with tremendous support for centuries, it can't possibly be much longer until the Vril agenda is indeed complete. Vril need to be exposed and eradicated immediately!
How has the secret been kept so well and for so long?
The secret has been well kept for ages by secret soceties, families of particular bloodlines, and all those loyal to them. Once privy to the 'secret' a person either embraces the concept and becomes loyal to the Vril agenda or they operate out of complete and utter fear. Those who have attempted to divulge information about Vril have demised, many under strange and/or questionable circumstances. Those in the know are fully aware of the brutal potential consequences and do not dare speak out, though some may give hints. Those who have attempted to warn humanity about Vril on any grand scale have sorely done so in vain thus far as people continuously fail to grasp what they were truly attempting to tell us in the best way they could in their time and given situation.
Human Beings have been missing the clues. It would be nice to think that all of the world's problems and issues relate to a huge banking scheme and/or a very corrupt world governement which trickles down from generations of diseases bloodlines thus creating the controllers of the NWO, all of which is true, however, it is far bigger than that. The NWO has been orchestrated by the Vril race via human drones and fear to control and further enslave the masses for a very sinister and diabolical agenda.
How does religion and Vril relate?
Vril origins are unknown.
This website is intended only to bring awareness about the existance of Vril lizards and their influence on the world as we know it. No attempt is made to speculate on matters of spirituality other than to iterate the correlation between the Vril agena and the manipulation of various religions through use of the families and drones loyal to the agenda. The only stated fact of the matter is that Vril have used religions as a major resource to aid them in accomplishing their ancient agenda to control the populace. The use of droned human beings and bloodlines loyal to the Vril agenda has ensured a tight circle of secrecy.
The reader is urged to understand that no claim is made or attempted to be made to suggest whether or not there is logical basis for spirituality as that is for the reader to feel and conclude for oneself. Specific religions and/or devotions, and the leaders and key players of those populace control mechanisms are the nature of speculation.
Fibonnici, Symetry, triangle, pyramid, eye, lizard, knights of malta, Pope/religion, fire/hell ....ummmmm.....hellloooo?
Spelling. Is it Vril or Vrill?
As the secret of Vril has been kept so secret, there is no real public documentation to refer to for a correct answer. The spelling varies from person to person and is not incorrect to be spelt as Vrill. Much more is returned on a google search if one searches with the term Vril as opposed to Vrill.
What is Vril energy, Thule, Vril-ya, etc.?
The Vril Society ( vril_society.htm)
Vril lizards have been around since the days of Atlantis. They were able to preserve what was thought to be lost technology. This is how Hitler was able to have a space ship back in the 1930's. Yes, he did have a bell shaped saucer that he used for travel.
Engineer Sinks Shaft Under Fort Moore Hill to Find Maze of Tunnels and Priceless Treasures of Legendary Inhabitants
By: Jean Bosquet
Busy Los Angeles, although little realizing it in the hustle and bustle of modern existence, stands above a lost city of catacombs filled with incalculable treasure and imperishable records of a race of humans further advanced intellectually than the highest type of present day peoples, in the belief of G. Warren Shufelt, geophysicist mining engineer now engaged in an attempt to wrest from the lost city deep in the earth below Fort Moore Hill the secrets of the Lizard People of legendary fame in the medicine lodges of the American Indian.
So firmly does Shufelt and a little staff of assistants believe that a maze of catacombs and priceless golden tablets are to be found beneath downtown Los Angeles that the engineer and his aids have already driven a shaft 250 feet into the ground, the mouth of the shaft being on the old Banning property on North Hill street, overlooking Sunset Boulevard, Spring street and North Broadway.
And so convinced is the engineer of the infallibility of a radio x-ray perfected by him for detecting the presence of minerals and tunnels below the surface of the ground, an apparatus with which he says he has traced a pattern of catacombs and vaults forming the lost city, that he plans to continue sending his shaft downward until he has reached a depth of 1000 feet before discontinuing operations.
Shufelt learned of the legend of the Lizard People after his radio X-Ray had led him hither and yon, over an area extending from the Public Library on West Fifth street to the Southwest Museum, on Museum Drive, at theot of Mt. Washington.
"I knew I was over a pattern of tunnels," the engineer explained yesterday, "and I had mapped out the course of the tunnels, the position of large rooms scattered along the tunnel route, as well as the position of deposits of gold, but I couldn't understand the meaning of it."
Then Shufelt was taken to Little Chief Greenleaf of the medicine lodge of the Hopi Indians in Arizona, who's English name is L. Macklin. The Indian provided the engineer with a legend which, according to both men, dovetails exactly with what Shufelt say he has found.
According to the legend as imparted to Shufelt by Macklin, the radio X-Ray has revealed the location of one of the three lost cities on the Pacific Coast, the local one having been dug by the Lizard People after the "great catastrophe" which occurred about 5000 years ago. This legendary catastrophe was in the form of a huge tongue of fire, which "came out of the Southwest, destroying all in it's path," (continued on Page 5, Column 2) "...the path being several hundred miles wide." The city underground was dug as a means of escaping future fires.
The lost city, dug with powerful chemicals by the Lizard People instead of pick and shovel, was drained into the ocean, where it's tunnels began, according to the legend. The tide passing daily in and out of the lower tunnel portals and forcing air into the upper tunnels, providing ventilation and "cleansed and sanitized the lower tunnels," the legend states.
Large rooms in the domes of the hills above the city of labyrinths housed 1000 families "in the manner of tall buildings" and imperishable food supplies of the herb variety were stored in the catacombs to provide sustenance for the Lizard folk for great length of time as the next fire swept over the earth.
The Lizard People, the legends has it, regard the lizard as a symbol of long life. Their city is laid out like a lizard, according to the legend, it's tail to the Southwest, far below Fifth and Hope streets, it's head to the northeast, at Lookout and Marda streets. The city's key room is situated directly under South Broadway, near Second street, according to Shufelt and the legend.
This key room is the directory to all the parts of the city and to all record tablets, the legend states. All records were to be kept on golden tablets, four feet long and fourteen inches wide. One these tablets of gold, gold having been the symbol of life to the legendary Lizard People, will be found the record of history of the Mayans and on one particular tablet, the southwest corner of which will be missing, is found the "record of the origin of the human race."
Shufelt stated he has taken "X-Ray pictures" of thirty-seven such tablets, three of which have their southwest corners cut off.
"My radio X-ray pictures of the tunnels and rooms, which are subsurface voids, and of gold pictures with perfect corners, sides and ends, are scientific proof of their existence," Shufelt said. "However, the legendary story must remain speculative unearthed by excavation."
The Lizard People, according to Macklin, were of a much higher type of intellectuality than modern human beings. the intellectual accomplishments of their 9-year-old children were of equal of those of present day college graduates, he said. So greatly advanced scientifically were these people that, in addition to perfecting a chemical solution by which they bored underground without removing any earth and rock, they also developed a cement far stronger and better than any in use in modern times which they lined their tunnels and rooms.
Macklin said legendary advise to American Indians was to seek the lost city in an area within a chain of hills forming "the frog of a horses hoof." The contour of hills surrounding this region forms such a design, substantiating Shufelt's findings, he said.
Shufelt's radio device consists chiefly of a cylindrical glass case inside which a plummet attached to a copper wire held by the engineer sways continually, pointing he asserts, toward minerals or tunnels below the surface of the ground, and then revolves when over mineral or swings in prolongation of the tunnel when above the excavation. He has used the instrument extensively in mining fields, he said." END Quote
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