The Union Jack (1970) "Conspiracy is invisible otherwise there would be no need for this book. In fact, if conspiracy WERE visible, there would BE no conspiracy."
Anonymous author of The Union Jack, 1988 Printing
Authorship erroneously attributed to Helen Peters
July 10, 2005
[Update November 1, 2005: I've been contacted
by a man named Dave Wilbur who has greater knowledge of the background
and history of Helen Peters than I. He told me that Helen Peters was not the author of The Union Jack, but rather that she promoted the book through her newsletter, 'Defenders of the Republic'. The
Union Jack was published, he said, without identifying the author.
Dave told me that Helen Peters died in 1971 and that her newsletters were
compiled and published into a book of the same title following her death. I'll post more info about Helen Peters as I acquire
it. ...Ken]
[Our thanks to Barney in the UK for encoding our original html files into a single pdf version. This version lacked Chapter 3 because I couldn't find that chapter in the Wayback Machine web archives which I was using as my source in 2005. However, we were contacted by another thoughtful reader who sent me a full and complete version of the Union Jack in pdf form (link posted above) which included the complete notes and observations from Helen Peters.
Our deepest gratitude to that person for their contribution and assistance as well...Ken]
"This Book Proposes to Awaken the Honest Seekers to the Truth that:
1. Conspiracy accomplishes most of its purpose under a "Christian cloak".
2. Conspiracy enlists the "patriots" to promote the conspiracy without their knowing it.
3. World Government is already a fact and all nations have bowed their knee to Baal.
4. Baal has a universal religion to deceive the world -- the Kingdom [of God on Earth] Message.
5. Baal has a world "money" system and it is called monetized debt.
6. The thought police in America have changed our language to deceive us in our own thoughts.
7. The Constitution of the United States of America is an imaginary relic that still deceives the people into believing that they have freedom. The belief that it is still there when it is in fact not there promotes the illusion of freedom.
8. Government is organized crime and continues in power because it has the support of the people. It has the support of the people because they have been humanized through the influence of the Masonic Lodges and the "Church of their choice."
9. The Anglo-American Government has stolen the wealth of the world with their paper "money."
10. The Government owes nothing and pays nothing. It simply issues monetized debt (paper "money") for all goods and services that it wants and continues to roll over and expand debt. Government debt is a polite term for theft.
11. The United States Government does not need to collect taxes from its citizens because the citizens cannot pay taxes with monetized debt, called dollars.
12. The work of the Internal Revenue Service is to regulate and control consumption and to gather information for Big Brother.
13. To keep a nation of willing slaves the Government must control religion, education, and regulate consumption.
14. Governments cannot control and deceive Christians.
15. Governments cannot control people who barter and do not use the paper money debt system. "