[Editor's Note: If you want to convince someone of the merits of your argument, you have to present your ideas in a logical sequence and keep focused on the topic you wish to ventilate. You need to follow the ordinary rules of English grammar and composition in order for the reader to follow your logic and to clearly understand your point of view. I do not know the name of the person who sent me this essay, which he was obviously hoping I would publish, because he did not sign his name anywhere. The only form of identity he provided, by default, was his e-mail address. He addresses me first as "pitari" and then as "friend", although he must know who I am since he wants me to confirm receipt of his "significantly upgraded, refined content.".
One expects sloppy composition from teenagers in high school, but we expect more from adults, especially those who express the level of arrogance and smugness seen here. This author has made just about every compositional error in the book, although, the spelling at least seems to be correct.
After reading the article, tell me if you are able to answer
these basics questions:
What is the topic of this essay?
2. If the topic of this essay is the Health Care bill before congress, is this author in favor of it or is he against it?
3. Who is he addressing his remarks to? Is it the general reader (who he does not know) or is it someone else - a whipping boy trapped in his psyche?
4. What have you been convinced of or what do you know that you didn't know before reading it?
If you want to become a more effective writer, study this essay, learn from it, and avoid turning off readers by making the same mistakes...Ken Adachi]
August 20, 2009
From: The Robotic Wageless Economy <sysop@............com>
To: pitari@peoplepc.com, pitari@allvantage.com
Subject: What did the Fools Really Get ?
Date: Aug 20, 2009
Hello Pitari: please confirm receipt due to possible censorship
significantly upgraded, refined content:
ref links: Epigenetics - Royal Jelly
Epigenetics - General
First this brief introduction:
Just suppose you read this enhanced version all the way through this time, put aside your own preconceived notions and inner voices and understand that this writer is not trying to deceive you, only to help you see through other deceivers as well as the truly confused, knowing that ultimately the deceivers are the most confused of all, or they wouldn't be extending their self-deception to others.
See there are people who have scientifically optimized the farming of other people, and they benefit from the farmed people remaining ignorant of this fact, and they do not want to give up this easy state of affairs, which is perfectly understandable, especially for those who benefit from, but are themselves ignorant of, how the "game" works, BUT now that we have "better" technology, i,e. real robots, we must transition away from this "other" way of doing things for goodness' sake. It is time to tell the truth, the lies made the current system possible, but too many are believing the lie is true now, becoming a product of their product.
See these same people, an ignoble faux elite, not to be confused with the real Elite, are so divorced from reality over generations of living off the spoils of others, that they have an almost comical sense of entitlement, believing they are completely innocent, and of great concern, their minds have so atrophied on these spoils, not having to understand how things really work, feeling it is beneath them and not "necessary" even, that they actually may not know how to live another way, nor understand how they got where they are, nor do many of them, due to this same atrophy and/or subconscious denial or outright ignorance, recognize the fact that it is no longer "necessary" for them to live this way via the oppression of others, when human directed systems of robots and computers can be everyone's slaves instead of the billions, who in similar, just as critically deluded fashion as their, in this sense equally ignorant, overlords, actually believe they are free, and/or feel they could not possibly live any other way either !!!
* So in this sense it is no one's fault per se, and everyone's fault at the same time, just a big "misunderstanding" if that makes it easier for you to move forward to the solution. ;)
Ironically most are accepting far less than they could have fairly, even both types of Elite, for with this new correct and fuller understanding, all can have it all, and forever, the real jewel, so be it. Repeat this 100 times a day.
There really are no true moral dilemmas, no not even one, they are all presented as dilemmas to the ignorant to get them to go in the direction desired by the presenter, i.e. to sacrifice for the presenter, to go on none the wiser that there are no true moral dilemmas, only false dichotomies meant to trick you into accepting less, corrupting your mind, shrinking it, managing it so that the presenter may be free of your interference, taking you out of the game, off the field.
* To Intellectually Lobotimize is to Actually Robotize.
To test this, please present all dilemmas that you honestly feel are moral dilemmas so we can address them one by one for you, showing how they are all false dichotomies or otherwise show their effortless, graceful resolution, please no specifics of people's actual names, places, times etc, to protect privacy.
Please send them to sysop@TeamInfinity.com
Also if you disagree, we especially want to hear from you so we can make sure we understand YOUR point of view !
What did the Fools Really Get ?
{okay, some really meant well, but isn't it better to mean well and be correct for all too?}
Look people, the fools got what they wanted, not for the reasons they believe though, they got what they wanted because a force far more powerful than they, wanted "Single Payer" to fail for reasons that are obvious: all health insurance companies would have been eviscerated overnight under "Single Payer", which is exactly what should happen since they do nothing to improve health care, that's right absolutely nothing, they simply skim huge chunks of money & pounds of flesh out of the system, cover-up malpractice to keep costs down, and even when they do pay medical or even malpractice claims, they are really paying themselves anyway because they taint everything they touch, on both sides of every transaction as they game every aspect of the system for maximum profit which necessarily implies the patient receive the worst possible care they can get away with, levels carefully modulated to hover just above the point of complete systemic cynicism, in scientifically calibrated fashion.
* This was a close call for them, trust me, but really just finely finessed theatre in the end.
Do you really think that protesters make it on TV if the powers that be do not want them to ? Do you really believe that ?
See the people really do have a voice, right ? Is that what you believe too ? Do you feel victorious ?
As if well trained competent non-eugenic doctors would not know how to treat their patients without medical insurance companies.
Understand that just because things are going well for you, does not mean that you should fight all change, your situation may not stay the same, have a bigger picture view, think that what is good for everyone is good for you by definition.
Accordingly then, "Single Payer " will remove all the sophisticated parasites from the system leaving only easily detected ham handed amateur corruption and incompetence to deal with, creating uniformity, removing hiding places, so more dollars actually go to pay for necessary care, plus no one can deny your right to private contract anyway, on a case by case basis your choice, never can this be denied, it just is not possible to deny, no matter what anyone tells you.
* "The current private medical insurance system is like the lottery: You fill out the form, send it in and hope you get something back !!!"
IMPORTANT: There can be no for-profit aspects, no advisers, no lobbyists, no private industry contracting, no quasi anything in "Single Payer" though, none, because then these finaglers will just move in, commandeer and hide behind government regal protection as they game that relationship, as anyone who has worked in Government knows: government workers claim ignorance of how to do anything, and simply hire contractors to do everything, so it cannot be like that and work, no it must be purely government with no profit motives whatsoever, or it is game over, even worse than what we have now, just look at NASA which is a government private industry "partnership" and one of the most disappointing failures after Apollo in recorded history, corruption and outright incompetence at every level, scientists being bullied by know nothing pushy managers with revolving door relationships with private industry, squandering the opportunity to allow human-kind to move out into the solar system and beyond to relieve pressure on Earth, and spread our good cheer for ever and ever, so be it.
This ingenious multi-faceted choreographed hatchet job on "Single Payer" is just another case of the biggest chumps of all time who believe they are part of the "elite" being manipulated by an "ignoble-wanna-be-elite" just above them trying to keep the little guy down, including you fool if this is who you are, making you think that somebody will be getting something for free on your dime. These fools actually believe the poor can live off stone soup. Not everyone is a perp, some people really are innocent, both rich and poor. The True Elite will have none of this, they care about everyone, that being just one aspect of being truly Capital "E", Elite, and yes they do exist, and yes they earned everything they have, again just another characteristic of true vs. faux elite. Do you really still not understand divide and conquer ?
No one is addressing all the waste, and denial of service paid for in the current system and the outrageous prices for ever decreasing quality of "care", the outrageous % the insurance companies take out of the pie. They are for profit corporations you fools, and there simply is no reason at all for them to care about doing a good job if they do not have to, there is no competition, it is them against you, that is the only competition. What exactly is their job anyway, have you ever even thought about it ? What is their service/product ? TO MAKE PROFIT OFF YOU and as MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
* Health is sacred: it, like religion, should be completely divorced from money, yes completely.
Medicine, like religion, is a calling, you should not be in it for the money, you should be in it because it is sacred and you are sacred and your patient is sacred, no other reason. You also should not have to pay to go to medical school, you either have the aptitude, or you don't, but no rush, people who really want to should be able to keep learning until they get it, rushing that sort of education only produces impatient people, medical training should be well thought out, not rushed, and free of all eugenic influences. Just as the training must not be rushed, neither should the delivery, it must be in harmony with the patient seeking care at all times, and that speed is independent of all business models.
Medicine is even more sacred than religion because it deals with real people in the here and now, now being the only "time" that exists, it alone is holy, for only in now are mistakes made or care received. If now is the only time that exists in reality and it is always zero years/days/seconds long, does time exist outside of being a concept ? The Time is Now, and you have all the Time there is !
Besides no religion can be more sacred than the people it is meant to help and still call itself religion, same for medicine, it's providers can be held to be no more sacred than the people they were created to serve. Always remember why everything exists first.
If medicine is one of the most sacred professions, it should be at least as concerned with quality as all the lesser professions, not less concerned !!! That is the craziest thing you can possibly argue against, yet it is not even discussed, they bury their mistakes and still get paid !!!
WAKE UP, take these shysters down off their pedestals unless they really belong there stop worshiping humans, and no more hiding their records of performance. The patient has the right to full privacy even complete anonymity, medical professionals have no right to privacy concerning the "work" they have done, none. If they are incompetent, the people have a right to know. Trouble can only multiply in darkness.
The rename game:
Now everyone is blathering about six and half a dozen different ways to call it something other than the same thing it is right now, now they want to re-spin it as coops, public option, this that & the other, creating yet a larger patch work of inconsistency while appearing to give the fools the feeling something was done to make things better, good gravy people, are you all really that stupid, it cannot be possible that everyone is a moron, please tell me you are not, please.
Nothing will change the fact that anyone who renounces their citizenship already has the "best health care" for free no questions asked, no bill, they do not even have to give the same name twice, they do not even have to pay taxes, and nothing is being proposed to change this, not even suggesting we should, now that is what I call medical privacy !!
Being a "citizen" is to be a harnessed prisoner, citizenship is really an international protection racket, never live in the country you are a citizen of unless you want to pay for everyone who isn't, and that does not just include the down-trodden they are just used as scapegoats, there are others in the ignoble faux elite ranks that you really need to be concerned with who scoff @ "citizenship" or have several like a bracelet of lucky charms, all the more reason to have a single transparent earth government where no one gets to slip through the "cracks" in either a good or bad way.
This is actually the way it should be for everyone, i.e. complete anonymity, completely free medical care, what you need when you need it, no strings attached, no records, just move forward, the Hippocratic Oath requires medical care to be provided to anyone who needs it, no "exceptions or fine print": just don't be a doctor if you cannot commit to this ancient Oath we do not need you in this field, that is for sure. And doctors will keep more of the money from patients who can pay if the medical insurance companies are cut out of the picture, they add no value, they simply suck more and more out the longer they are attached to the jugular year in and year out. Do not let your honesty be harnessed by dishonest. We need a better system to protect the honest.
"Single Payer" is definitely the way to go, because as we discussed, it & anything else will never change the fact that you will always be able to personally, privately contract with anyone, including a doctor, directly with coin i.e. barter, the right to private contract is a natural law, and can never be stymied, never, that is just the way private contract works, anywhere, and always has.
Even Medical insurance's continued existence, or elimination does not deny this truth: however, remove the medical insurance shyster level and you leave a higher percentage going to the care provider, the insurance companies add no value that they do not retain exclusively for themselves, as designed, and they are accountable to no one, there is no consistency whatsoever in their product, whatever it even is, and no quality whatsoever other than by chance, they have even gamed the liability side with scientific precision, covering all angles as any "good" business person would, WAKE UP !!!
They get paid no matter what happens, they are for profit and there simply is no competition except between them and the patient, and the patient always loses !!!
"Single Payer" done right, without death panels, under Full Hippocratic Oath, would create real care, relieve doctors from being controlled by profit motive and so many different nefarious forces, universal uniform public laws would insure quality, doctors would be judged not by themselves but tracked by the judicial system itself plain and simple, success rates are easy to determine, facts are facts. Of course we have to clean up the judicial system too. Right now the laws are so complex depending on the state and county that there is no consistency, and it is a jungle of lawyers who play both sides of the fence in a house of mirrors.
* If you are a "bad" or incompetent doctor there will be no hiding it under "Single Payer", just another reason the powers that be shot it down, they simply do not know how to corrupt "Single Payer" well enough yet to get their way under it, and it is important that we remain vigilant in achieving "Single Payer" in such a way that these chiselers are kept out of the picture, and that Dracula sees the antiseptic light of day.
Note: You may wonder how private contract personally and directly with a doctor, bypassing ALL middle layers, and "Single Payer" can coexist.
In fairness to this point, realize that personal private contract between two individuals is a natural law that can never be abrogated, no matter what human-made laws you come up with, for all such laws would be void for their violation of this natural law out of the gate. Think of the natural law of gravity, or friendship, where no one can tell you who your friends are, or what your favorite color is today, or how exactly to sign your name today, or what you wish others to call you. So adding a new system on top of, without suppressing existing natural laws is fine. We would never want a government which could prevent private individuals from private communication and private contract, never, ever, ever, ever.
This is a fundamental that you must understand and support for yourself and others.
So based on such natural laws, we can then build other structures, e.g. like "Single Payer", keeping in mind that all existing natural laws are immutable and self-evident aspects of the universe and that all human-made laws and systems are built on top of these, and must be torn down when they violate any of the natural laws. In essence then all good human-made law is just an extension of natural law.
In closing:
Just remember that the current system does nothing to address all the people receiving completely free medical care, that you are paying for if you pay medical insurance premiums. Do you understand yet ? Do you still not get it ? Do you really not see how badly many have been conned that they even support their continued enslavement, and have even requested it vociferously, yelling and screaming for it, or supported those who did ?
We are not Insects:
Baby Bees all start the same
What they are fed dictates their game
Those fed well live to rule, those not, to be the fool
Those fed swill life is uphill
Those fed well, neither buy nor sell
Those fed swill, grow stingers to kill
Those fed well, reproduce, those not, only produce
Those fed well develop fully are calm and live long
Those fed swill are stunted, live short angry lives and die young
The stunted when confronted sting and die, in their last malevolent try
In the beginning each was the same, look how treatment determined their name
Yet, bees in daily exchange pollinate, far & wide from hive's gate.
Yet we are not insects, we have a choice, so stop acting like one and restore each their voice
Now for the hard science of Epigenetics behind this poem:
Epigenetics, is triggered by an individual's treatment during development, including human development, treatment that can be controlled by governments indirectly via intentional unabated toxic pollution zones, selective enforcement of laws, as well as directly via water and food via nefarious "regulation", "vaccinations", top down eugenic medical systems the public "school" systems and the media.
All Bees start out the same when born as larvae.
It is only those babies fed exclusively the high quality Royal Jelly that become Royal, Queens...
"Diet" is the single factor that determines who becomes Royal and who becomes the worker.
The larvae, i.e. babies which are fed the lower quality food, become workers, stunted in their development, full expression of their genetics suppressed, even causing the pathogenic development of a poison accumulation system, and hypodermic needle for injecting it, aka a Stinger. Sounds like the vaccination a little doesn't it. Of course the worker bee does not think of itself in these terms. The only thing meant to enter your system should come only from eating, drinking, breathing, seeing, hearing, smelling, and it must be sacred and wholesome, i.e. holy, no injections whatsoever, for that bypasses your immune system the creator of the universe designed you to have for a reason, just like your imagination, so use it !
The Queen Bee has no stinger, the Queen does not need one.
The Queen lives a very long life, the workers, despite starting out genomically identical, due ONLY to their intentionally deficient diet, live short angry lives stunted in their development compared to the Queen whose body fully develops, being larger, with additional internal systems, including the ability to reproduce.
The simple fact of a different diet alters the development of the bee larvae to be stunted, even develop a poison injecting needle, and poison accumulation system, simply because the development is altered via EpiGenetics triggered by the lower quality food, to produce, manufacture and store the poisons, to be delivered via the needle on demand, to injure or kill the intended recipient and kill the bee itself when used.
What do you think about this ?
Shouldn't we make sure all advancements in all sciences are used to protect life only ?
Isn't innocence and honesty really very simple ? Please present any paradoxes or moral dilemmas that you truly believe can not be easily resolved to sysop@TeamInfinity.com to relieve you of any confusion of dilemmas you may be struggling with, please keep it non-specific and general protecting all privacy, we welcome the opportunity to help you see how blessed we all truly are !!!
ref links: Epigenetics - Royal Jelly
Epigenetics - General
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.