[Editor's Note: Update, June 19, 2006. When I first posted these introductory remarks in July of 2005, I was under the impression that Helen Peters was the 'Anonymous' author behind The Union Jack. However, Dave Wilbur has assured me that Helen Peters was not the author, but rather a heralding Christian patriot who promoted the book through her Newsletter. Dave told me that he thinks he knows who the true author of The Union Jack is and that he is still alive, but he could not reveal his name. I understood this completely as anonymity is likely the only reason the author is still alive, considering the power of the book. I removed Helen's name from the notes below and substituted the words "the author" in its place .
This is the first chapter of a very important
book which I only recently stumbled upon thanks to an article
written by Barbara Aho. The role of British
elites in the creation of the state of Israel and their manipulation
of Christian fundamentalists to set the stage for an utterly bogus and fabricated Armageddon/End
Times scenario in order to usher
in the satanic one world government is a lesson in Machiavellian deception without parallel. The anonymous author lays out the plot and the plotters, step by
step, with stunning clarity and insight; an amazing job of research and
investigation. Even more synchronistic, this was written back in the
late 1960s, soon after Israel's remarkable defeat of Egyptian forces in
the 1967 six-day Arab-Israeli War.
At the time, communism (and communist Russia- the Soviet Union)
was the prevailing Bogeyman. Communism was going to take over the world
and "crush" us as Nikita Kruchev promised, pounding his shoe on
the desk of the Russian delegation at United Nations. The whole story was
a propaganda front of course. The Soviet Union needed to be dismantled in
order for the Illuminated British Oligarchs to set in motion the next phase
of their world
depopulation and one world government enslavement agenda, so, on cue
and as planned, the Berlin Wall 'falls' in 1989, thanks to the persistence
and dogged 'freedom-loving' efforts of President Ronald Reagan (thank you
Ronnie). Today, we have another fabricated Bogeyman called Al-Qaeda
to serve as the seeding crystal for a series of phony 'terrorists' attacks
in order to legislate the US Constitution out of existence ( the 'Patriot'
Acts) and provide the excuse for imposing martial law (a militarily controlled
police state-identical to Nazi Germany in every sense of the word).
two of The Union Jack book, Political Messianicism
and the Right Wing, puts to rest any fanciful notion that the Armageddon
'prophesy', the End Times 'prophesy', The Great Tribulation, the Reign of
the Anti-Christ, the Rapture, or the 'Kingdom of God on earth' are anything
BUT messages and prophecies from God (unless you prefer to think of the British
Round Table as "God")...Ken]
by Anonymous (mistakenly attributed to Helen Peters)
Written ca. 1970, Posted July 10, 2005
When we say that the British Empire is all powerful, we say
that we must understand this fact in terms of its alias, 'kingdom of God
on earth', and furthermore the extent of this power over America is nationwide.
It is in almost every church. It is in every newspaper. It is on every radio
station. It is in every phase of American life, either in the form of a
political antagonism called Communism, or in the form of a spiritual antagonism
called 'the kingdom of God on earth'.
When we speak of power here we must examine it. This
power is mind control which has come about as a result of a constant
bombardment of religious propaganda. This religious propaganda is a
skillfully organized world government religion which gives every appearance
of orthodox Christianity. It gradually carries millions to a completely
false Christianity without any knowledge on the part of its victims of its
evil intent. It crosses every church affiliation or denomination and is
radiated out from each as if it had started within. Christianity is only
the veil of this deceit.
The British Empire does not have to operate in its own name
anymore than a series of conglomerate corporations operate under the name
of the parent company. Anyone knows if he will think for a moment that many
things which are, such as corporations, operate under a different name from
that of the owner. Almost every store or business in America has a name
other than that of the owners. Therefore why is it impossible to believe
that the British Empire can carry on world revolution under a name or front
other than the British Empire?
Certainly it is not desirable that anyone should know that
the kingdom of God on earth means world government via the British Empire,
so the propaganda says it is to be a kingdom of Christ. This is quite simple,
but devastating in its effect. An examination of this scheme will prove
that British Israel propaganda is not Christianity, but a political religion
and an instrument of power politics to unify the nations through religious
deception under the British Empire. The propaganda is never expanded in
political terms and can never be recognized as a political plot unless and
until we can see that it is coded with spiritual or Biblical language. Those
it controls are absolutely helpless to break its spiritual deceit until
they gain a proper knowledge of the true kingdom of God. This deceit is
so absolute that those who believe it think that the earthly kingdom religion
originates in Holy Writ. They cannot honestly believe that the kingdom of
God on earth is a bastard Jewish religion to control humanity under a World
Government British Empire. It is a devil religion which appeals to a chaotic
Most people who believe this kingdom religion have never heard
it under the term British Israel or Anglo Israel. They
believe it to be Christianity and deny any connection with British Israel.
It is the age old Arian [Aryan] heresy, as we shall see.
Since British propaganda gains mind control through spiritual
deceit it needs no political organization and organizational structure of
any kind. It simply operates through existing churches
and evangelistic organizations. So we cannot defeat British
Israel by attacking political organizations, church groups or denominations,
or evangelistic associations, etc. We must expose the British Israel kingdom
religion which they teach. From this approach, all be exposed upon the basis
of their unanimous perversion of the kingdom of God. This is the basis upon
which the world is being deceived into the New Order of the Ages.
Let us examine in this light the worldwide radio ministry
of Herbert W. Armstrong. Herbert W. Armstrong's propaganda
organization is British Israel and he is accused of it many times, which
he, of course, consistently denies. Many of the people who accuse him of
it believe it themselves under another name or through another church organization.
So nothing is gained here, only self contradiction by two people with the
same religion. The minute both are condemned for their kingdom religion
they promptly become allies and all other differences fade away. It is the
essential and necessary earthly kingdom religion which unites them all,
regardless of what church name they assume or how much they believe they
are opposed to each other. As long as they have the kingdom religion in
common nothing else matters. A Jehovah Witness has more in common with a
"Fundamentalist" Baptist than either of them believe.
Both have a world kingdom religion and this
is all that is necessary to unite them against Christ's spiritual kingdom.
This also is how the Jew-baiters get wealthy under the pretense of Christianity.
They condemn the so-called Jew and promote Judaism (kingdom of God on earth)
under the name of Christianity. They get away with millions of dollars and
no one recognizes that their earthly kingdom religion is only Judaism and
a world government religion. The reason this is termed Jew-bait is because
Jew is the bait to deceive one into Judaism disguised. We will discuss later
British Israel in the form of Jew-bait as promoted by such traitors as Gerald
L.K. Smith and as was promoted by the late Elizabeth Dilling.
British propaganda is advanced on two seemingly opposite
fronts. Political Communism is its left wing front
and tactical phase. "Fundamental Christianity"
or Spiritual Communism (the British Israel kingdom of God on earth) is its
right wing front and ultimate world order.
The designed polarity of Communism versus the coming world
kingdom of God is a prepared action-counter action process. As the anti-Communist
tempo gains strength, the world is moved closer to one global crystallization
with complete inhibition of national initiative.
In order to turn the anti-Communist movement from treason
to true patriotism, we must remove the spirit of Communism from our land.
It is difficult to enter into this debate without warning
the reader that his own thoughts and words have been cleverly twisted in
order to move him in the opposite direction to that which he intends and
to do so without his knowing. For instance, if a man has known North from
South since childhood and he comes upon a crossroads where the north-south
signs have been switched, certainly he does not ponder but pursues the wrong
direction to a destination opposite to that intended. A confused mind can
quickly reach a state of total break down simply by reversing word meanings.
A whole nation can be motivated along a certain course of action inimical
to its vital interest by manipulating high sounding principles and ideals
to implicit inconsistencies or self contradictions.
This concept, cleverly used, can openly operate sedition in
any country and within the law of the land. It is possible, and is in fact
being done, that the United States Constitution is being used to help overthrow
the American government. Does not the Constitution guarantee freedom of
speech and are not "free" speakers today advocating World Government
while at the same time shouting for the preservation of Constitutional rights?
This is legal, but it is treason.
We intend to prove here that the concealed object of Conservatism,
Americanism and Patriotism is the promotion of what is termed Fundamental
Christianity. "Fundamental Christianity" is educating
the American people for World Government which of course means
the sacrifice of America as an independent nation. Now their religion is
as legal as any other under the United States Constitution, but it is treason
and subversion and no more pro-American than would be an invading army.
Simply by changing the meaning of Christianity to the opposite of truth
they are able to carry on a well organized and highly respectful sedition
with immunity from prosecution and every advantage for protection. They
have every advantage of the law without fear of prosecution. They are in
a quasi or extra legal haven. They are engaging in what can accurately be
termed legal treason.
For purpose of this discussion we many times use quotation
marks around a word or phrase to designate it as the common usage today
but that the same word in conventional usage meant just the reverse. We
use regular quotations when making a direct quote from a source of information
but in most cases quotes around words and phrases are intended to convey
that such word or phrase has been manipulated to disguise betrayal.
In order to clear up the confusion that has been imposed upon
us, we must understand the original meaning of our own language as well
as how it is being misused against us. This is vital and we cannot hope
to pursue correct action unless our thinking fits our language and our language
communicates our thinking. So badly have Americans been bewitched by their
own language, we have in this text invented terms and ideas to help unscramble
the confusion by reversing the double-think language. For example we have
used the term "Christian" Communism to show the essential unity
of the beliefs of the "Fundamentalists" and those of their supposed
enemies. A word or phrase can be placed in a different context and through
a process of repetition will change its meaning in short order.
After the new usage becomes dominant and we use it based on
its root or original meaning, it not only will deceive the listener, it
will deceive the user unless he understands. Twenty years ago the term Fundamental
Christianity meant basic or orthodox Christianity as derived from Apostolic
teaching. Today, through improper application intended to hide deceit, 'Fundamental
Christianity' meansPremillennialismanda world social state supposedly headed by Christ. It is
hard to imagine how very unfundamental to Christianity a worldly and material
kingdom would be. Nevertheless, the Fundamentalists term their hope for
a natural Messiah, Christianity. Therefore "Fundamental" when
in quotations refers to the British Israel Kingdom religion
and not original Christianity.
Definitions and concepts are all important. It is not the
words and expressions we use, but their meaning and common usage and it
is not always what we believe, but why do we believe it. So critical is
this idea that our whole thought process turns either one direction or the
other upon it. For example, Christians believe Christ has a kingdom and
professing Christians believe also that Christ has a kingdom. While both
have the name Christian both do not have the Christian faith. Christians
believe that Christ's kingdom is grace and salvation - a spiritual kingdom.
Professing or as stated above, "Fundamental Christians" believe
that Christ's kingdom is yet to be in the form of a material earthly paradise
which they call 'the kingdom of God on earth'. Although the Fundamentalists
or Premillennialists talk about grace they only do so to achieve a closer
identity to Christianity. They have a hybrid or mongrel faith which deceives
them away from Christ to a Judaic Phariseeism which is
antithetical and opposite to Christianity. So here we have two people called
"Christians". The world believes they are both Christians and
they themselves believe they are Christians, but when we get at
an understanding of why, or a definition of what they believe, we come to
a polarity or a positive and a negative.
Furthermore "Fundamentalists" believe onemust obey God's law for fear of physical punishment.
Christians believe one must obey God's law because they love their Saviour
Both concepts are based on obedience, but it is why should we obey,
that turns us either to legalism or to Christianity.
Another enlargement of this concept in regard to our study
of legal sedition or legal treason is the mass promotion in America
today of literature, radio broadcasts and books which are preparing
the American people for a gigantic famine or mass starvation. When
we inquire into the exact meaning and use of this propaganda we see that
it is two dimensional and is designed to develop
a certain thought process no matter which initiative or from what angle
we approach it. The "Fundamentalists" believe and promote
the idea that a future famine is a judgment of God according
to their interpretation of the Book of Revelation. As we
shall see, Christ's kingdom has nothing to do with famine on earth only
as imputed to do so by fake Christians.
The "anti-Communists" or "patriots" believe
that planned famine is a Communist plot, meaning political Communism in
this sense. There is a tactic of famine scare and hysteria which may in
fact be brought to occur to fulfill the expectations of twisted prophecies
- in other words, the Scriptures are twisted to furnish the climate and
sanction to lead America into world government under the fear hysteria that
it is Divine judgment. The air is saturated with these perverted prophecies
of things to come and when they are performed or enacted on the world stage,
the deception is compounded many times. A "prophesied" famine
is not so much to starve the physical body of food, but to control humanity
spiritually. Here again it is NOT the idea of whether or not there
will be famine, but what is its meaning is the important thing.
Understanding the USE being made of famine propaganda gives us at the same
time the know how to expose it.
Now there are books such as *Ill Fares the Land*
by Dan P. Van Garder which make no use of "prophecy" in itself
to promote the idea of famine but this does not change the concept of propaganda
USE at all. Predictions of famine based upon a Communist plot or
mismanagement in government has the double effect of misapplying
cause and effect. It is like creating a problem or a crisis and
purporting to expose the crisis, instead of the perpetrators of
it, or if perpetrators are exposed they are fronts or stalking horses.
For example on page VIII of the above named book is this statement
"The American government, for the past forty years,
has done more to help Communism succeed than have all the non-Communist
nations of the world combined."
Now this statement is accurate, but its use serves the seditious
cause of the author. It is the intention of the author to confuse the definition
of Communism by using a half truth to build an erroneous conception. As
he has it, Communism is the enemy instead of the instrument of the enemy
and of course his presumption to any "anti-Communist' would mean that
Communism is synonymous with Russia. Except for his desire to mislead why
would not the author reveal that Russia, as it exists, is a Jew-Masonic
achievement used as a base of operations and decoy for Anglo American finance.
Communism as he implies it means nothing only as a dummy state from which
to operate wars to kill American troops and to serve as a catch-all for
the blame of what ails us, which must be put on somebody. If the author
of this book oriented planned famine to the proper cause, the book would
not be mass produced by Western Islands and he would be lucky to exist.
So we say again that such propaganda on a secular level is not designed
to starve the body, but to control the mind by confusing cause and
effect and word meaning, thereby gaining mental control. The only
absolute tyranny is mind control which gives the tyrants the power to create
the will of the people to their own enslavement.
Has the meaning of the English language been reversed to
serve the masters of thought control? We believe it has and we
believe we can reveal how it is controlling 200 million Americans who believe
they live in a free country.
The propaganda mills grind constantly to instill
fear and confusion. Every angle is worked up to bring on a
desperate air of imminent chaos. Hardly a day passes without at
least a hundred different publications and radio programs teaching the
myth that over population is adding pressure by the minute to imminent
mass famine and disease. The peril of hydrogen war and mutual annihilation
goes out constantly. What is the solution to it all? They always have one.
It is the World Government of God. Only God can save us now by taking all
political authority says the religious propaganda. One British Israel publication
stated that only
"with the inauguration of this New Order, poverty,
oppression and distress will vanish from this earth. Divine Laws and the
perfect economic system of the kingdom will take the place of the old
and ensure the equitable distribution of the blessings of life to all
So we solve our problems with the kingdom of God Communism
but they of course don't call its Communism.
There are many propaganda tricks. Alger Hiss
was called a Communist, the inference being that he was some kind of Russian
agent. This is misapplication of cause and effect and leads all suspicion
away from the fact that Alger Hiss was a British Communist Rhodes
We understand that Karl Marx was a Communist.
Did he not come from London --- if he existed?
There is the term "Christ or Chaos" and "Christ
is the only hope." What do these terms mean and how are they used?
They imply and teach that a political Christ, a worldly Caesar,
can save us from Communism by Russia to be exchanged for Communism by 'the
kingdom of God on earth'. The idea behind this propaganda is to
drive people to expect and accept a worldly Christ and a political world
government as the alternative to absolute anarchy.
Then we hear the term "This is a Christian Nation"
and we are therefore God's people. How much explanation does it take to
demonstrate that this repetitive statement teaches a national religion?
A nation is a political and geographical entity - a kingdom of this world.
To apply the word Christian to any nation is to applyChristianity
to Phariseeism and British Israelism. Even if the Supreme Court
says America is a Christian Nation, it is not. Then the "patriots"
say "For God and Country." This again promotes British Israel,
suggesting and teaching that God will condemn and then bless this country.
The word 'God' when used with country could only mean God of this world,
who is Satan. Where is our wisdom?
What about the idea of "One World Under God's Law?"
What is a world under God's law? Law refers to something legal, to ordinances
and political governments. This is only a trick to lead away from a world
under God's grace. "The World Under God's Law" applies to national
or international Israel and the world under God's grace applies to spiritual
Israel, the faithful of Christ. The first promotes British Israel and the
second promotes Christianity.
British Israel promotes its kingdom religion within organized
Christianity. It is also very much active as a political force. But it never
promotes Communism in its own name, neither spiritual Communism nor political
Like a boomerang! If the Communists are traced they become
British Communists. If the C.F.R..[Council on Foreign Relations] members
are traced they are interlocked with the Pilgrims Society,
whose source and representation is in England. If political action runs
constantly against the American people we will find that the Masons in power
are under the direction of the Grand Lodge of England, and all of them are
united in their subversive World Brotherhood Religion. If Socialism is in
the vogue and the street rioters are rampant, we find no justice in the
Masonic courts whose Masonic judges are dedicated to the destruction
of the National Sovereignty of the United States of America. If the
Christian churches who once taught the Trinity and Deity of Jesus Christ,
now teach that peace will come via an earthly kingdom, we find that it is
Israel which is promoting the Jewish kingdom religion as
Christianity. If the American people are driven to insanity with so-called
Russian Communism they of course have to accept "Christ or Chaos"Ñ"Christ"
being the Messiah of a nearly foolproof false Christianity. If supplies
to the Viet Cong are traced they come not via bugaboo Russia, but via Her
Majesty's ships of the United Kingdom, who go in and out of the Port of
Haipong unbombed and unexposed in the American press.
Like a boomerang, if the United Nations Charter is traced,
it was spawned upon British Communism - yes! British trained Rhodes Scholars
and Masons!
One of the main propaganda performances of British Israel
is to establish Judas goat fronts and phony opposition. Almost all students
of revolution have heard of the terms Zionism, Illuminati,
Capitalist conspiracy, Communist Conspiracy, Socialism,
and the Talmud. These terms are fronts for British Israel.
The American press is directed against Communism but always with attacks
upon the effect rather than the cause. Never do they mention British Communism
directed under a spiritual or Christian cloak.
The Zionists, the Communists, the Socialists and the Illuminati
are said to be anti-Christ opposed to the Christian nations. It is a struggle
between "Christ versus Anti-Christ" says their mass propaganda.
Jesus Christ is not concerned about who controls the United States government,
whether they be Zionists or Bolsheviks. Even if every individual in America
was a Christian, America would not be a Christian nation in a national and
collective sense.
The confusion in America today might be termed anti-Christ
versus antichrist, as it has nothing to do with the supernatural and Divine
kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Inequities such as Social Security, Income Tax, skyrocketing
property taxes, etc., are created to redistribute and confiscate the wealth
of the American people. The political prostitutes of Masonry perpetuate
themselves in power with the money of the people they suppress. In the main
however, the effect calculated to take hold is the final rebellion of the
people in a blind revolution to destroy their own freedom by destroying
their Constitution and the American government. When the people are finally
driven to revolt they do not distinguish between their institutions of freedom
and the vermin that have corrupted them. They attack enmasse and with one
fell swoop commit national suicide and few of them will ever know that they
were tricked into it. Constructive criticism and blind revolution are two
entirely different things but the dissatisfied and depressed people do not
know the difference as they grasp for the freedom they once had when freedom
meant freedom and free men were not equal.
We are dealing in the main with the source and inspiration
of blind revolution so as to make clear the difference in the overthrow
of a government on one hand and a purifying of it on the other. The way
the people react to the injustices and propaganda that are thrust upon them
determines the effect of their efforts to save themselves politically. The
only way a rebellion can misfire on its incendiaries is for the people to
properly understand the goal and techniques of revolution.
The very weapons of propaganda which have whipped the American
people to a state of disparity can be turned against their creators instead
of the United States Government if the people can break the code of the
spiritual revolution of British Israel and its pseudonym Fundamental Christianity.
In so doing they can understand the past and predict the future. They can
identify the Masonic arms and legs which carry into effect the political
realities of British Israel prophecy. They can remove the veil of spiritual
power and lay bare the goal of Judeo-Masonry to crucify America and resurrect
her into the world state British Empire under the alias kingdom of God on
We insist that the revolution is over and was won at the
point when the American people became sufficiently imbued and indoctrinated
with the kingdom message (the idea that there will be a new order called
the kingdom of God on earth). All that remains is the final destruction
of the form and outward structure of the American government. The mental
condition of the American people has already been adequately prepared and
they are now drugged to such an extent that they are witnessing the collapse
of the United States, both politically and economically, and they cannot
discern its meaning nor understand its reality.
The American Flag still flies over the shell of a depraved
and confused people as they unknowingly await final obliteration. Our military
might is impressive, our standard of living is at an all time high but we
are spiritually dead, diseased and overcome with the kingdom message of
British Israel which has paralyzed our military machine and turned our material
prosperity to bitterness.
Like the perfect balance of a gyro the American people whirl
and revolve in all directions as they are moved to the consummation of their
destruction, concealed within an aura of British Israel propaganda which
is preparing and educating the people for a "New Heaven On Earth"
World State Empire.
The American people not only do not know their enemy, they
are fighting his battles both foreign and domestic and they are solidifying
their own final ruin all in the name of Christianity, Americanism and Patriotism.
British propaganda has reeducated the people to such an extent and removed
them so far from the truth that their almost every utterance and action
betrays their best interest. To further the deceit, a "hard core"
patriotism has been developed which conceals within it betrayal and promotes
revolution by exploding and enlarging upon every injustice imaginable while
never understanding their reason for being nor the source of their inspiration.
They only echo the propaganda of the "suppressed books" which
were prepared especially for them. These "suppressed books" which
cause "persecuted" patriots are the same dusty relics which prepared
the rise of Nazi Germany on the myth that it would free itself from the
Jews. This Jew bait only freed the Germans of their freedom and their nation
as the "Jews" made off with their wealth, with which to finance
the same thing again on a world wide scale which is designed to bring birth
to a Jew British World State.
Judeo-Masonry has worked this Jew bait Messianic Arian white
race scheme since Napoleon to raise up false nationalism's, which are guided
to destruction under the banner "For God and Country." People
have not been able to recognize this Jew-Masonic chicanery which creates
fictitious Nazi-like attacks upon itself while it establishes its domination
and power under other forms and names. It attacks Communism and promotes
it under the pseudonym of kingdom of God on earth and if we unveil it we
discern its spirit so as to see its miscegenation under whatever form or
name it may appear.
It is the spiritual power of British Israel Judeo-Masonry
which causes the "hard core" patriots to attack its visible forms
as they embrace its spirit. The Adamic Race of Anglo Saxondom is only the
bait to cast the revolution into seemingly conflicting ideologies. Race
wars are financed and directed from both directions as a destroyer of political
states, as the same finance promotes the kingdom message to establish the
spiritual (religio-political) state universal.
It is our purpose to demonstrate the latent meaning of our
now total confusion and to show that what seems like confusion and contradiction
to us is perfectly ordered and guided by the invisible power of British
Israel. To conquer the world and then hold it in subjection, its spirit
must first be overcome and this is the purpose of the kingdom message of
British propaganda. We hope to show its true nature and scope and to what
extent it has made us a vassal state, as surely as if we were bound with
We wish to make it unequivocally clear that if a people is
imbued with the spirit of the kingdom message (the belief that there is
to be a millennial paradise), it is hopeless futility to fight the political
intrigue, as they cannot fight that which they believe in their hearts.
Emphasis is NOT on political British Jew Masonic Communism,
but upon the spiritual British Jew Masonic kingdom of God on earth. Our
concern is the attempt of the Jew British cartel and their Masonic stooges
throughout the world to build the world state in the name of Christ. It
is not their politics, it is their spirit that has overwhelmed us.
They would remove our faith from God's Supernatural kingdom
and relegate us to the natural order based upon the degeneracy of a Luciferian
sex cult given to us in the pious name of kingdom of God on earth.
It is our spirit which determines if our faith is in the
Alpha and Omega of the living Christ or the kingdom of God on earth of the
fallen angel.
British Israel is the mask for a commercial enterprise the
likes of which the world has never known. This mask is spiritual propaganda
through which it is educating the people for world government. It is fed
to us in Biblical language, building its blue print of action with a predictive
and futuristic scheme of Bible prophecy. When we unmask and remove the cloak
of self-righteousness we find that the spiritual deception of British Israel
is laying the foundation for world domination by the British Empire.
The mantle of the British Empire is British Israel, a Phariseeic
Christianity, which is a spiritual lie that says Anglo Saxondom and the
Jews make up God's people on earth and that as the physical seed of Abraham,
they are to form the theocratic world government to enforce peace on earth
under the rulership of Christ. World Jewry and its cabalistic Masonry are
working the political and economic intrigue to fit the scheme of British
Israel prophecy. World events are manipulated so as to merge with the predictions
of British Israel and the very elect will be deceived - - - - - - - if it
were possible.
The curtain is about to be raised for the final act of World
War III.
Absolute control of the world propaganda apparatus has successfully
made the people of the world believe that as a military and economic power
the British Empire is gone. Therefore we must decipher its propaganda and
penetrate the myth of a bygone Empire and recognize that only its name and
outward appearance has changed hiding the same world confederation of political
and economic power and progressing forward toward its goal of a world state
in which it seeks the control of the wealth and governments of all nations.
Paramount in this struggle is the battle for the spirit of the world, making
political and military considerations only complementary. Therefore it is
the building of the spiritual-political state through which the British
Empire seeks absolute domination and we must now recognize the neo British
Empire in terms of this spiritual power, which we identify as a crypto-Christianity.
This power is hammering away at the five senses of the world, instilling
the people with a revived Judaic Phariseeism that the Commonwealth of Israel
of God is the British Israel Commonwealth of the World. We perceive in this
"New Christianity" which has enveloped the globe the absolute
power of the supposedly dead British Empire, which is silently and skillfully
closing its stranglehold on a people deluded with this fictitious fundamental
If we expect to understand the power struggle in the world,
which is prescribed only by the British Empire, we must recognize its might
under its new symbols of the Christian Cross and the Christian flag. As
the military and political significance of the Union Jack is lowered from
sight, the spiritual power is increased under the now universal Christian
Cross and Flag. The power is the same and the struggle is the same. It is
only that the political and military and economic aspects of the Empire
have been concealed with the spiritual power of British Israel "Christianity"
It is only Satan appearing as an angel of light.
If seekers of the truth would understand the political forces
they must see the spiritual power that is guiding them to harmonize toward
the world state in the name of Christ.
American politics, economy and military posture is being
carefully guided to fit the propaganda of the kingdom message. We are being
betrayed and ravished in the name of an unbiblical scheme of Bible prophecy
which is preparing us for final ruin under the guise of a synthetic hogwash
called Christianity. The excuse for our agony and coming destruction is
j our "national sins" which are justified with quotations from
Old Testament prophets.
Americans have been lied to so much by the prophets of Jew-Masonic-British
Israel that even now the truth is stranger than fiction.
Our purpose is to make known that the treachery and betrayal
of the American people is covered with the pious prophecies of the coming
kingdom of God on earth. We shall analyze the meaning of this very efficient
propaganda and reveal its extra-biblical attempt at merging Bible prophecy
and secular history to advance the plan of world domination by the British
The kingdom of God on earth that Christ established is the
kingdom of GRACE. It filled the whole earth yet it came not with observation.
It is a kingdom of the election according to GRACE from all nations and
generations. Christ through His atoning blood is our personal Saviour individually,
sad not collectively in a racial or national sense.
In these pages there are many repetitions but we offer no
apology for them. When, as in this discourse, basic causes are persistently
ignored and basic principles persistently forgotten, it is necessary that
they be patiently reiterated until they are understood by at least a few.
If this sounds like contempt for the average reader, it is only to say that
because the object of our revelation is so subtle it appears to be unreal
and even ridiculous to the unsuspecting John Q. Public. We hurriedly inject
that it is this subtle nature that has caused the malignant growth of the
most gigantic fraud the world has ever endured. Then too, if our theme is
not repeated over and over again it cannot in any way overcome years of
propaganda which has instilled into the American people a conditioned response
when approached with information not in harmony with their limited credibility-
a response that blots out all attempts to pierce the set notions of what
is or is not the truth concerning the chaotic world we live in. Even some
of the ones who claim that they believe what is here set out almost in the
same breath declare the exact opposite by their words and deeds as if they
had never been exposed to the facts at all.
Not being able to grasp the new concept which is the most
Satanic ever used to destroy a nation and which defies all deceit as the
biggest lie in the name of truth of every age, they tenaciously (even if
completely honest) hold on to what has already made an indelible impression
upon their minds. For example the facts contend that so-called Communism
is only an instrument of British Israel, that it is fed and bred as a coercive
force to channel the people in the desired direction. To use the language
of British Israel, "Russia is God's battle ax to hammer (hammer and
sickle) in the kingdom of God on earth." The nature of this decoy of
so-called Communism, which is being used by the British Empire to destroy
national states and leaving them in absolute control of the world, precludes
even honest people with their one track minds or mundane mentalities from
reverting inevitably back to an "anti-Communist" stance as if
this sham fiction is a physical law of the universe. They cannot see this
Communist versus anti-Communist hoax as a visible and physical agent provocateur
of a much greater invisible power. Not understanding this, the masses of
Americans who are alerted to the chaos in today's world naturally attack
the obvious straw man, not realizing or believing that all their efforts
toward or against the so-called Communist conspiracy with its attendant
evils including the Negro revolution, only adds to the deception by leading
others to believe that the ills of the world are caused by Russian Communism
when they are not. Let us add that any interpretation that the writer is
pro-Communist is asinine. Our purpose is to show the true nature of Communism.
Social customs, as Americans have been "educated"
to understand it, is a social and political phenomenon dedicated to an enforced
world slave state. But Communism has a dual nature as we shall show. It
has its left wing so-called atheistic God hating side and it has its right
wing so-called Fundamental Christianity side. We propose to prove in this
text that any true understanding of Communism must include not only the
social-political but also the religio-political. Reduced for clarity, there
is a Social Communism and there is a Spiritual Communism, and when the proper
analogy is shown they are one force. Americans are unaware of the existence
of this spiritual or "Christian" Communism and that it is the
invisible and permanent phase of world revolution. This spiritual or right
wing Communism, or "Christian" Communism, will be shown as we
go on in terms of Judeo-Christianity, Fundamental Christianity, World Brotherhood,
Millennialism, Zionism and other terms which require for their existence
what they term a paradise earth with a political theocracy and a natural
messiah. Therefore "Christianity" is political Zionism as expressed
by so-called conservatism hence our term "Christian" Communism
when referring to the "anti-Communist patriots."
We are primarily concerned with right wing or "Christian"
Communism in this text because of its power and deception to beguile Americans
into self destruction totally within and under the guise of true Christianity.
We use quotation marks around the word Christian and many other words and
phrases to convey to the reader that said word or phrase has been perverted
from its original and true meaning, to mean the very opposite. For example,
Christian Communism is an inherent contradiction but "Christian"
Communism is not and applies to the fakery of the conservative movement
in America. How then, can "Christianity" be Communism? "Christianity"
or "Fundamental Christianity" is promoting a world wide millennial
government of Christ. Since this idea is opposite to Christ, Who said my
kingdom is not of this world, then "Fundamental Christianity"
is a political religion designed to deceive Americans into world government
at the expense of the national sovereignty of the United States. Communism
is a world state, "Fundamental Christianity" is a world state,
therefore our term "Christian" Communism. Of course the term Christian
Communism without the quotes is self contradictory, but no less so than
the millions of Americans who are under the spell of false patriotism.
For the first time in the history of the world has an empire
of men sought to make itself God. The British Empire has successfully acquired
the world, which it runs via Masonry and Rhodes Scholars. At one and the
same time, it has completely hidden this power behind the materialistic
Jew's religion under the false notion of Christianity and God's kingdom
on earth. Through the use of religious deception which we refer to herein
as spiritual power, the British Empire holds in bondage men's souls the
world over. They have harnessed their mad drive to dominate the world to
the Jew's religion of an earthly kingdom and a natural Messiah. Therefore
their World Empire is consolidating itself upon a World Government religion
which compels allegiance from the heart, shutting out faith in the only
true God -- Jesus Christ.
Russian Communism is specifically a visible revolutionary
force of a greater and more sinister invisible spiritual revolutionary force,
namely British Israel and the British Empire. Our contention as the facts
will show, that to fight Communism the agent instead of British Imperialism
the master, is an exercise in futility and needless to say, "it was
planned that way." Since Russian Communism is only a decoy for treason
in temporary use, a few finally come to see that anti-Communism, which is
also a decoy for treason, promotes the same goals of Communists simply by
being hoodwinked into the mythical fraud. It causes honest people, by their
zealousness, to center their attention on Russian Communism instead of on
British Imperialism, which is the source and foundation of Communism, both
political and spiritual. Therefore we cannot kill the supposed monster by
continuing to revive it. We cannot condemn it and yet embrace it. We must
understand it, for we cannot destroy with one hand what the other hand continues
to build. So goes the Communist versus anti-Communist hoax.
We are concerned that Americans be alerted to the dominion
over their minds which has been brought about under the auspices of the
gospel of Jesus Christ, but which is in reality a crude barbarism. So uniform
and irresistible is this force that its victims promote its success and
obey all its commands to their uttermost ruination.
Why should it be unthinkable that in a space age technology,
that mind control propaganda is also a technological advancement? The control
of whole populations through propaganda is a present reality and the extent
of this control has no relationship to the formal education of the people.
Most Americans will laugh you down if you attempt to explain how they are
controlled, and to suggest that they are controlled through their churches
is the most fantastic thing they could imagine and the last thing most of
them would ever believe. What we advise here is that the churches have been
slowly saturated with anti-Christian doctrines which are in effect leading
the people away from the historic Christian faith without their being aware.
Could Satan find a better place than within the churches to instill his
heresies? People sort of think of their churches as untouchable and incorruptible
ivory towers where evil fears to enter. Evil has entered.
Further, Communism and Socialism, as social and political
ideals, are relics of past idealists and their greater value is that of
a vehicle to expansion of the British Empire. The other side of this coin,
and we hasten to add by far the most deceptive, is the instrument of British
Israel which most accurately named is called political Messianicism. Political
Messianicism is supposedly opposed to Marxian Communism. Parenthetically
Communism appears as left wing and its fake opposite comes to us as political
Messianicism or right wing. An analogy of the ingredients of the two and
their purpose will show them to be identical, though they appear opposite,
and working as a pincers movement toward a synthesis of complete and universal
control of the world by the British Empire.
The scheme of British Israel is not a ludicrous speculation.
It is not child's play and it is not just another road to world government.
It is THE road to world government, and the most Satanic betrayal of humanity
to come upon the face of the earth. The result of this madness is incredible
mind control with almost no probabilities of escape.
The network of varied revolutionary forces are working toward
a perfect fusion under the carefully guided plan of British Israel. The
total effort is to cause universal mind control through confusion. The people
of the world are not supposed to know that world government is to come through
a false Christianity. We say it is false but it appears in almost every
respect to be the true faith. British Israel "Christianity" is
promoted with the rationale and semantics of true Christianity on one hand
and the rationale and semantics of Americanism and Conservatism on the other.
It applies Christianity to its national religion. British Israel is Spiritual
Communism. If is treason.
One of the key methods of concealing the source of British
Israel is the raising of many false issues and counter issues and getting
the people involved in effect rather than cause. Millions of printed words
are put out attacking this or that as un-American or blaming revolution
on Russian Communism. All this "educates" the people to an incredible
ignorance concerning the cause and ultimate objective of international strife.
Non profit Christian fronts are promoting false world evangelism
at the expense of the American people. The word is constantly that we must
accept "Christ or Communism." The Christ of the Christian fronts
is of course a political Christ, a worldly Christ and a natural Messiah.
First class mail from these non profit Christian fronts goes
from coast to coast for one cent while private mail costs six cents at the
present rate.
Right Wing Communism has much to say about the coming of
the "Anti-Christ" and the end of the age. According to the plan
of British Israel there is to be a Christ and an Antichrist. When we come
to understand their spiritual deception, we immediately know that the Christ
of the Christian fronts is only another anti-Christ. Historic and orthodox
Christianity does not interpret the Bible to instruct t that there is to
be a Christ versus anti-Christ end of the age showdown in any political
or military confrontation. This Christ versus anti-Christ" and "The
Battle of Armageddon" is a notion derived from Jewish perversions of
Holy Writ, and teaches a completely erroneous Christianity.
A very important consideration in the study of British Israel
propaganda is symbolism. The Cross of Christ in one form or another is the
main symbol for the world crusade to bring in a new order of "Christianity."
Through the ages deceptive appeals have quickly grasped and utilized ancient
Christian symbols to gain a closer identity to the true faith. One of the
symbols which are used most frequently is the symbol of the fish Go to next
In placing the blame of this one world superstate plot upon
the British Empire, the fact of history will support that the Machiavellian
intrigue of the British Empire and their international finance has inaugurated
every major war in modern history. Contrary to popular belief the British
Empire is not defunct. It is not as they have made Americans believe, a
diseased body bound to oblivion. This is a fiction and deception unparalleled
in the annals of modern propaganda. The fact is that the character of the
British Empire is different from any of the great empires that have preceded
it, and that because of this nature it must dominate to survive. Just the
visible part of the British Empire consists of rulership of over five hundred
million people, over one fourth of the land surface of the world, and the
suzerainty of five seas. Then the British Empire owns or controls other
vast areas of the world by the control of vital port cities. The massive
might of Red China that we hear so much about is a mere possession of the
British Empire, which has a noose around the throat of China through the
control of Hong Kong. China, like any other nation, would die without commerce
and this lifeline is through Hong Kong controlled by the British Empire.
Few Americans believe or understand the immensity of the
British Empire. It is not confined to the little island of England and Scotland,
but was around 17,000,000 square miles before World War II; an area six
times greater than the United States. This vast Empire since has acquired
the colonial areas of Germany and Italy. The hypocrisy of the British is
enough to make any American sick. While they keep over 500,000,000 colored
subjects in absolute control and subjection they support the Negro revolution
in the United States. Why, you ask? To destroy this nation and subject it
to the humiliating status of a crown colony.
The policy of the British Empire is to establish naval bases
around the world to control the sea and commerce lanes, so as to blockade
and starve into submission any nation or group of nations which oppose the
Empire. Of major importance and a must for the success of the scheme is
the reacquisition of a lost possession Ñ the United States of America.
The British are masters at creating disturbances against
themselves (such as Communism, always under full control) to keep the world
from the truth. The most recent example of this hide and seek is the Rhodesian
affair. Of course the deluded rank and file right wingers in this country
took up the echo.
The Empire has floated the world in blood to gain its goal
of world control and it may shock many to know that the vast wealth of American
business, including the tax-free foundations , has helped realize the dreams
of Cecil Rhodes and Andrew Carnegie to control the world for the British
Empire. with the control of the United States economy via the Federal Reserve
System and the infiltration of British spies under the pseudonym of Rhodes
Scholars, the Empire has used American boys to fight its wars and police
the world and it has had no difficulty in guiding our foreign policy for
the last seventy years. Every excuse for the sell out is a part of a general
scheme to create confusion and contradiction in the minds of the people,
and to avoid disclosure of the British Empire intrigue to use its control
of international finance to attain its planned objective of world domination.
As remote as it might seem to to unthinking observers, the
chicanery and deceit of power politics extends its control over Russia,
using it as a base and decoy to serve world revolution. It is common knowledge
that the Russian takeover could not have happened without the millions of
the financial oligarchy of international finance. And if these Investors
of Satan bought the Russian takeover, who have they since sold it to? The
truth is that they have not sold it and do not intend to let anyone take
it away. It is a very useful investment as a base of operations for world
intrigue. We are always terrorized with the bugaboo Russian Communism. Witness
the non-interference of Russia in the recent Arab-Israeli sham. The British,
who control Israel, had a propaganda timetable to fulfill so they created
the war and made it very successful in order to fit the scheme of British
Israel political Messianicism. Why did not powerful Russia intervene directly?
The only answer is that they were not allowed to by the British Empire.
Now in a reverse situation the British Empire turned the Red Chinese loose
on American boys in Korea after they (the reds) had been defiantly beaten.
The British Empire has had secret control of China for over a hundred years
and they keep that control by utilizing controlled revolutionists against
their own secret government
As we pursue this discourse it is necessary, if we are to
understand the real enemy of this Republic, to see the concealed dual nature
of the British government. This dual and doubleheader Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde structure of government, known to Americans simply as the British government,
hides the answers as to why the turbulent world today and the dim outlook
to the future. The fact that American school textbooks and works of popular
reference, and the books of thousands of pseudo history experts have woven
a fabric of deceit and created popular acceptance of an illusion and a fallacy
by the cumulative force of constant repetition, does not change the facts
one iota. There is a distinction between the government of Great Britain,
which is largely confined to the internal government of the British Isles,
and the British government which controls the British Empire.
To those who are bewildered by the turn of events in this
country and the world, an explanation that it is just a Communist plot,
will not stand up. We must explore further if we are to survive.
If this attempt pierces the armor of British Israel propaganda
given to us as Communism and anti-Communism and "prophecy," then
it will be because there are a few Christian Americans left who can see
with the heart as well as with the eye. Christians know that their personal
salvation is through the sovereign grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and that
now is the day of salvation and there is no other. The salvation of degenerate
man in this life is the grace of God through Christ. This at once eliminates
all Arian heresies of racial and national salvation and the hoax of divine
national origin. There are no physical and material blessings promised us
in the gospel of Christ. If there are, all rich men are Christians and all
poor men are lost. In this last and final age the gospel of the kingdom,
or gospel of grace, applies to regenerate spiritual Israel and not degenerate
physical Israel, under whatever name. The Israel of God coming from the
Heavenly city of Jerusalem which is above, is all those born again Christians
from all nations of the earth and is not the "Jews" (those who
say they are the Jews) and Anglo Saxondom. The sovereign Lord Jesus has
established His sovereign and complete reign in the hearts of believers
of His gospel. The kingdom of God on earth is the gospel of salvation and
is extended through the grace of Christ. The kingdom of grace has filled
the whole earth of every nation and every tongue. (Col. 1:23). The peculiar
people and the Holy nation of God are the elect, according to grace, from
all nations and races and not limited to any one nation or group of nations,
or one race.
If Americans are content with the deteriorating condition
of our beloved country, then, they will deserve their fate which will be
subjection and humiliation far exceeding anything our forefathers knew as
a colony of the British Empire. We must take our country back today. We
must breach the veil of propaganda and expose the plot to our fellow Americans
no matter how unpleasant or unpopular it might be. Remember, it is no more
promising today than it was when a handful of early American patriots declared
independence the first time, and shed their blood for it and us.
This writing will not be a profit item to the Right Wing
and their Christian fronts. It will be either loved or hated. It is not
intended to further the deception of honest Americans, but to deliver them
from it. It proposes to rise above the confusion and propaganda of pretended
patriotism and bring before the reader the real issue in world conflict.
This issue is whether or not Christ's kingdom is of this world. Those who
believe that Christ's kingdom is an earthly hope in this age or any future
age are herein designated to Judaic Zionism regardless their acclaims of
Christianity or the Christian name they assume. Over against this are those
Christians today and throughout the centuries who have seen the Cross as
the final act of God to redeem humanity. These are they who shun the pseudo
Christians when they mix of spirit of God with the political governments
of this world.
World revolution moves above the mentality of the man on
the street. So far removed is the cause of revolution from the present chaos
and confusion that any suggestion that that British Empire is the "nigger
in the wood pile" is laughable even to most intelligent people. Of
course this state of mental incredibility is no accident. All available
evidence point students of world unrest in the opposite direction from the
point of origin. In the front rank of social and political strife are the
vague "Communists " who are sometimes Negroes and sometimes agent
provocateurs. Behind them and not so visible is the court system on whose
benches sit Masonic judges who day after day give socialistic and permissive
interpretation which continues the aggravated situation toward social and
political breakdown. In the government are even less visible Rhodes Scholars
and Masons who turn every action against the American people, all in the
name of human liberty. Then in the background and almost imperceptible to
the majority of the people, is British Israel power politics and propaganda.
Even most of the people who believe in the coming of a worldwide kingdom
of God refuse to believe that this is a ruse to cover the domination of
the world by the British Empire. The British Empire has simply cloaked itself
in the Jew's religion of an earthly kingdom and named itself the Kingdom
of God on earth. And all the church talk about Christ returning to set up
His millennial reign compounds this deceit. What better way is there to
build a world empire than through a world government religion? People will
fight Holy Wars in defense of their earthly kingdom religion and bleed white
without knowing they serve the cause of British Imperialism. Holy Wars and
Crusades of history have been fought in the name of God and with the excuse
that it is divine will. That God intervenes in behalf of His people, has
been used to lead men to slaughter for hundreds of years. Today, events
have moved the American people to such a state of confusion that they have
grown cynical and desperate, while the kingdom cults and evangelists shout
that divine intervention is imminent and the world kingdom of peace for
a thousand years is about to begin. All is only another Christian pretense
to hide the biggest international crime in history.
Americans who believe that Christ's kingdom is of this world
are ushering in world government. They have a sickness called Communism
of the heart or spiritual Communism. Spiritual Communism is a political
religion. It is a religion dedicated to a world government kingdom in which
national states vanish under the central authority of the political theocracy.
This is the plot and behind the Jewish kingdom religion is the Jewish State,
which is the British Empire.
The sacrifice of truth is a science peculiar to revolution
which is in essence, the very perversion of truth. Revolution has repeatedly
disguised itself in the cloak of Christianity in order to pervert the mind
and enslave the body of mankind. Therefore it is the duty of all Christians
to expose the abominable lies on which all movements pretending to be Christian
Conservatism are founded and follow the example of our Lord Who denounced
evil under whatever wrap it appeared. Left Wing activity is obvious, even
to the vain, so our main concern is to reveal the anti-Christian and subversive
efforts of the Christian fronts because their part in the American revolution
is not suspected nor understood. We call them Christian fronts because they
present themselves as Christian to disguise themselves and their revolutionary
activity. If we would know the truth about the leaders and direction and
about the nature and essence of the Right Wing or "patriotic movement,"
we should as upright men and Christian Americans, investigate the religious
and unethical principles of the Luciferians who are providing the leadership
for us to follow. In the name of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith we
are duty bound to look beneath their expressions and beyond their external
forms and penetrate the veils which they have thrown around themselves and
their followers. We dare not continue to follow them into hell simply because
they express themselves in terms of Christian ideas and thoughts and give
their activities a Christian coloring, the more effectively to deceive,
mislead and hoodwink us into active participation of our own destruction.
Satan has appeared as the angel of light.
So-called Christian Conservatism identifies the work of all
the organized anti-Communist groups in America and like their mythical enemy
Communism, conceals within itself a false messianic idea. It is only for
Christians to recognize that it, like Communism, is rotten fruit from the
same corrupt tree. Communism is world Socialism and World Government say
the "patriots," and we agree, but anti-Communism in its many forms
says the same thing under a different name. That name is world government
alias the kingdom of God on earth. Which is more deceptive? The anti-Communist
patriots condemn while embracing and only a deceived person cannot recognize
the inconsistency.
The parable of the story of Communism versus anti-Communism
is the same as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Only the do-gooders do not recognize
it is the same man.
We know the "patriots" will disagree, saying that
they are not for world government in any form but they do not know where
their leaders seek to lead them.
They should realize that after the months and years of crusading
against Communism that the United States is worse off than ever, and there
is more confusion than ever. One should logically realize that anti-communism
and pro-communism is a myth and participation from either side perpetuates
a fraud against America by keeping the truth from the people. The "patriots"
are stabbing this nation to death in the name of Christianity and Americanism.
We shall try to explain.
The British Empire, unlike any aspirant to world domination
heretofore, has foregone its external vanity in order to accomplish its
purpose. It has hauled down the Union Jack time and time again in order
to impress upon the world the idea of a dead Empire. It has subjected and
exploited its own people, extracting their consent based upon the fiction
that austerity means survival be it ever so rigid. They have devaluated
the pound and inflated (devaluated) the dollar, but only to contain the
people in economic bondage, while the Empire uses another system of international
finance to dominate and manipulate the world. Money is for the exploitation
of the dumb people. It has no effect upon the people who print it, or else
they would hold the value up. Instead they are preparing the people for
the final removal of their only individual means of independence and accumulation
of wealth. The purpose of the many books on the "money conspiracy"
is to destroy money and not to conserve it. When money is gone it will then
be credit which one cannot hoard or save. Then the economics of Karl Marx
has been accomplished in the name of Conservatism and the Constitution.
It will then be production for use and not for profit Ñ- hence every
man a slave. The destruction of our money is justified with the twisting
of Biblical language, such as the economics of this "Gentile System"
or "Babylonian System" must be destroyed by God to make ready
for the New Age wherein there is no greed or selfishness because of the
"love of money." With the removal of this "evil," all
then can be brotherhood. They condemn the use of gold while they use it
themselves to subject the people and consolidate their power of the One
World Superstate British Empire in the name of Christ, and ironically enough
with the use of the Cross and the Christian Flag the people are led to believe
that Heaven will come down to earth and we will have the kingdom of God
on earth millennium.
The British Empire is a vampire of jackals who have used
Machiavellian intrigue to conceal their identity and by perverting Scripture
from grace to race they have sought to replace confidence in the spirit
of Christ for confidence in the flesh, and upon this basis have led men
to believe that the kingdom of God is carnal and temporal. It is with the
revival of this ancient Phariseeism, popularized and evangelized worldwide,
which is used to manipulate history and nations in the name of Christ. The
plot is to destroy political nationalism and totally integrate the nations
into an organic unity. This process is attained and held through the SPIRITUAL.
In this instance we mean spiritual darkness. The substitution of flesh for
spirit or the kingdoms of this world for the kingdom of God is spiritual
darkness and certain bondage to those who believe it. And the Pharisees
said to Christ, "We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to
any man." Christ spoke of their spiritual bondage and they thought
He spoke of chains. Bondage of the spirit renders unnecessary bondage with
chains, and it is out of this truth which determines if man is divided against
himself. And it is with this principle that the world is being put into
chains politically. It must first be evangelized against itself then it
will not rebel from that which it believes, nor indeed can it. After this
SPIRITUAL UNITY is accomplished, the organic unity is sure to follow. In
this is the power of British Israel and it does not even fly the Union Jack
nor need it ever, lest it be overcome with the containment of its vanity
and glory. Nations of the world need not apparently give up their sovereignty,
their flag and their false security for this is like a child with his toys
surrounded by a fence. For though a nation may have its government, its
flag and its Constitution (as the patriots fight for), it is its spirit,
the beliefs of the people, that determines its freedom. It is upon this
plane that we have become justly called the bondage of the free. It is spiritual
darkness which causes us to do evil thinking that we do good. It is spiritual
bondage which causes us to become victims of our own frustrations when we
condemn evil under one name and promote it under another. It is spiritual
bondage which causes us to fight against ourselves and stir up revolution
based on shams, for the main ally of British Israel is the blindness of
those on whom it feeds.
If spiritual unity or the world is attained, physical unity
is a certainty and individual sovereignties, such as the United States once
was, only become a link in the chain that binds them. A house divided against
itself cannot stand and no matter what kind of convulsions it goes into
to save itself, it only adds to the dilemma of its disease. Go to next chapter.
If the spirit of the citizens of a nation is in truth, the
good health of the body politic is a natural consequence and no physical
power on earth can destroy it.
The central theme of capturing the world through British
Israel (spiritual) is to dominate with the CONSENT of the subjects. This
is unlike any world empire before that has held its power with a superior
military machine against the will of the people. World evangelism with British
Israel is bringing about just such a colossus through SPIRITUAL UNITY.
And what is Spiritual unity? Spiritual unity is a belief
or beliefs held in common. For example, the people who make up the Methodist
Church have certain spiritual unity, in that they believe alike. Likewise
the people of the Catholic Church or any other church have spiritual unity
or beliefs in common. When we speak of spiritual unity this could mean united
in truth or united in error, and it is the latter which applies to the fake
Christianity which covers the deceit of the Right Wing. It is the work of
British Israel to carry spiritual unity across denominational lines and
establishes in each church wherever possible, the common belief or common
Bible interpretation that Jesus Christ will unify the world in peace under
His personal rule. Of course when they say that Christ will personally put
down all rebellion and establish world government, they mean in a material
and political sense. Therefore this materialism is just as Communist as
that of Karl Marx. Because one thinks that a materialistic and earthly kingdom
interpretation of the Bible is Christianity does not make it so, but it
does put him in spiritual unity with the Communists whom he wishes to oppose.
Hence he is himself a spiritual Communist because his faith in a world government
on this earth will lead to the same inhuman slavery as Russian Communism.
We say then that the building up of Spiritual Communism (carnal or materialistic
Christianity) within the church and in the form of Christianity is the plot
planned from the start to finally overcome Russian Communism and establish
in its place a Christian Communism or Spiritual Communism. But as long as
the world is in the conflict stage of world revolution, Russian Communism
must be made to appear the mortal enemy to "Fundamental Christianity,"
or as we have termed it, Spiritual Communism. The "Christian"
or Spiritual Communist and their Right Wing patriotism and conservatism
will win over imported Russian Communism, but it will be done in the name
of Christianity. It will be made to appear that world government came in
through the victory of Christianity over evil Communism. What could be more
deceptive than to use Christianity to establish a world Communist state?
It is so, and it is being done with this materialistic, futuristic interpretation
of the Bible. The scheme is to get this earthly kingdom belief into every
church so that spiritual unity can be established upon the belief that world
government is to come and that it is to be Divine.
Now it is impossible to understand Spiritual Communism by
looking at Marxism or at Russia. The idea of spiritual unity as an instrument
of power politics is a gradual Biblical re-educational process leading people
away from their national identity and merging them into a world government
through religion. The British Empire could not be successful with their
world grab unless they could be removed from the blame that would be sure
to come if they operated in their own name. This they have done by operating
in the name of Christianity. World government under the Empire would be
opposed but world government of Christ would not. Therefore spiritual unity
is established at that point where we desire a material world government
(supposedly of Christ) to replace the Constitution of the United States.
Is it not easy to see how sedition can be worked through religion without
so much as a fraction of 200 million people ever suspecting it?
The effort to get people into this common belief or spiritual
unity of the coming world kingdom is the most determined and organized deceit
that has ever been. It would be infantile to attempt to prove this truism
when it is the most obvious thing in the world. Every significant endeavor
of patriotism or Christianity carries this kingdom message. Every patriotic
group in America is promoting deceit when they attempt to teach that Russian
Communism is the real Communism. Russian Communism is bad enough but it
pales into insignificance when almost every church in America is teaching
their people spiritual Communism under cover of Christianity.
Spiritual Communism cannot be fought with foreign aid and
foreign wars for it is of the heart. Spiritual Communism cannot be attacked
by super weapons of war nor is it attacked by the fictitious anti-Communists,
for it is their belief and their faith. World government will not be established
by Russian Communists but it may be brought about through spiritual unity
in the form of Christianity. This is a plan well designed to use America
for its own destruction, but it need not succeed if we can be alerted to
the propaganda of the kingdom message
The established conflict of "Christian Communism"
versus Russian Communism and appropriating the outcome to Divine Will is
the confusion of British Israel. The question of Divine Will intervening
to establish a socialistic kingdom of God on earth is blasphemy to the Christian
faith. Jesus Christ is not the God of this world and His kingdom is not
a kingdom of this world.
This is indeed conquest with consent. It is Satanic. It is
invisible. It is indefensible with military force. It is all powerful. It
is a world super state in complete control of mind and body.
If the people know the truth in Christ they can use their
would-be chains to beat off the synagogue of Satan who would imprison the
world by twisting the Scriptures to fit a scheme of political messianicism
alias world government in the name of Christ.
Our patriots are fighting Communism in every strata of our
society, only to be infected with the same disease in our churches under
the pseudonym of the kingdom of God on earth. They are overjoyed and docile
as a lamb as they are given wholesale doses of this same ideology which
they believe they fight. They are victims of a scheme of predictive prophecy
and political messianicism which is not in the Bible at all. It has never
been the purpose of God to glorify the body but to redeem man from his sin.
If the citizens of this nation can be motivated by British
Israel to give up their freedom and their country, they have become aliens
in their own land while spending billions for defense. British Israel is
brainwashing the people to believe that the chaos in the world is foretold
in the Bible, and further that a New World under God's Law is coming after
this one is destroyed, and that this world government is to be directed
by Christ himself. Students of the Bible should recognize that this is only
the extension of the hopes of the Pharisees who killed Christ because He
refused to satisfy their demands for a worldly glory. So they seek to demote
Christ from His throne in Heaven and dishonor Him with a filthy throne in
Jerusalem in contradiction to His statement that "My kingdom is not
of this world." John 18:36. On this perversion billions are being spent
and many are being deceived while the prophets of Baal work overtime to
make the people believe that God is intervening in history to establish
world government and to oppose it is to dishonor God. The world is literally
being put through the fires of revolution so that the people will work toward
the establishment of this spiritual world superstate in the name of Christ
and at the expense of their own freedom. If we fall for this deceit we are
no better off than the people in India who starve while they worship a cow.
While we brandish the most sophisticated weapons in history
we are not even master in our own house. These very weapons with the blood
of American soldiers are being used to bolster the ramparts of the only
real enemy the United States ever had; the British Empire. We are using
our substance to set the stage for World War III, which event is to fulfill
the perverted prophecies of British Israel and solidify the new British
World. While Americans are taxed to death to support this military machine,
they are bombarded with British Israel propaganda which is more powerful
than the H bomb. When one commits suicide he at least knows his fate. Americans
are adding insult to injury not being content with just suicide. They are
digging their own grave. Only a victim of deceit could destroy himself with
such deliberateness. This indeed is the chicanery of British Israel, and
it is given to us through our churches and great evangelistic movements
In the name of Christianity. When unveiled it is nothing more than political
intrigue to capture this nation by fast capturing its spirit. Laid bare
it is Phariseeism clothed in Christian terminology, built on a system of
Bible interpretation which is designed to cause the people to give up their
country, thinking they will inherit the earth in a glorified theocratic
world state called the kingdom of God on earth.
Against this heresy there is no military defense but the
success of it is a guarantee to the victors beyond any of the wildest imaginations
of past dictators. The difference is in conquest by consent.
The attack is two-pronged as a pincers movement, in the form
of the political on the one hand and the religious or spiritual on the other.
The purpose of the political is to create confusion, war and general chaos
and it is the purpose of the religious to explain it all in Biblical terminology,
thereby giving justification to the plan of British Israel. When man needs
justification for what he does not understand he will generally accept any
scheme of Biblical interpretation.
It is from this viewpoint that we are both captive and captors
of our own debauchery for we are not political or military prisoners of
war. We are ecclesiastical victims which causes us to perpetuate the disease
that has made us sick. We keep those in public office because they utter
for God and country, no matter how they conduct themselves or what kind
of life they live. We are ecclesiastical prisoners of British Israel and
the undefended subjects of the Empire, which is thought to be defunct. We
are subdued to an ideology from which we do not conspire against. That power
which holds us need not govern us or fear us as the people of this nation
are ruled by a principle (spiritual deception) which the human mind cannot
fathom. People think in terms of military power and massive forces, not
understanding that a tiny island can control the world for a thousand years
through spiritual deception. China and India are controlled with this weapon
of spiritual darkness. All developments are calculated to drive men into
this spiritual trap from which they cannot escape. This is a concept which
defies military strategy by decreasing the physical object of attack while
it increases its spiritual power. Like LSD it paralyzes the senses to all
true perspective and encounters no obstacles neutralizing its adversaries.
This is the enigma of British Israel and by nature it must not be a visible
physical power which can be attacked by men and machines. For those who
consider that the British Empire is dead, they should take another look
at its dual nature.
What force pays the bill for this country and the world to
be soaked twenty-four hours a day with this peculiar kingdom of God on earth
British Anglo-Israel theology? The British Empire has been made to appear
dead physically while it extends its power spiritually through American
churches and mammoth evangelistic movements. Unless we grasp this concept
of war we cannot begin to undo the havoc before our eyes which the patriots
believe to be Russian Communism. Communism is simply a hammer to drive us
into this SPIRITUAL trap. If the Empire is gone, whence comes this blanket
of political theology which exalts Britain as the "Covenant" nation
prophesied to rule by 'Divine Right" and "Divine Might"?
The measure of this deception is seen in how the people are beguiled into
helping finance this hoax to their own enslavement.
The prophets of British Israel promise us no peace without
world government and they have a plan to make us beg for "salvation."
We shall he more enslaved than the Egyptians, more oppressed than the Chinese,
our unity more shattered than Germany's, our independence crushed, our property
despoiled, our people lacerated and overrun. We shall be made to bear every
sort of desolation in the name of the "Beast" and "False
Prophet" (see section on the Catholic Church) and then we shall be
"redeemed" by British Israel for Britain and her dominions are
ordained of God to rule the earth under Christ "for the good of the
world" for a thousand years -- so says British Israel and death to
Americans if they believe it. If a people suffer enough hardship they will
jump at any opportunity to extricate themselves from their misery, especially
if they have been prepared for years to believe that it is the Divine Plan
of the Ages.
If our credibility will permit we shall show that the real
power of the British Empire is to be found underneath its cloak of "Fundamental
Christianity" and World Evangelism. It is not necessary and indeed
an illusion that the political and military power of a nation exists in
terms of military might. Mind control propaganda is far more powerful and
it is self-perpetuating upon a tax exempt status and non profit church and
evangelistic organizations who operate "constitutionally" under
the guise of freedom of religion. The criterion for measuring myth and counter-myth,
such as Rhodesia versus the British Empire, is not upon racial, social,
economical, or military considerations per se, but upon the motivating spirit
of the alleged adversaries. Has Rhodesia stopped the kingdom message propaganda
from being broadcast within her borders? Not at all. Then the people of
Rhodesia and the world are being manipulated on fictitious pretensions or
a created crisis. The overshadowing power of any international juggling
of nations is the constant bombardment of the kingdom message.
To recognize power it must be understood in all of its manifestations
and ramifications. Complete power opposes itself even to humiliation in
the eyes of its subjects, so that it emerges from this camouflage to the
apex of absolute domination. The Union Jack is in suspense until it can
be raised in complete power.
We insist that the reader test our revelations here given
and prove it or disprove it according to the reality of the situation in
America today as well as according to Bible truth.
In order for this subject to convince the reader of its validity
he must do that thing which is the farthest from his thinking. He must investigate
the teachings in his own church and/or conservative appeal which seem to
him to be truth. If he discovers in the "church of his choice"
a teaching that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit can
be found outside of Divine Revelation, and in the speculation of men, then
he has become infected with the pantheistic teaching of the worldly church.
And furthermore if he is being taught a political theology that promises
universal salvation and brotherhood in a unified material world state, he
will find this antithetical to the teaching of Jesus Christ, to the Roman
Catholic Church, and to the Protestant Reformers. There is no salvation
to be in a restored earth. It must be through the grace of Christ or not
at all
All information posted on this web site is
the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor
can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer
of your choice for medical care and advice.